Pronunciation: NIGH-neev al-MEER-ah
aka: Maryim, Nana
At the beginning of the series, she is the Wisdom of Emond's Field. She can wield the One Power. Born 973 NE. Her parents were farmers.
Physical Description#
She is slender and barely taller than Mat's shoulder. She has deep brown eyes and she wears her long dark hair in a braid. (TEotW,Ch3) She is about 5'4".
Nynaeve al'Meara by Emily Cleghorn |
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Points of View#
See Nynaeve's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Nynaeve is born in 973 NE. (TDR,Ch51, LoC,Ch48)
- At fourteen, Nynaeve is apprenticed to Mistress Barran shortly after she is orphaned. (TEotW,Earlier, TEotW,Ch21)
- Nynaeve is allowed to braid her hair at age sixteen. (TEotW,Earlier)
- When Nynaeve is sixteen, Nela Thane dares her to steal a plum pudding from Corin Ayellin. Mistress Ayellin catches her and gives her a whipping. (TFoH,Ch55)
- She Heals Egwene of breakbone fever. She has a reaction a week later. (TEotW,Ch21)
- At the annual sheep shearing, Nynaeve and Mistress Barran bandage Bili Congar when he cuts his leg. (TEotW,Earlier)
- When they are thirteen, Rand and Mat steal a jug of apple brandy and Nynaeve switches them for it. (TSR,Ch7)
- Nynaeve serves Emond's Field as Wisdom for about five years. (TDR,Ch28)
- Nynaeve doses Egwene with dogwood tea for moping. (TSR,Ch7)
Beginning of Series#
- Nynaeve and Moiraine meet. (TEotW,Ch2)
- She finds Rand, Mat and Perrin talking about Fain's news. (TEotW,Ch3)
- Nynaeve argues with Bran al'Vere and Cenn Buie after the Council meeting. (TEotW,Ch4)
- Nynaeve examines Tam al'Thor but cannot help him. (TEotW,Ch7)
- Nynaeve meets with the rest of the group. She then has a private talk with Moiraine who quizzes her about the boys. Afterwards, she confirms to Rand that he was born outside the Two Rivers. (TEotW,Ch16)
- Nynaeve and the rest of the group enjoy Thom's stories in the common room. After a Fade confronts Rand, the group flees. At the town gate they are confronted by Whitecloaks before they can escape. (TEotW,Ch17)
Shadar Logoth#
- Nynaeve and the rest of the party ride east for three days. They are attacked by Trollocs and take refuge in Shadar Logoth. (TEotW,Ch18)
- Nynaeve stays in the camp. Lan returns from scouting with news there are Trollocs nearby so they prepare to flee. (TEotW,Ch19)
- As they ride, Mashadar separates Moiraine and Lan from Nynaeve and the rest. Trollocs attack and everyone scatters. (TEotW,Ch20)
Journey to Caemlyn#
- She wakes on the banks of the Arinelle River. She finds Lan and Moiraine. Moiraine tells her that she can wield the One Power. They all ride south in search of the boys. (TEotW,Ch21)
- Nynaeve, Moiraine and Lan arrive in Whitebridge, learn that two of the boys were there and head east. (TEotW,Ch28)
- Nynaeve, Moiraine and Lan head north and find the Whitecloak camp where Egwene and Perrin are imprisoned. Nynaeve sneaks into the camp, brings out Bela and another horse and scatters the rest. (TEotW,Ch37)
- Nynaeve, Moiraine and Lan flee south with Perrin and Egwene. Nynaeve rubs ointment into Perrin's bruises and they heal remarkably fast. (TEotW,Ch38)
- Nynaeve and the others rejoin Rand and Mat at The Queen's Blessing (TEotW,Ch41)
- Rand introduces Perrin, Egwene and Nynaeve to Loial. (TEotW,Ch42)
- Nynaeve participates in planning the trip through the Ways. (TEotW,Ch43)
Fal Dara and the Blight#
- Loial leads Nynaeve and the others to the Waygate. Moiraine opens it and they begin their journey to Fal Dara. (TEotW,Ch44)
- Loial leads Nynaeve and the others through the Ways. They reach the Fal Dara Waygate just in time to escape Machin Shin. (TEotW,Ch45)
- Nynaeve and the others ride to Fal Dara. Ingtar takes them to Lord Agelmar. Padan Fain is brought in. (TEotW,Ch46)
- Lord Agelmar tells Loial and the Emond's Field folks the story of Malkier. Moiraine and Lan return and tell them about Fain. (TEotW,Ch47)
- Nynaeve and the others ride through the Blight. Lan and Nynaeve have a heart to heart talk. (TEotW,Ch48)
- Nynaeve and the others fight their way through the Blight and reach the Green Man's garden. (TEotW,Ch49)
- The Green Man takes them to the Eye of the World. Aginor and Balthamel arrive. Nynaeve tries to attack Aginor, but Balthamel holds her until the Green Man comes. (TEotW,Ch50)
- Rand returns to the clearing where Moiraine, Egwene and Nynaeve are waiting. He tells them all that happened. (TEotW,Ch52)
- Nynaeve and the others return to Fal Dara. (TEotW,Ch53)
- Egwene and Nynaeve occasionally visit Fain. Moiraine did not tell them not to. (TGH,Ch3)
- Nynaeve is sitting with Rand when he wakes. She tells him Egwene went to the dungeon to see Fain. (TGH,Ch6)
- Nynaeve and Lan have another heart to heart talk. He gives her his ring and calls her mashiara. (TGH,Ch8)
Tar Valon#
- Egwene and Nynaeve leave Fal Dara with the Aes Sedai and travel to Medo. The Aes Sedai give them lessons on channeling. (TGH,Ch12)
- Egwene and Nynaeve travel down river to Tar Valon where they are turned over to Sheriam. They get lessons from Siuan on the way. Nynaeve is very seasick. (TGH,Ch18)
- Nynaeve is tested for Accepted. In the three arches she is chased through a maze by Aginor, she sees Emond's Field falling apart without her, and she sees herself married to Lan. (TGH,Ch23)
