A Maiden of the Spear who is becoming a Wise One. She is of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. She can channel strongly and has Talents of Unweaving and Reading Residues.
Physical Description#
She is tall and lovely with blue-green eyes. Her reddish hair is short with a tail in the back. (TDR,Ch38) Her hair is now just short of her shoulders. (TFoH,Ch4) She is about 5'8" or 5'9".

Points of View#
See Aviendha's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Aviendha is born in 980 NE. (TPoD,Prologue)
The Hunt for He Who Comes With the Dawn#
- Aviendha, Jolien, Dailin, Bain and Chiad are among the last Aiel sent by the Wise Ones to hunt for He Who Comes With the Dawn. (TDR,Ch39)
- Aviendha meets Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve and asks them to help Dailin. (TDR,Ch38)
- Aviendha follows Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve, sees them captured, and leads the Aiel to rescue them from the brigands and Fades. (TDR,Ch39)
- Mat meets Aviendha, Bain and Chiad in the Stone of Tear and gets into trouble trying to flirt with them. (TDR,Ch56)
- Aviendha is with Egwene and Nynaeve while they question Amico and Joiya. (TSR,Ch5)
- Aviendha is in the room with Egwene and Nynaeve when Moiraine and Elayne return and discuss what happened to Rand. (TSR,Ch6)
- Aviendha and Egwene start to become friends. (TSR,Ch9)
- Aviendha, Elayne and Nynaeve are with Egwene as she prepares to enter Tel'aran'rhiod. (TSR,Ch11)
- When Egwene reports that she met Amys, Aviendha tells them about her relationship. She reacts very badly when Moiraine tells her that Amys, Bair, Melaine and Seana have ordered her to Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch12)
- Aviendha helps Egwene prepare for the trip to Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch16)
- Egwene asks Aviendha to look after Rand for Elayne. (TFoH,Ch5)
Aiel Waste#
- Rand leads Moiraine, Lan, Mat, Egwene, Rhuarc, Aviendha and the rest of the Aiel to a Portal Stone and channels them to the Aiel Waste. (TSR,Ch22)
- On Chaendaer, Rand and his party are greeted by Wise Ones Amys, Bair, Melaine and Seana. After the men are gone, the Wise Ones send Aviendha to Rhuidean to begin her training. (TSR,Ch23)
- In the three rings, Aviendha learns that she will be romantically involved with Rand. (TFoH,Ch31)
- Aviendha returns from Rhuidean mid-afternoon and stares hatefully at Rand. (TSR,Ch34)
- In the sweat tents, Wise Ones discuss what to do about Rand. They decide to have Aviendha stay close to him, which absolutely infuriates her. (TSR,Ch35)
- On the journey from Chaendaer to Imre Stand, Aviendha walks beside Rand and lectures him. (TSR,Ch36)
- After the Trolloc attack at Imre Stand, Aviendha sits outside Rand's tent all night. (TSR,Ch37)
- Aviendha continues to teach Rand on the trip to Cold Rocks Hold. The Wise Ones teach her to channel. (TSR,Ch48)
- As they reach Cold Rocks Hold, Aviendha instructs Rand on proper behavior. She is rude and sullen at dinner. (TSR,Ch49)
- Aviendha beats rugs as punishment for her behavior. Rand gives her a bracelet in hopes of making peace. She tells him the Maidens will now think he is courting her. (TSR,Ch50)
- After the Trolloc and Draghkar attack, Aviendha spends the night sitting by Rand's blankets. (TSR,Ch57)
- At Alcair Dal, Amys, Bair, Melaine, Aviendha, Moiraine, Lan and Egwene wait at the edge while Rand, Rhuarc and Mat enter the bowl. (TSR,Ch57)
- When Rand returns from Rhuidean, Amys, Bair, Melaine, Aviendha, Moiraine, Lan and Egwene have joined the clan chiefs on the speaking ledge. (TSR,Ch58)
- Aviendha brings Rand some blankets after staying away for ten days. She gives Rand a belt buckle made from her spears. She chases Isendre away before leaving. (TFoH,Ch4)
- The Wise Ones tell Aviendha to stay in Rand's rooms. She shares some of her feelings with Egwene. (TFoH,Ch5)
- Aviendha gives Egwene an ivory bracelet and in return she gives Aviendha a silver necklace. (TFoH,Ch7)
- Aviendha and Enaila stand guard outside Rand's tent when Egwene comes to visit. (TFoH,Ch15)
- Aviendha and Egwene are back with the Wise Ones as Rand and Lan view the destruction of Taien in Jangai Pass. (TFoH,Ch20)
