Pronunciation: gah-LAHD-eh-drid DAH-moh-drehd
aka: Galad
Pronunciation: gah-LAHD
The only son of Tigraine and Taringail. Half-brother to Elayne and Gawyn. His sign is a winged silver sword, point-down. He always does the right thing.
Physical Description#
He is almost too handsome for masculinity. He is tall and slender with dark hair and eyes. (TEotW,Ch40)
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Points of View#
See Galad's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- As a young boy, Gawyn barely knows Taringail, his father, who spends all his time with Galad. (TFoH,Ch16)
- Taringail warns his sons Galad and Gawyn about Aes Sedai and pretty women. (TGS,Ch30)
- In their early years, Galad twice saves Gawyn's life. (TEotW,Ch40)
- Gareth Bryne and Henre Haslin train Galad to be an expert swordsman. (KoD,Prologue)
- Galad confronts Elayne, Gawyn and Rand in the Royal Palace gardens and reports them to the guards. (TEotW,Ch40)
- Elayne introduces Egwene to Galad and Gawyn. Egwene is very much taken with Galad's good looks. (TGH,Ch24)
- Morgase learns that Elayne is missing. She is so angry she almost takes Galad and Gawyn from the White Tower. They barely talk her out of it. (TDR,Ch13)
- Galad and Gawyn question the girls about where they have been until Nynaeve throws them out. (TDR,Ch16)
- Mat happens by the Warder training area where Galad and Gawyn are practicing swords. He beats them both with a quarterstaff. (TDR,Ch24)
- Galad is worried about Egwene and Elayne disappearing again. (TSR,Ch1)
- Eamon Valda gives Galad a copy of Lothair Mantelar's book, The Way of the Light, and he starts becoming interested in the Whitecloaks. (TSR,Ch17)
- Galad joins the Whitecloaks and is quickly promoted by Eamon Valda. He is sent back to Amadicia with most of the Whitecloak forces at Tar Valon. (TFoH,Ch16)
- In the village of Sienda, Galad recognizes Elayne and Nynaeve. He tries to talk them into going to Caemlyn with him. (TFoH,Ch16)
- Galad receives orders to go to Salidar, but instead he is sent to the town of Samara in Ghealdan when the Prophet starts causing trouble. (TFoH,Ch33, TFoH,Ch40)
- In Samara, Galad spots Nynaeve. (TFoH,Ch39)
- Galad confronts Nynaeve, Uno and Ragan. Nynaeve tricks him into thinking they are going to Caemlyn so he agrees to help them get a boat down river. He asks after Egwene. (TFoH,Ch40)
- Galad and the Whitecloaks commandeer the Riverserpent. He goes to the circus and tells Elayne and Nynaeve that he has found a boat for them. (TFoH,Ch47)
- Galad leads the party into Samara where they are attacked by a mob. He is a devastating fighter even outdoing Birgitte. He forlornly warns the girls to stay away from Rand as they leave. (TFoH,Ch48)
- Backed by Trom, Dain Bornhald and Jaret Byar, Galad confronts Eamon Valda on his assault of Morgase. In a duel Galad kills Valda and assumes the title Lord Captain Commander. (KoD,Prologue)
- Galad leads his Whitecloak army through a swamp but on the other side they find Asunawa and his Questioners . Galad surrenders to prevent a battle and they beat him unconscious. (ToM,Prologue)
- Trom, Bornhald and Byar free Galad after the Lords Captain execute Asunawa. (ToM,Ch2)
- Byar returns to Galad from scouting with news that they captured prisoners. Bornhald soon determines that they were with Perrin who killed his father. (ToM,Ch4)
- Byar and Bornhald insist the Perrin is a Darkfriend who killed Geofram Bornhald and brought Trollocs to the Two Rivers. Galad finally agrees that they must move against Perrin. (ToM,Ch7)
- Bornhald and Byar set up a brief meeting between Perrin and Galad. (ToM,Ch10)
- The next morning, Perrin's army meets the Whitecloaks. He orders the channelers and Two Rivers men to intimidate them then asks for one last parley and they agree. At the parley, Galad and Berelain are smitten. Galad gets a second shock when he and Morgase recognize each other. Perrin and Galad agree to a trial with Morgase as judge. (ToM,Ch26)