- The next day she still looks drawn and haunted. (TGH,Ch24)
- Liandrin tells Egwene and Nynaeve that they must accompany he to help Rand. Elayne and Min overhear and plan to come, too. (TGH,Ch38)
Toman Head#
- Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne and Min follow Liandrin through the Ways to Toman Head. (TGH,Ch39)
- Egwene and Min are captured by High Lady Suroth and Egwene is collared. Nynaeve and Elayne escape. (TGH,Ch40)
- Nynaeve and Elayne have located the damane quarters and plan how to free Egwene. (TGH,Ch42)
- Elayne and Nynaeve find Min. They meet with Bayle Domon who agrees to take them away from Falme. (TGH,Ch43)
- Nynaeve, Elayne and Min capture Seta and prepare to use her as a decoy to free Egwene. (TGH,Ch45)
- Nynaeve, Elayne and Min free Egwene, but they are separated in the subsequent battle. (TGH,Ch46)
- Nynaeve is the only one of the four not drawn to Rand. They regroup, find the horses and leave Falme. (TGH,Ch48)
Journey to Tar Valon#
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve begin the journey back to Tar Valon with Verin, Hurin and Mat. (TGH,Ch49)
- Verin, Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve, Hurin and Mat are confronted by Whitecloaks as they near Tar Valon. (TDR,Ch10)
Tar Valon#
- Verin turns Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve over to Sheriam who turns them over to three Accepted. Nynaeve is led to her room by Theodrin. (TDR,Ch11)
- Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne are sent to Siuan for punishment for running away. (TDR,Ch13)
- Siuan secretly sets Egwene and Nynaeve to hunt the Black Ajah. (TDR,Ch14)
- Egwene and Nynaeve are nearly killed by a Gray Man. Sheriam arrives and tells them to go to Nynaeve's room. (TDR,Ch15)
- They find Elayne there with Gawyn and Galad. After the boys leave, Nynaeve tells her about the attempt on her and Egwene's lives and Siuan's plan to hunt the Black Ajah. Elayne agrees to join them. (TDR,Ch16)
- Elaida questions Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne about their disappearance and about Rand. (TDR,Ch17)
- Sheriam takes Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne to the bowels of the White Tower to witness Mat's Healed. (TDR,Ch18)
- Egwene and Elayne both cry on Nynaeve's lap after their Accepted tests. (TDR,Ch23)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve review Verin's information on the Black Ajah. "Else Grinwell" leaves a message for them from Siuan to check out the Black Ajah's belongings. (TDR,Ch25)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve go through the Black Ajah's belongings and find numerous references to Tear. They decide Egwene should use the twisted ring to try to learn more. (TDR,Ch26)
- Elayne and Nynaeve stand guard while Egwene uses the twisted ring. After she wakes and tells them of her experiences, they agree they must go to Tear midday tomorrow. (TDR,Ch27)
- Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne visit Mat with the intent of having him carry a letter from Elayne to Morgase. He agrees if they can get him out of Tar Valon. After some discussion, Nynaeve gives him one of Siuan's executive orders. (TDR,Ch28)
- Siuan visits Nynaeve in the kitchen, sending Egwene and Elayne away with Laras. She tells Nynaeve that Sheriam found another Gray Man and that "Else Grinwell" was a hoax. Egwene and Elayne return and they agree to leave immediately. (TDR,Ch29)
Journey to Tear#
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve sail down the River Erinin River on the Blue Crane. They get stuck on a mud flat and decide to walk to the next town. (TDR,Ch37)
- They meet Aviendha, Bain and Chiad. Nynaeve Heals Dailin (Maiden). (TDR,Ch38)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve are kidnapped on the orders of three Fades. The Aiel rescue them and they continue their trip to Tear. Nynaeve learns balefire. (TDR,Ch39)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve arrive at Tear and stay with Mother Guenna. (TDR,Ch48)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve hire Juilin Sandar to help them find the Black Ajah. (TDR,Ch49)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve are captured by the Black Ajah and taken to the Stone of Tear. (TDR,Ch51)
- Egwene wakes in the cell with Elayne and Nynaeve. They are shielded by Amico. They agree that the twisted ring is their only hope so Nynaeve sings her to sleep. (TDR,Ch54)
- Egwene wakes in the cell and tells Elayne and Nynaeve that Amico is shielded. Their shields are not broken. Egwene prepares to go back to sleep to try again. Mat and Juilin rescue them and Nynaeve knocks out Amico finally breaking their shield. (TDR,Ch55)
- Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Mat listen as Moiraine tells them what is still to come. (TDR,Ch56)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve are pretending to be full Aes Sedai. (TSR,Ch5)
- Egwene and Nynaeve question Amico and Joiya getting two different stories of threats to Rand. (TSR,Ch5)
- Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne and Moiraine discuss the two Black Ajah stories and Rand's lack of action. Moiraine tells them about the twisted red doorway. (TSR,Ch6)