- Aviendha meets Rand at his tent. She gives him King Laman's jewel encrusted sword. He accepts only the sword returning the jewels to her. (TFoH,Ch21)
- When the Shadowspawn attack, Aviendha succumbs to a Draghkar until Rand balefires it. She, in turn, kills a Draghkar behind Rand. He does not see the Draghkar and shouts at her. She is infuriated. (TFoH,Ch22)
- Aviendha begs Egwene to intercede for her with the Wise Ones. Egwene agrees, but they get chewed out by Sorilea. (TFoH,Ch23)
- Aviendha loans The Flame, the Blade and the Heart, a book of romantic heroic stories, to Egwene. (TFoH,Ch24)
- Rand returns to his room and finds Aviendha standing their naked. In a panic, she Travels into a snowstorm in Seanchan. Rand saves her and they make love. (TFoH,Ch31)
- Rand and Aviendha encounter a band of Seanchan on their way back to the gateway. They return to Eianrod and Aviendha agrees to spend the rest of the night elsewhere. (TFoH,Ch32)
- Aviendha talks with Wise Ones who are negotiating with the clan chiefs. (TFoH,Ch41)
- Aviendha gets permission from the Wise Ones to participate in the battle. She and Egwene join Rand on the tower. They call down lightning on the Shaido while he blasts the hills with Fire. (TFoH,Ch43)
- As the day passes, Aviendha and Egwene spell each other. After Sammael's lightning knocks down the tower, they join Rand on horseback to get closer to the battle. (TFoH,Ch44)
- The next morning, Aviendha tries to prevent Rand from getting up so he can rest. (TFoH,Ch45)
- Asmodean, Aviendha and the Maidens accompany Rand as he makes his triumphal entrance into Cairhien. (TFoH,Ch46)
- Moiraine, Egwene and Aviendha visit Rand in the Sun Palace. When Rand learns that Rahvin killed Morgase, Aviendha goes to inform Amys. (TFoH,Ch51)
- The next morning Moiraine leads Rand, Mat, Asmodean, Aviendha, Egwene and Lan to the docks of Cairhien. Lanfear attacks nearly killing Rand, Egwene and Aviendha. (TFoH,Ch52)
- After Lanfear's attack, Aviendha is not too seriously hurt. (TFoH,Ch53)
- Rand, Mat, Asmodean, Aviendha and numerous Aiel warriors Skim to Caemlyn outside the Royal Palace. They are immediately attacked by Trollocs, Fades and lightning. Mat, Asmodean and Aviendha are killed. (TFoH,Ch54)
- Mat, Asmodean and Aviendha are alive again after Rand balefires Rahvin back beyond the point where he killed them with lightning. (TFoH,Ch55)
- That afternoon Mat and Aviendha talk by a fountain while Asmodean plays his harp. Sulin would not let Aviendha participate in the hunt for Trollocs because she is no longer a Maiden. (TFoH,Ch56)
- Rand opens a gateway to the farm. Enaila, Sulin and other Aiel leap through. Taim joins Rand who closes the gateway before Aviendha comes through. (LoC,Ch3)
- Aviendha sits in a courtyard in the Royal Palace while Rand meets with Bashere and Bael. (LoC,Ch10)
- Aviendha tells Rand she must go to Cairhien to meet with the Wise Ones. (LoC,Ch16)
- Aviendha accompanies Rand as he Travels to the Sun Palace. She goes to meet with the Wise Ones. (LoC,Ch17)
- Aviendha arrives at the Wise Ones' tents and they have a closed meeting with her. (LoC,Ch18)
- Aviendha spends the night in the Wise Ones' tents then returns to Caemlyn with Rand the next day. She tells him about the Wise Ones' dreams. She is at a loss because she cannot meet her toh to Elayne and Rand. (LoC,Ch19)
- Rand Travels to Cairhien leaving Aviendha behind in Caemlyn. (LoC,Ch26)
- When Rand returns to Caemlyn Aviendha is furious with him for leaving without her. She is embarrassed by his lack of understanding of ji'e'toh. (LoC,Ch28)
- Aviendha goes with Rand to the camp of the Band of the Red Hand. She accompanies them to Salidar so she can speak with Elayne. (LoC,Ch33)
- Mat, Aviendha, Vanin and two bannermen ride into Salidar. Aviendha is surrounded by Aes Sedai who can tell she can channel. (LoC,Ch38)
- Aviendha tells Elayne that she slept with Rand. They work it out and Elayne convinces Aviendha not to go after Min. (LoC,Ch40)
- Aviendha accompanies Mat, Elayne and Nynaeve as they Travel from Salidar to Ebou Dar. (LoC,Ch44)