- Galad and Morgase talk about her imprisonment with the Whitecloaks and justice. When a messenger brings Perrin's request to delay the trial because of the bubble of evil, Galad agrees. (ToM,Ch29)
- Lacile Aldorwin and Selande report to Faile that Morgase is fine and that the Whitecloaks respect Galad. (ToM,Ch30)
- Morgase sits in judgment at the trial. Byar and Bornhald testify and Perrin admits to killing the two Whitecloaks but says he fought on the same side as Geofram Bornhald at Falme. Morgase judges it to be a fight between mercenaries and finds Perrin guilty of illegal killing, not murder. She gives his punishment to Galad and he delays his sentence. (ToM,Ch34)
- Byar and Bornhald are still upset when Galad orders them to strike camp and march to Lugard. (ToM,Ch35)
- Galad wakes to learn that Perrin's army has arrived and he begins planning a frantic defense. (ToM,Ch40)
- Arrows fall, but they hit the approaching Shadowspawn army. Galad is distressed at how poorly the Whitecloaks fight. He is unhorsed and breaks his ankle, but Perrin offers his horse. He sentences Perrin to pay blood price to the Whitecloaks- families and to fight in the Last Battle and Perrin agrees that is fair. Byar attacks Perrin from behind but Bornhald kills him. (ToM,Ch41)
- Perrin rescues a wounded Whitecloak soldier finally convincing Galad that he is good. Perrin offers to take the Whitecloaks to the Last Battle but only if Galad will swear allegiance to him. Galad agrees. (ToM,Ch43)
- Berelain and Galad attend the marriage ceremony for Morgase and Tallanvor. Galad receives a mysterious letter with a red seal. (ToM,Ch44)
- Elayne has a reunion with Galad and Morgase and they exchange stories. She learns that Lini is also safe. (ToM,Ch45)
- Galad stays with his men rather than accompany Perrin and Faile to their meeting with Elayne. (ToM,Ch47)
- Berelain and Galad ride side by side through the gateway to the Field of Merrilor. (ToM,Ch53)
- Perrin-s army is at the Field of Merrilor along with Galad and the Whitecloaks. He has not agreed to meet with Egwene. (ToM,Ch56)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Great Hunt
- In The Dragon Reborn
- In The Shadow Rising
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Prologue - Elaida and her Council are concerned that news of Elayne's and Galad's absences may reach Morgase.
- TFoH,Ch17 - Elayne, Nynaeve, Thom and Juilin flee Sienda and join Valan Luca's circus to avoid Galad.
- TFoH,Ch25 - Moghedien creates dreams of Siuan, Leane, Galad, Gawyn and Marin al'Vere trying to trap Egwene in Tel'aran'rhiod.
- TFoH,Ch33 - Juilin reports to Nynaeve that Galad is now in Samara.
- TFoH,Ch40 - Elayne believes that Galad will help them only because he swore on her mother's name.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Prologue - Morgase worries about Elayne, Gawyn and Galad.
- LoC,Ch9 - Niall tells Morgase that Galad is now a Whitecloak.
- LoC,Ch16 - Lady Dyelin tells Rand the story of Tigraine disappearing leaving behind her husband, Taringail, and her infant son, Galad. Rand realizes this as the story of Shaiel, his true mother.
- In A Crown of Swords
- ACoS,Prologue - Morgase asks Pedron Niall to bring Galad to Amador for a visit but Niall refuses saying his work is too important.
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Prologue - Eamon Valda is angry that he no longer has use for Galad since Morgase escaped.
- CoT,Ch12 - Elayne still does not have news of Gawyn or Galad. She cannot like Galad but she still hopes he is safe. She wonders if he still fancies Nynaeve.
- In Knife of Dreams
- In The Gathering Storm
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch18 - In the wolf dream, Perrin sees Galad's signet ring in the Lord Captain Commander-s tent but when he describes it Balwer does not recognize it.
- ToM,Ch28 - Faile notes the way Galad and Berelain look at each other and plans to make use of it.
- ToM,Ch33 - Gawyn and Elayne walk by the pond where Galad saved Gawyn as a child.