- Egwene and Nynaeve continue to question Amico and Joiya. Nynaeve spends as much time as possible with Lan. (TSR,Ch9)
- Aviendha, Elayne and Nynaeve are with Egwene as she prepares to enter Tel'aran'rhiod. (TSR,Ch11)
- The girls agree that Egwene will go to Rhuidean and Elayne and Nynaeve will go to Tanchico. They update Moiraine on their plans. (TSR,Ch12)
- Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve bid a tearful farewell. Egwene gives Nynaeve the twisted ring. Lan angrily confronts Nynaeve wanting to go with her, but she commands him to stay with Moiraine. (TSR,Ch16)
- On the Wavedancer, Elayne and Nynaeve discuss the gift of passage to Tanchico with Coine and Jorin. (TSR,Ch19)
- Nynaeve is aboard the Wavedancer. (TSR,Ch20)
- Bayle Domon recognizes Elayne and Nynaeve at the docks and takes them, Juilin and Thom to the Three Plum Court. After dunking Elayne for getting drunk, Nynaeve goes to Tel'aran'rhiod. She cannot find Egwene, but she sees Asmodean near Rhuidean, then Slayer in Emond's Field. (TSR,Ch39)
- Floran Gelb tries to kidnap Nynaeve. Egeanin arrives and helps Elayne and Nynaeve defend themselves. They tell Egeanin about channeling and Aes Sedai. Moghedien interviews them. (TSR,Ch46)
- Elayne and Nynaeve dine with Egeanin until Bayle returns and recognizes her. They put her under restraint. (TSR,Ch51)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, the Wise Ones tell Nynaeve about Need. She uses it to find the seal and the sad bracelets. She finds Amathera and Moghedien as well. Back in the real world, she tells the others and they begin planning. (TSR,Ch52)
- Elayne, Nynaeve and Egeanin sneak into the Panarch's Palace. Nynaeve goes for the seal and the sad bracelets. She ends up fighting Moghedien and shields her. (TSR,Ch54)
- Elayne, Nynaeve, Egeanin, Bayle, Juilin and Thom take Amathera, the seal and the sad bracelets back to the Three Plum Court. Elayne, Nynaeve, Juilin and Thom will take the seal back to Tar Valon while Bayle will drop the sad bracelets in the deepest ocean. (TSR,Ch55)
- Elayne, Nynaeve, Thom and Juilin travel across Tarabon to Amadicia. They camp near Mardecin. (TFoH,Ch8)
- Thom and Juilin stay at the camp while Nynaeve and Elayne go for a walk into the village. They go into a seamstress shop that displays a Yellow Ajah signal. Ronde Macura drugs them with forkroot. (TFoH,Ch9)
- Thom and Juilin rescue Elayne and Nynaeve. Now suspicious of the White Tower, they adopt disguises and continue across Amadicia. (TFoH,Ch10)
- Elayne, Nynaeve, Thom and Juilin travel across Amadicia and stop at The Light of Truth in Sienda after passing Valan Luca's circus. (TFoH,Ch13)
- Nynaeve goes to the Heart of the Stone in Tel'aran'rhiod where Birgitte tells her that she has seen many of the Forsaken, but not Moghedien. After she leaves, Egwene and Melaine arrive and they exchange news. (TFoH,Ch14)
- Egwene and Nynaeve then go to the Amyrlin's study in the White Tower where they learn that Elaida is now Amyrlin. Nynaeve admits to Egwene that Ronde Macura drugged her and Thom and Juilin had to rescue them. (TFoH,Ch15)
- Galad confronts Elayne and Nynaeve in the common room of the inn. They refuse to accompany him to Caemlyn. They find Thom and Juilin and plan to leave immediately to find Valan Luca's circus. (TFoH,Ch16)
- Elayne, Nynaeve, Thom and Juilin sneak out of the inn and find Valan Luca's circus. He charges them heavily and makes them perform if they are to accompany him to Ghealdan. Elayne and Nynaeve confront Cerandin who admits she is Seanchan. (TFoH,Ch17)
- Nynaeve invites the Chavanas to dinner. When they flirt with her, Latelle attacks her and she beats up Latelle. Cerandin gives Nynaeve and Elayne an a'dam. (TFoH,Ch24)
- Valan Luca blames Nynaeve for the fight and makes her apologize to Latelle. (TFoH,Ch25)
- They travel north with the circus to the Eldar River. Nynaeve becomes the target of Thom's knives and Luca's love. Nynaeve has a spat with Cerandin while questioning her. (TFoH,Ch33)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, Nynaeve and Birgitte spy on Moghedien and the other Forsaken. Moghedien detects them, injuring Birgitte and trapping Nynaeve. Birgitte wounds Moghedien, freeing Nynaeve, but Moghedien then casts Birgitte out of Tel'aran'rhiod. (TFoH,Ch34)
- Nynaeve wakes in tears as Thom and Juilin carry Birgitte into the wagon. Nynaeve's Healed cannot stop her dying, but Elayne's bonding does. Nynaeve goes out for a walk. (TFoH,Ch35)
- Nynaeve feels responsible for Birgitte, which angers Birgitte. When Birgitte demonstrates her skill at archery, Nynaeve becomes the target of her arrows. (TFoH,Ch36)
- Still angry, Birgitte tries to goad Nynaeve into anger and eventually drives her from the wagon. In the circus, Nynaeve spots Uno and follows him out. (TFoH,Ch37)
- Uno tells Nynaeve about their trip from the Mountains of Mist and that Masema is the Prophet. He offers to take her to him. (TFoH,Ch38)
- Uno and Ragan take Nynaeve to see Masema. He agrees to find a boat for her to take her to Rand. On the way out of town she spots Galad. (TFoH,Ch39)
- Galad also agrees to find Nynaeve a boat. She returns to the circus and tells Elayne. Then she performs her act letting Birgitte outline her with arrows. This leaves her a quivering wreck. (TFoH,Ch40)