- Aviendha accompanies Mat, Elayne and Nynaeve to Ebou Dar. (LoC,Ch47)
- At the Tarasin Palace, Elayne, Nynaeve, Aviendha and Birgitte have bedrooms off a common sitting room. (LoC,Ch48)
- Birgitte and Elayne search the Rahad together while Nynaeve and Aviendha pair up. (LoC,Ch52)
- Elayne, Nynaeve, Aviendha and Birgitte visit the Sea Folk to ask for help in using the Bowl of the Winds. (ACoS,Ch13)
- After hearing how Mat rescued Elayne and Nynaeve in the Stone of Tear, Aviendha details what they need to do to make up their toh to him. (ACoS,Ch21)
- Aviendha and Birgitte go to keep a watch on Carridin. (ACoS,Ch22)
- Aviendha and Birgitte are watching Carridin's place. Vanin spots them but does not recognize them (disguised). (ACoS,Ch28)
- Aviendha is still watching Carridin's place. (ACoS,Ch31)
- Thom, Juilin, Birgitte and Aviendha are watching Carridin's palace. (ACoS,Ch37)
- Birgitte and Aviendha are present while the Aes Sedai and the Kin meet with the Sea Folk Windfinders. (ACoS,Ch39)
- In the Tarasin Palace stableyard Aviendha makes a gateway to the farm. She feels watched and spots a figure watching them from high in the palace - the gholam. She tells Kurin to warn Elayne and Nynaeve. (TPoD,Ch1)
- Once everyone is through Aviendha unweaves the gateway horrifying and shocking all the other channelers. (TPoD,Ch2)
- Aviendha and the rest of the Kin Elders ride from the gateway to the farm. She accosts Kurin for not delivering her message, which further irritates the Windfinders. (TPoD,Ch3)
- Aviendha helps Elayne sort through the *angreal booty. (TPoD,Ch4)
- Aviendha participates in the circle that uses the Bowl of the Winds to fix the weather. She uses the seated woman angreal. (TPoD,Ch5)
- Aviendha Travels with Elayne to Andor when the Seanchan attack the farm. She stays behind with Elayne to help defend the gateway while Elayne attempts to unweave it and is injured when the gateway explodes. (TPoD,Ch6)
- Aviendha travels across Andor with Elayne toward Caemlyn. When it begins to snow she donates the gems from Laman's sword to buy warm clothes. She and Birgitte stand watch while Elayne and Nynaeve visit Tel'aran'rhiod. (TPoD,Ch20)
- Aviendha travels with Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. (TPoD,Ch28)
- Over a dozen Wise Ones participate in the ceremony where Elayne and Aviendha are bonded as the first-sisters. (WH,Prologue)
- Aviendha is in Caemlyn, but not in the Royal Palace. (WH,Ch7)
- Aviendha and Birgitte guard Elayne after the attack. (WH,Ch10)
- Rand does not want to see Elayne and Aviendha, but Min goes to find them anyway. (WH,Ch11)
- Elayne and Aviendha bond Rand as their Warder and include Min in the weave. After they leave Elayne and Rand, Aviendha and Min encounter a furious Birgitte and Min recognizes her. The three of them go to get drunk. (WH,Ch12)
- Aviendha and Birgitte try to take care of Elayne who is overstressing herself. (WH,Ch26)
- Aviendha and Birgitte accompany Elayne when she meets with the Borderlands rulers in Braem Wood. (WH,Ch27)
- As they prepare to return from a visit to House Matherin, Elayne and Aviendha feel enormous channeling to the west and know that it is Rand. Aviendha convinces Elayne that they should not interfere. They return to the Sun Palace. (CoT,Ch10)
- Elayne and Aviendha arrive at the Royal Palace and head for a hot bath while Birgitte gives them a status report. (CoT,Ch11)
- Elayne, Aviendha and Birgitte meet with Zaida about the Sea Folk leaving. Zaida agrees to leave nine Windfinders to make gateways. (CoT,Ch12)
- Birgitte and Aviendha accompany Elayne as she meets with Dyelin and the young High Seats of four major Houses. (CoT,Ch13)
- Elayne, Aviendha and Birgitte meet with Reene Harfor and Halwin Norry for detailed reports. Monaelle chides Aviendha for missing so many lessons. (CoT,Ch14)
- Elayne cannot make the twisted ring work because of her pregnancy, so Aviendha goes in her stead to meet with Egwene in the Little Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod. Egwene explains the plan with the Black Tower. Aviendha warns her that Taim is dangerous. (CoT,Ch20)
- Elayne, Birgitte and Aviendha lead the defense against one of Arymilla's sorties against the New City wall. (KoD,Ch13)
- Elayne, Birgitte and Aviendha return to the Royal Palace. On the way to her apartments Elayne deals with the captured sul'dam and damane and the Windfinders. (KoD,Ch14)
- In Elayne's rooms, Aviendha demonstrates a Talent of identifying ter'angreal. Dorindha and Nadere arrive with orders for Aviendha to come with them; the Aiel are leaving Caemlyn. Elayne gives Aviendha the amber turtle and the twisted ring to take with her. (KoD,Ch15)
- Rhuarc, Heirn and Aviendha scout Domani refugees near Rand's manor in Arad Doman. As they return, they meet up with Amys, Bair, Melaine and Nadere. Amys grills Aviendha and seems satisfied then assigns useless labor. (TGS,Ch3)
- Rand meets with the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones including Aviendha, clan chiefs and Bashere to discuss the plan for Arad Doman. (TGS,Ch7)
- Adrin, a Saldaean soldier, bursts into flame setting the manor house on fire. Though she is exhausted from her punishments, Aviendha extinguishes the blaze with water from the nearby stream. Melaine congratulates her, then assigns more punishment. (TGS,Ch11)
- Amys questions Aviendha and nods in approval at her answers then says she will need to be more creative in her punishments. (TGS,Ch15)
- Outraged by Min's questions, Aviendha cracks and goes to Amys, Bair and Melaine. She tells them she is through with their teaching and punishments. They laugh and tell her she finally passed! They send her to Cold Rocks Hold and then to Rhuidean. (TGS,Ch26)
- Aviendha travels from Cold Rocks Hold to Rhuidean. One evening she meets Nakomi who challenges her about Rand and the future of the Aiel. (ToM,Ch39)
- Aviendha arrives at Rhuidean. (ToM,Ch45)
- After her trip through the glass columns, she begins a second trip and sees the future of the Aiel through her descendants. (ToM,Ch48)
- Aviendha thinks she must find a way to save her people. She will think in the Three-fold Land for a time longer then return to the Wise Ones. (ToM,Ch49)
Field of Merrilor#
- Aviendha returns to the Field of Merrilor and reports to Amys, Bair, Kymer, Melaine and Sorilea. They agree that someone else should try the glass columns a second time and Aviendha makes a gateway for Bair to Rhuidean. (AMoL,Prologue)
- Aviendha sneaks into the Andoran camp and meets with Elayne. She plans to go to Rand later but wants to talk with Min first. She will stay at the Field of Merrilor with the other Wise Ones when Elayne returns to Caemlyn. (AMoL,Ch2)
- Rand opens the tent flap to find Aviendha and the Maidens nearby begin shouting insults. She says that she, Min and Elayne are all now first-sisters. He says he does not want them to experience his pain but Aviendha says they demand it. She is now a Wise One. Rand wanted to get some sleep tonight but it looks like that will not happen. He takes her into the tent as the Maidens shout louder. (AMoL,Ch3)
- Rand turns around to find Aviendha standing naked in the tent. He takes the nearby barrel of water and turns it into a warm, soapy shower for them both and then rinses them both off. She tells him that she will ask a boon of him today. (AMoL,Ch5)
- Aviendha requests her boon, which is to include the Aiel in the Dragon's Peace. (AMoL,Ch6)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Ch38 - Aviendha is a Maiden of the Spear of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. Egwene senses an affinity to her which means that she can channel.
- In The Shadow Rising
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch4 - Rand falls asleep and dreams of Elayne, Min and Aviendha.
- TFoH,Ch9 - Elayne is relieved that Aviendha is keeping an eye on Rand.
- TFoH,Ch21 - Rand dreams of Aviendha, Elayne and Min.
- TFoH,Ch29 - Isendre tells Kadere that Aviendha is sleeping with Rand.
- TFoH,Ch32 - Aviendha knows almost nothing about Healing, but Egwene taught her how to handle multiples weaves.
- TFoH,Ch49 - Egwene reports to Elayne and Nynaeve that Aviendha is with Rand nearly all the time.
- TFoH,Ch50 - Elayne and Min wonder who the third woman for Rand is. They are glad that Aviendha is with him!