- Uno, then Galad, arrive at the circus and tell Nynaeve, Elayne and Birgitte that there is a riverboat at Samara. As Nynaeve gets ready to leave, Valan Luca proposes to her. (TFoH,Ch47)
- Galad, Uno and the rest of the Shienarans accompany Nynaeve, Elayne, Birgitte, Thom and Juilin into Samara. They have to fight their way through a mob. They board the Riverserpent. (TFoH,Ch48)
- Nynaeve, Elayne, Birgitte, Thom, Juilin and the Shienarans travel from Samara to Boannda and on to Salidar on the Riverserpent. Nynaeve befriends Nicola, Areina and Marigan. Elayne and Nynaeve meet with Egwene and Amys in Tel'aran'rhiod. (TFoH,Ch49)
- Nynaeve, Elayne, Thom, Juilin, Birgitte, Areina, Nicola, Marigan, Uno, Ragan and the rest of the Shienarans arrive at Salidar. (TFoH,Ch50)
- Nynaeve and Elayne spend much of their time taking the Salidar Aes Sedai leaders to Tel'aran'rhiod. (TFoH,Ch54)
- Nynaeve takes Siuan for a lesson in Tel'aran'rhiod. Moghedien spots her and traps her, then traps Birgitte when she comes to help. Nynaeve succeeds in collaring her with an a'dam. Moghedien tells her that Rand is walking into a trap in Caemlyn. (TFoH,Ch54)
- Nynaeve and Moghedien go to the Royal Palace. Nynaeve flash fries Rahvin allowing Rand to balefire him. After a brief talk, Nynaeve puts Moghedien to sleep. She now knows that Moghedien is in Salidar. (TFoH,Ch55)
- Elayne and Nynaeve make many "discoveries" with Moghedien's aid. These include inverting weaves, Illusion, hiding one's ability to channel, invisibility and eavesdropping. (LoC,Prologue)
- Nynaeve uses the a'dam and Moghedien as a surrogate to study Siuan and Leane. (LoC,Prologue)
- Nynaeve and Elayne take Siuan, Leane, Anaiya, Beonin, Carlinya, Morvrin, Myrelle and Sheriam to the White Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod. Nynaeve is sent to follow Leane around Tar Valon. (LoC,Ch7)
- Nynaeve wanders the streets of Salidar trying to figure out what she should do. (LoC,Ch8)
- Nynaeve walks the streets of Salidar wishing she could leave. She eavesdrops on the Salidar Aes Sedai leaders in the Little Tower and gets caught by Theodrin. (LoC,Ch12)
- Nynaeve has a really bad session with Theodrin. Elayne and Nynaeve use Need in Tel'aran'rhiod to find something to keep the Salidar Aes Sedai from Elaida and tie them to Rand. They find an *angreal storeroom in the White Tower, then they find the Bowl of the Winds in Ebou Dar. (LoC,Ch13)
- Anaiya leads a circle including Elayne, Nynaeve, Nicola, Ashmanaille, Bharatine, Angla, Lanita, Shimoku and Calindin when a bubble of evil attacks Salidar. (LoC,Ch14)
- Nynaeve, Elayne and Siuan watch the ceremony as Tarna Feir leaves Salidar. Afterwards, Elayne and Nynaeve tell Sheriam, Carlinya and Morvrin about the Bowl of the Winds. The Aes Sedai will not even consider letting the girls go to Ebou Dar and Nynaeve explodes earning them extended kitchen duty. (LoC,Ch15)
- Nynaeve and Elayne greet Thom and Juilin when they return from their mission. They go to Logain's cabin for Nynaeve to do some more studying. Nynaeve accidentally Heals Logain. (LoC,Ch29)
- The Aes Sedai take Nynaeve to the Little Tower where she Heals Siuan and Leane. The Yellow Ajah badgers her the rest of the day. Nynaeve and Elayne meet with Siuan and Leane after they are Aes Sedai again and agree to continue their working relationship. (LoC,Ch30)
- As her first act as the new Amyrlin], Egwene raises Theodrin Dabei, Faolain Orande, Elayne Trakand and Nynaeve al'Meara to full Aes Sedai. Elayne and Nynaeve tell her about the Bowl. (LoC,Ch36)
- Elayne and Nynaeve introduce Egwene to Moghedien and give her the a'dam bracelet. Egwene enlists Elayne, Nynaeve and Siuan in her plans. (LoC,Ch37)
- Mat is stunned to find that Egwene is Amyrlin. In turn, Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve are shocked when Egwene's weaves melt as they touch Mat. (LoC,Ch38)
- Nynaeve kicks Mat, then he threatens her. Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve put Mat in his place then Egwene tells the other two that she will send Mat along with them to Ebou Dar. Nynaeve then leaves to discuss lost Talents with Janya. (LoC,Ch39)
Ebou Dar#
- Elayne opens a gateway then she and Nynaeve begin their trip to Ebou Dar accompanied by Mat, Thom, Juilin, Birgitte, Adeleas, Vandene and others. (LoC,Ch44)
- Elayne and Nynaeve travel to Ebou Dar accompanied by Mat and the others. Nynaeve avoids Mat. They arrive at the Tarasin Palace. (LoC,Ch47)
- Elayne and Nynaeve are introduced to Merilille then have an audience with Queen Tylin. On the way to the audience, they see Jaichim Carridin. (LoC,Ch48)
- Nynaeve and Aviendha search the Rahad for the Bowl of the Winds. Elayne and Birgitte also team up for the search. (LoC,Ch52)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, Egwene tells Nynaeve and Elayne that Perrin and Faile are married and are in Cairhien. Loial and Min are there, too. (LoC,Ch52)
- Egwene visits Nynaeve's and Elayne's dreams telling them to keep after Bowl, about the problem with Nicola and Areina, and that Moghedien is gone. (ACoS,Ch10)
- Elayne, Nynaeve, Aviendha and Birgitte visit the Sea Folk to ask for help in using the Bowl of the Winds. (ACoS,Ch13)