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Ch4 - Somara and Enaila offer Rand advice on Aviendha.
- LoC,Ch10 - Rand is confused by his feelings for Aviendha, Elayne and Min.
- LoC,Ch15 - Egwene dreams - Elayne and Min and Aviendha sitting in a silent circle around Rand, each in turn reaching out to lay a hand on him.
- LoC,Ch18 - Niella is angry with Aviendha about something and will not talk about it.
- LoC,Ch28 - Rand has bad dreams about running and finally realizes that he is running away from Elayne and Aviendha.
- LoC,Ch33 - After the Wise Ones finish whipping her for lying, Egwene ruefully realizes that she still has unfulfilled toh to Aviendha, Melaine and Rhuarc.
- LoC,Ch39 - After meeting with Mat, Elayne goes to find Aviendha.
- LoC,Ch41 - Rand foolishly discusses his feelings for Elayne and Aviendha with Min.
- In A Crown of Swords
- ACoS,Prologue - Alviarin reports to Elaida that a Gray agent has seen her with Elayne and Nynaeve in Ebou Dar (but does not know who she is). Elaida orders her kidnapped.
- ACoS,Ch7 - Rand worries about her and Elayne. He sneaks into Caemlyn because he does not want to run into them unannounced if they happen to have returned. He still thinks Mat is bringing them back and has no idea they are in Ebou Dar.
- ACoS,Ch13 - Amys has told Aviendha she has too much pride.
- ACoS,Ch14 - Mat worries that if Olver gets hurt he will catch it from Mistress Anan, Elayne, Nynaeve, Birgitte and Aviendha.
- ACoS,Ch17 - Teslyn wants to take Elayne, Nynaeve, Mat, and Aviendha to Elaida.
- ACoS,Ch19 - Min is still confused about her feelings about sharing Rand with Elayne and Aviendha.
- ACoS,Ch21 - Aviendha still wears her necklace, but not the ivory bracelet. She will not until Elayne has one, too.
- ACoS,Ch33 - Rand wants to send Min away like he sent Elayne and Aviendha. Min tells Rand that if Bael, Mandelain and Rhuarc can have two wives then she can deal with Aviendha and Elayne.
- ACoS,Ch37 - Mat's main driving force is to bring Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve and Aviendha to Rand in Caemlyn.
- ACoS,Ch41 - Rand has nightmares about Elayne, Aviendha and Min all glaring at him.
- In The Path of Daggers
- TPoD,Prologue - Aviendha is almost twenty, putting the year of her birth as 980 NE.
- TPoD,Ch2 - Aviendha has the Talents of Unweaving and Reading Residues.
- In Winters Heart
- WH,Ch7 - Elayne can sense that Aviendha is in Caemlyn.
- WH,Ch12 - Min has a viewing of Aviendha - Aviendha would have Rand's babies, too. Four of them at once! Something was odd about that, though. The babies would be healthy, but still something odd.
- WH,Ch22 - Rand can still feel Aviendha, Elayne and Alanna in his head, but not as strongly as Min.
- WH,Ch26 - Elayne does not tell Egwene about she, Aviendha and Min bonding Rand.
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Ch10 - From her trip through the three rings, Aviendha remembers major points of her future like falling in love with Rand and that she would have sister-wives.
- CoT,Ch11 - Careane dislikes Aviendha because she is a wilder.
- CoT,Ch24 - Sensing them in Caemlyn, Rand wonders how he can keep Elayne and Aviendha safe.
- In Knife of Dreams
- KoD,Ch18 - With Min, Elayne and Aviendha bonded to him Rand wonders how he can keep them safe.
- KoD,Ch21 - Rand is not as sharply aware of Alanna since Min, Elayne and Aviendha bonded him.
- KoD,Ch24 - Egwene recalls how Aviendha taught her to embrace pain.
- KoD,Ch27 - When Rand Travels to Altara, Elayne feels faint a hundred and fifty leagues east in Caemlyn. Aviendha in Arad Doman feels even fainter.
- In The Gathering Storm
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch14 - Egwene learned that Elayne is pregnant from Aviendha.
- ToM,Ch15 - Rand tells Nynaeve that he wants her in the circle using Callandor at the Last Battle, perhaps with Elayne or Aviendha.
- ToM,Ch51 - Rand tells Min that he is better than Lews Therin because of those close to him including Aviendha.
- In A Memory of Light
- AMoL,Ch1 - At the Field of Merrilor, Rand is surprised when he feels that Aviendha is nearby.