- Elayne, Nynaeve and Aviendha wait in the Tarasin Palace for Birgitte to return. Elayne starts acting wild as Birgitte gets drunk. (ACoS,Ch21)
- Elayne and Nynaeve visit The Wandering Woman and apologize to Mat. They tell him about the Bowl of the Winds. They run into Setalle Anan who says she will take "runaways" to some women who can help them. (ACoS,Ch22)
- Setalle takes Elayne and Nynaeve to Reanne Corly and the Kin. They are not meek enough so they are thrown out. (ACoS,Ch23)
- Elayne wonders how old Reanne is since she is a strong channeler yet shows age. Elayne and Nynaeve are attacked on their way back to the Tarasin Palace. Nynaeve Heals Elayne. (ACoS,Ch24)
- Elayne and Nynaeve return to the Tarasin Palace and send Mat to watch the Kin house. (ACoS,Ch28)
- Nynaeve is on a boat on her way for more negotiations with the Mistress of the Ships. Suddenly she is underwater and drowning. She finally gives up, her block breaks, and she can channel freely. Lan rescues her. They proceed to the Sea Folk ship and are married. (ACoS,Ch31)
- Nynaeve and Lan return to the Tarasin Palace with twenty Sea Folk Windfinders. The next morning they join the expedition to get the Bowl. (ACoS,Ch37)
- Nynaeve and her companions reach the six story building. She stays downstairs. They are attacked by Falion and Ispan but defeat them. She goes upstairs to help Heal those injured by the gholam. (ACoS,Ch38)
- Nynaeve, Elayne and Mat meet with the five Salidar Aes Sedai, the Kin, and the Sea Folk Windfinders to discuss the use of the Bowl of the Winds. They prepare to leave immediately. (ACoS,Ch39)
- Nynaeve tries to warn Teslyn of the coming danger but she will not listen. In the Tarasin Palace stableyard she goes through Aviendha's gateway to the farm. (TPoD,Ch1)
- Once through the gateway Nynaeve begins looking for Lan. She helps Elayne sort through the booty. (TPoD,Ch2)
- Nynaeve rides with Lan as they head from the gateway to the farm. (TPoD,Ch3)
- Nynaeve Heals the Windfinders of their riding bruises. (TPoD,Ch4)
- Nynaeve participates in the circle that uses the Bowl of the Winds to fix the weather. She uses the bracelet and rings angreal (TPoD,Ch5)
- Nynaeve and the rest of the party Travel with Elayne to Andor when the Seanchan attack the farm. (TPoD,Ch6)
- Nynaeve and the rest of the party travel across Andor with Elayne toward Caemlyn. Elayne and Nynaeve report to Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod. (TPoD,Ch20)
- Nynaeve and the rest of the party travel with Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. (TPoD,Ch28)
- Reanne, Nynaeve and Vandene make plans to rescue the Kin from Seanchan held territory. (WH,Prologue)
- Nynaeve and Lan meet Elayne in the Royal Palace and take her to Reanne. (WH,Ch8)
- After the attack on Elayne, Nynaeve Heals Dyelin then gives Elayne something to make her sleep. They meet with Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod and catch Slayer spying on them. (WH,Ch10)
- Nynaeve has a tough lesson with the Windfinders. Lan joins her has she goes back to her rooms where they find Rand waiting. She agrees to help him use the giant statues, but only if she and Lan can go with him now. (WH,Ch11)
- Nynaeve, Lan and Alivia leave the Royal Palace with Rand and Min. Nynaeve takes some of the angreal and ter'angreal from the Ebou Dar stash. (WH,Ch12)
Far Madding#
- Nynaeve wears the bracelet and rings and the jewelry set in Far Madding even though they make her stand out. She and Lan pack quickly when Rand tells them of the failed attack by Rochaid and Kisman. (WH,Ch22)
- Alivia, Min and Nynaeve go riding with Cadsuane. Nynaeve thinks she and Cadsuane can iron out their differences. Rand returns to the inn and tells them he is leaving tomorrow. (WH,Ch32)
- Rand, Lan and Nynaeve go to Blue Carp Street. Nynaeve uses her Well to lift Rand and Lan to the roof of the building, then waits below. (WH,Ch33)
- Alivia, Min and Cadsuane drag Nynaeve from Blue Carp Street. That night, they go with the other Aes Sedai and the Asha'man to the Hall of the Counsels where Cadsuane bullies them into releasing Rand and Lan. (WH,Ch34)
Shadar Logoth#
- Nynaeve and Lan accompany Rand, Cadsuane and the others from Far Madding to Shadar Logoth. Rand and Nynaeve link and cleanse the taint on saidin while Cadsuane and the others hold off the Forsaken. After it is over, Rand and Nynaeve are unconscious. (WH,Ch35)
Tear #
- Nynaeve and Lan accompany Cadsuane and Rand to the Pendaloan estate in eastern Tear to recuperate. (CoT,Ch23)
- Nynaeve watches as Lan gives Jahar a lesson at sword practice. She still wears the bracelet and rings and the jewelry set. (CoT,Ch23)
- Rand eats lunch with Min, Nynaeve, Cadsuane, Verin, Alivia and Loial. Nynaeve delves Rand when he gets dizzy. She feels a terrible storm coming. (KoD,Ch18)
- Nynaeve extracts a promise from Lan that he will accept followers and ride straight to Fal Moran if she takes him to the Borderlands. She then takes him to World's End at the west coast of Saldaea. (KoD,Ch20)
- Nynaeve spreads word through the Borderlands that Lan is riding. She gives them a heads up to watch for Mandarb as he might disguise himself. (ToM,Ch42)
- Min, Cadsuane, Alivia and Nynaeve accompany Rand on his visit to the Stone of Tear. (KoD,Ch21)
- Rand Travels to Altara with a large party of Asha'man, Aes Sedai, Saldaeans and Maidens. Rand rides to the meeting with Cadsuane, Nynaeve, Logain, Jahar Narishma, Donalo Sandomere and Min. After Semirhage blows off Rand's left hand with a fireball, Nynaeve Heals it to a stump. (KoD,Ch27)
- Nynaeve, Cadsuane, Logain and Merise are with Rand when he returns the sul'dam and damane to Ebou Dar. (TGS,Prologue)
- Cadsuane, Nynaeve and Alivia report to Rand that they have learned nothing questioning Semirhage. (TGS,Ch1)
- Nynaeve kills time practicing weaves with Daigian. She sees Cadsuane hurrying across the green and follows to a meeting. Rand meets with the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones, clan chiefs and Bashere to discuss the plan for Arad Doman. (TGS,Ch7)
- Nynaeve and others meet with Rand after his bout with Semirhage. (TGS,Ch23)
- Nynaeve rides through Bandar Eban with Rand. She tries to talk him into supporting Lan but he refuses. She tells him he is destroying himself and he explodes at her. (TGS,Ch31)
- Nynaeve, Merise, Cadsuane, Corele and Damer Flinn watch the procession of ghosts from the city walls of Bandar Eban. Afterwards, she concocts a plan to help Rand. She finds Milisair Chadmar's dungeon and saves her from poisoning. She also captures Kerb who can lead them to Graendal. (TGS,Ch32)
- Nynaeve wakes Rand and Min with news. Rand coaches her on how to remove the Compulsion on Kerb and she does. He reveals Graendal's location. Rand says he will deal with the Seanchan, then with Graendal. (TGS,Ch33)
- Rand meets with the Daughter of the Nine Moons accompanied by Nynaeve, three Wise Ones, Corele, Narishma and Flinn. She surprises him with knowledge of Mat. Nynaeve surprises everyone by angrily defending Mat. (TGS,Ch35)
- Rand takes Min, Nynaeve, and Piqor Ramshalan with him to Natrin's Barrow, Graendal's stronghold. He sends in Piqor Ramshalan to negotiate and he comes back under Compulsion. Rand uses the access key to balefire the entire palace, horrifying Nynaeve and Min, but Piqor Ramshalan's Compulsion is now gone. Back at Bandar Eban, Min and Nynaeve report to Cadsuane and the Wise Ones. Nynaeve demands to be part of their plans and Cadsuane tells her to locate Perrin. (TGS,Ch37)
- Through the bird's eyes, Graendal recognizes Rand and Nynaeve outside Natrin's Barrow. (ToM,Prologue)
- Nynaeve and Cadsuane are not at the manor when Rand relocates to the Stone of Tear. (TGS,Ch42)
- Rand, Nynaeve, Narishma and Naeff ride a meeting with the Borderlands's representative. It turns out to be Hurin. When Rand learns that they want him to come into Far Madding he almost destroys the entire army, but Nynaeve stops him. He tells Nynaeve where to find Perrin. Back at the Stone of Tear, Nynaeve reports to Cadsuane, Min, Merise and Corele. (TGS,Ch44)
- Min discusses her thoughts on Callandor with Cadsuane, Nynaeve and the other Aes Sedai. Tam bursts in and angrily recounts his meeting with Rand. (TGS,Ch48)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, Egwene visits the dreams of Elayne and Nynaeve ordering them to meet her in two nights. (ToM,Ch3)
- Nynaeve is frantic over Rand but Min knows something wonderful happened. Cadsuane sends for them with news that Alanna disappeared. Rand returns. (ToM,Ch12)
- Corele, Merise, Flinn, Narishma, Nynaeve, Min and others join Rand upon his return. (ToM,Ch13)
- Egwene meets with Elayne and Nynaeve in Tel'aran'rhiod. She updates them on Rand's plans. Black Ajah sisters attack them. Egwene demands that Nynaeve return to the White Tower to take her test for the shawl. (ToM,Ch14)
- Nynaeve and Naeff investigate a bubble of evil that turns a section of Tear to dust. She delves him and finds a black web on his brain. She successfully removes it and his madness is gone. (ToM,Ch15)
- Nynaeve returns to the White Tower and takes her test for the shawl. She lets her emotions run and barely passes in a split vote. She immediately Travels to the Black Tower and coerces Myrelle into passing Lan's bond to her. (ToM,Ch20)
- Egwene meets with Siuan and Nynaeve to discuss Rand and other events. They set up a plan to trap Mesaana. (ToM,Ch33)
- Nynaeve, Siuan and others act as lookouts waiting for the Black Ajah to attack. (ToM,Ch36)
- When the Black Ajah attacks, only Aes Sedai Egwene, Nynaeve, Leane and Siuan remain to fight. (ToM,Ch37)
- After defeating Mesaana, Egwene brings the limp form back to the upper floors of the White Tower where Nynaeve, Leane, Siuan and the Wise Ones wait. (ToM,Ch38)
Field of Merrilor#
- Leilwin and Bayle Domon slip through a gateway from Tar Valon to the Field of Merrilor. Nynaeve berates her for giving Suroth and Semirhage the sad bracelets then takes them to Egwene. Nynaeve heals Talmanes. (AMoL,Prologue)
- Egwene, King Easar from Shienar, King Alsalam from Arad Doman, Elayne from Andor, Cadsuane, Min, Perrin, Faile, Nynaeve, King Roedran from Murandy, Gregorin from Illainer, King Paitar from Arafel, King Darlin from Tear, Queen Tenobia from Saldaea, Queen Alliandre from Ghealdan and Berelain from Mayene all attend Rand's meeting at the Field of Merrilor. (AMoL,Ch5)
- Nynaeve gives a huge hug to Moiraine. (AMoL,Ch6)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Eye of the World
- TEotW,Ch1 - Wit Congar complains that Nynaeve is too young to be Wisdom.
- TEotW,Ch13 - Moiraine lets slip to Egwene that there is another channeler in Emond's Field but does not reveal that it is Nynaeve.
- TEotW,Ch51 - Ba'alzamon shows Rand a vision of Egwene and Nynaeve.
- In The Great Hunt
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Ch6 - As Min leaves for Tar Valon, she asks Lan if he has a message for Nynaeve. He responds that he will say anything that needs to be said directly.
- TDR,Ch9 - Feeling sick after channeling, Rand wishes Moiraine or Nynaeve were around to Heal him.
- TDR,Ch12 - Siuan orders Verin to tell her every detail about Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve.
- TDR,Ch19 - Mat recalls Egwene and Nynaeve bringing him to Tar Valon.
- TDR,Ch20 - Mat wants to say goodbye to Egwene and Nynaeve before he leaves Tar Valon.
- TDR,Ch22 - With some fear, Egwene recalls Nynaeve's reaction to her Accepted test.
- TDR,Ch24 - Mat still intends to say goodbye to Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne before he leaves Tar Valon.
- TDR,Ch28 - Mat remembers Nynaeve checking his health for at least five years.
- TDR,Ch30 - As soon as Nynaeve and the others leave, Mat begins planning his escape.
- TDR,Ch32 - Rand dreams of Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne being trapped.
- TDR,Ch43 - Perrin dreams of Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve walking into a cage and closing the door behind them. Liandrin laughs at them and Lanfear laughs at her.
- TDR,Ch49 - Mat dreams of Be'lal weaving a net around Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve.
- TDR,Ch51 - Nynaeve is seven years older than Egwene.
- TDR,Ch52 - Mother Guenna tells Mat that Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve were taken to the Stone of Tear.
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch1 - Gawyn tells Min that Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve arrived at the White Tower with Verin, then disappeared again.
- TSR,Ch7 - Rand and Egwene exchange fond memories of switchings from Nynaeve.
- TSR,Ch17 - Moiraine bribes Thom into accompanying Elayne and Nynaeve to Tanchico.
- TSR,Ch21 - Moiraine thinks Nynaeve may get Lan, but only after she is dead.
- TSR,Ch21 - Moiraine thinks Elayne and Nynaeve are on a wild goose chase in Tanchico, but Thom will take care of them.
- TSR,Ch28 - Perrin dreams that Nynaeve and Elayne stalked cautiously through a demented landscape of twisted, shadowed buildings, hunting some dangerous beast.
- TSR,Ch29 - Perrin tells Marin al'Vere that Egwene and Nynaeve are safe and are studying to be Aes Sedai.
- TSR,Ch35 - In Tel'aran'rhiod, Elayne tells Egwene that she and Nynaeve will be in Tanchico in two or three days.
- TSR,Ch46 - Nynaeve's mother was a farmwife. Her father herded sheep and grew tabac.
- TSR,Ch53 - Perrin dreams that Egwene stood among a crowd of women, fear in her eyes; slowly the women knelt around her. Nynaeve was one of them, and he believed he saw Elayne's red-gold hair.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch5 - Egwene has been dreamwalking, but she has not yet succeeded in finding Elayne's and Nynaeve's dreams.
- TFoH,Ch7 - Moiraine thinks to herself that she has arranged for Lan to be with Nynaeve.
- TFoH,Ch18 - Liandrin knows that Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve were responsible for the deaths of Joiya and Amico.
- TFoH,Ch18 - Moghedien sets Liandrin and others of the Black Ajah to hunt for Nynaeve and tells them she was in Sienda two days ago.
- TFoH,Ch20 - Moiraine tells Rand to trust no Aes Sedai except herself, Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve.
- TFoH,Ch23 - Egwene thinks Sorilea is much tougher than Nynaeve.
- TFoH,Ch24 - Elayne tells Egwene about Nynaeve's troubles with Latelle.
- TFoH,Ch25 - Egwene wants to learn to identify Elayne's and Nynaeve's dreams so she can contact them more directly.
- TFoH,Ch25 - Moghedien spies on Elayne in hopes that she will lead her to Nynaeve.
- TFoH,Ch31 - When he is with Aviendha, Rand recalls what happened to Kimry Lewin and Bar Dowtry when Nynaeve caught them in his father's barn.
- TFoH,Ch34 - Moghedien tells Chesmal that Nynaeve is with a menagerie. Chesmal tells her there are lots heading north into Ghealdan. Moghedien orders Chesmal to follow her to Ghealdan.
- TFoH,Ch53 - Before he leaves, Lan asks Rand to tell Nynaeve to forget him.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Epilogue - Elayne and Nynaeve are gone from the Tarasin Palace in Ebou Dar again.
- LoC,Ch10 - The Two Rivers girls ask Rand lots of questions about Mat, Egwene and Nynaeve.
- LoC,Ch16 - Rand thinks that he can only trust Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve.
- LoC,Ch18 - Egwene asks Rand to intercede with the Wise Ones to take her back to Tel'aran'rhiod. She is desperate to return "legally" so she can meet with Elayne and Nynaeve.
- LoC,Ch22 - As he juggles, Mat wonders how Thom is doing and thinks that Elayne and Nynaeve probably got him killed.
- LoC,Ch27 - Egwene dreams of approaching Elayne and Nynaeve; every time one of them said a word, they tripped and fell on their faces or dropped a cup or plate or knocked over a vase, always something that shattered on impact.
- LoC,Ch32 - Egwene really wants to talk with Elayne and Nynaeve but she is afraid to because of her dream.
- LoC,Ch34 - Sheriam tells Egwene the Nynaeve Healed Siuan.
- LoC,Ch40 - Thom tells Mat that he and Juilin will accompany Elayne and Nynaeve to Ebou Dar.
- LoC,Ch48 - Nynaeve is twenty-six, pinning her year of birth as 973 NE.
- LoC,Ch53 - Galina knew of Min when she was first in the White Tower with Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne.
- In A Crown of Swords
- ACoS,Prologue - Tarna Feir's report to Elaida on the Salidar Aes Sedai noted that Elayne, Nynaeve, Siuan and Logain are there. Alviarin reports that Gray Ajah spies have seen Elayne, Nynaeve, Aviendha, and Birgitte in Ebou Dar.
- ACoS,Ch8 - When Sheriam notices her a'dam bracelet, Egwene tells her it was a going away gift from Elayne and Nynaeve.
- ACoS,Ch9 - Nicola and Areina try to blackmail Egwene saying they overheard Thom and Juilin say Nynaeve and Elayne were pretending to be Aes Sedai.
- ACoS,Ch12 - Myrelle tells Egwene she will pass Lan's bond to Nynaeve. She says she began readying Nynaeve as soon as she felt the bond pass to her. Egwene sends Lan to Ebou Dar to protect Nynaeve.
- ACoS,Ch13 - Mat promised Rand to bring Elayne to Caemlyn with Egwene and Nynaeve, then promised Egwene to keep Nynaeve and Elayne safe in Ebou Dar.
- ACoS,Ch14 - Mat worries that if Olver gets hurt he will catch it from Mistress Anan, Elayne, Nynaeve, Birgitte and Aviendha.
- ACoS,Ch16 - Mat leaves a note at the Tarasin Palace for Elayne and Nynaeve warning them about Carridin.
- ACoS,Ch17 - Mat finds a note in his pocket warning him that Elayne and Nynaeve are taking too many risks.
- ACoS,Ch17 - Joline thinks Elaida is angry about Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve mainly because they are stronger than she.
- ACoS,Ch17 - Teslyn wants to take Elayne, Nynaeve, Mat, and Aviendha to Elaida.
- ACoS,Ch17 - Since they have not found the *angreal stash, Falion and Ispan consider kidnapping Nynaeve and Elayne to appease Moghedien.
- ACoS,Ch30 - Moghedien sees Nynaeve board a boat. She runs to the roof of a building and balefires the boat slicing it in half.
- ACoS,Ch33 - Rand has nightmares about Alviarin, Elaida, Egwene, Nynaeve and all the Aes Sedai standing against him.
- ACoS,Ch37 - Mat's main driving force is to bring Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Aviendha to Rand in Caemlyn.
- In The Path of Daggers
- TPoD,Ch2 - The gholam was ordered to kill Elayne, Nynaeve and Mat, but chooses to go after the women as they are an easier target.
- TPoD,Ch16 - Lelaine wants Elayne and Nynaeve to pass a message to Merilille to contact the Sea Folk in Caemlyn.
- TPoD,Ch21 - Rand wants to talk to Nynaeve about cleansing saidin.
- TPoD,Ch30 - Sharina Melloy, a grandmother who has joined the Salidar Aes Sedai as a novices, has even more potential than Nynaeve.
- In Winter's Heart
- WH,Ch18 - Setalle Anan asks Mat how Elayne and Nynaeve are doing.
- WH,Ch19 - Teslyn left Mat the warning note about Elayne and Nynaeve in order to frustrate Elaida's plans.
- WH,Ch26 - Since Nynaeve and Merilille are gone, Elayne has to teach the Windfinders.
- WH,Ch29 - Egeanin tells Mat that she helped Elayne and Nynaeve in Tanchico.
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Ch8 - When the powerful channeling to the north erupts, Perrin sees an image of Rand and Nynaeve facing each other.
- CoT,Ch12 - Elayne wonders if Galad still fancies Nynaeve.
- CoT,Ch20 - Lately Nynaeve has been ignoring Egwene in the place of dreams.
- CoT,Ch30 - The Yellow Ajah is excited about a rumor from Cairhien that is somehow connected to Nynaeve.
- In Knife of Dreams
- KoD,Prologue - Egwene tries to remember what Nynaeve told her about forkroot.
- KoD,Ch1 - Siuan's ability at Healing is improved since Nynaeve Healed her.
- KoD,Ch2 - The Salidar Aes Sedai are still queasy about mentioning stilling even after Nynaeve Healed Siuan and Leane.
- KoD,Ch8 - Mat knows that Mother Darvale is the wisdom of Runnien Crossing. She acts like a much older version of Nynaeve.
- KoD,Ch10 - In her letter to Thom, Moiraine says she wishes the best for Lan and Nynaeve.
- KoD,Ch13 - Elayne thinks Nynaeve put too much backbone into the Kin.
- KoD,Ch15 - Birgitte sometimes tugs her braid almost like Nynaeve.
- KoD,Ch19 - Loial wants someone to accompany him to see his mother but he is too nervous to ask Nynaeve or Verin.
- KoD,Ch21 - Rand thinks that all Aes Sedai have their own agendas like Nynaeve and Verin.
- KoD,Ch23 - Many of the Salidar Aes Sedai new novices are adept at Nynaeve's new form of Healing.
- In The Gathering Storm
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Prologue - Lan thinks Nynaeve has learned to talk and think like Aes Sedai.
- ToM,Ch17 - In discussing their future with Elayne, the Kin remind her that Egwene and Nynaeve promised that they could go to Tar Valon.
- ToM,Ch38 - When Mesaana collars Egwene, she thinks this was the same way Elayne and Nynaeve captured Moghedien.
- ToM,Ch42 - Lan is aware that Nynaeve now holds his bond. Her passion and her kindness are remarkable.
- ToM,Ch44 - Perrin excitedly asks Mat how the others are, Thom and Nynaeve.
- ToM,Epilogue - Lan sends a final thought of love to Nynaeve as his army charges the Shadowspawn at Tarwin's Gap.
- In A Memory of Light