Pronunciation: VEH-rihn MATH-wihn
aka: Eadwina
An Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. Her Warder is Tomas. Her previous Warder was Balinor.
Possible Spoilers#
She is Black Ajah.Physical Description#
She is plump and square-faced with a touch of gray in her brown hair. (TGH,Ch7) She has dark eyes. (LoC,Ch10) She is short, stout and motherly at times. (ACoS,Ch2)
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Points of View#
See Verin's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Verin Mathwin leaves her fiancé Eadwin and goes to the White Tower. (TPoD,Prologue)
- Verin is a novices for five years and Accepted for six years before being raised to the shawl. (LoC,Ch43)
- Verin is exiled from Far Madding. (WH,Ch25)
- Circa 929 NE, Verin begins a special project. (LoC,Ch11, TGS,Ch39)
- Some time in the past, Verin experiments with the twisted ring and Tel'aran'rhiod and she is injured. Anaiya tries to Heal her but it does not work. (TDR,Ch21)
- Verin has the White Tower cooks leave out sweets for novices Moiraine and Siuan. (TGH,Ch7)
- Verin tells a very young Morgase she is so weak that she really does not need to remain in the White Tower to learn to control her meager talent. (LoC,Prologue)
- Verin tells Moiraine that TuathaAn do not try to channel. (NS,Ch3)
- Verin teaches Moiraine and Siuan that most mistakes made by rulers happen because they do not know history. (NS,Ch5)
- Verin gives Moiraine an herb concoction to help her sleep at night. (NS,Ch7)
- Anaiya, Elaida, Verin and Yuan are three of the sisters at Moiraine's test for the shawl. Verin represents the Brown Ajah. (NS,Ch9)
- After the test, Anaiya and Verin escort Moiraine back to her room. (NS,Ch10)
- Twenty years back Verin discovers a clue relating to the Dragon Reborn. (TGH,Ch7)
- Verin instructs Beldeine in novices classes. (TPoD,Prologue)
- Verin arrives at Fal Dara as part of the Amyrlin's entourage. (TGH,Ch2)
- Verin is in the anteroom during Moiraine's audience with Siuan. (TGH,Ch4)
- After Fain's escape, Serafelle and Verin study the writing left on the walls. (TGH,Ch6)
- Verin helps partially Heal Mat. She reads the Dark Prophecy for Moiraine and Siuan. From this, she deduces that one of the boys is the Dragon Reborn. (TGH,Ch7)
- Verin, Moiraine and Siuan tell Rand he is the Dragon Reborn. (TGH,Ch8)
- Verin gives Egwene and Nynaeve a lesson on channeling. Verin disappears from the Amyrlin's party shortly after Moiraine and Liandrin. She leaves Tomas behind. (TGH,Ch12)
- Verin catches up with Ingtar and the hunters. She claims Moiraine sent her. She is most perturbed that Rand is missing. (TGH,Ch14)
- Mat, Perrin, Verin, Ingtar and rest of the Shienarans encounter Urien who is looking for He Who Comes With the Dawn. Verin is sure he is Rand. (TGH,Ch28)
- Verin Heals Hurin and Rand. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Verin, Loial and Ingtar go to The Great Tree. Hurin reports that the Horn is in Lord Barthanes' manor. (TGH,Ch31)
- Verin accompanies Rand and the others to Barthanes Damodred's party. She told Perrin to stay behind. (TGH,Ch32)
- Rand, Loial and Hurin collect Mat, Verin, Ingtar and Uno, report on the Waygate and return to the inn where they decide to try Stedding Tsofu. (TGH,Ch33)
- Rand, Mat, Perrin, Loial, Verin, Hurin, Ingtar and the Shienarans travel to Stedding Tsofu. They are met by Erith and encounter three Maidens. (TGH,Ch35)
- Rand, Mat, Perrin, Verin, Hurin and Ingtar meet with the council of Elders. They rejoin the others and go to the Waygate, but it is also blocked by Machin Shin. (TGH,Ch36)
- The party goes to the Portal Stone. Verin tells Rand roughly how to use the Portal Stone, pointing out the correct symbols to use. Rand channels, bringing them to Toman Head, but four months are lost. (TGH,Ch37)
- Ingtar and Verin argue about the best course of action to find the Horn. (TGH,Ch41)
- Per the Karaethon Cycle, Verin determines that five of their party should enter Falme to get the Horn. She tells Rand that damane might detect him channeling. (TGH,Ch44)
- Verin, Egwene, Elayne, Nynaeve, Hurin and Mat are confronted by Whitecloaks as they near Tar Valon. (TDR,Ch10)
- Verin turns the girls over to Sheriam and asks for an audience with the Amyrlin. (TDR,Ch11)
- Verin tells Siuan that Rand declared himself and the Mat blew the Horn of Valere. She gives Siuan the Horn. (TDR,Ch12)
- Alanna, Anaiya, Brendas, Leane, Serafelle, Sheriam, Siuan, Verin and two other Aes Sedai Heal Mat. (TDR,Ch18)
- Verin gives Egwene a list of information about the Black Ajah. She gives Egwene the twisted ring and tells her a bit about Tel'aran'rhiod. (TDR,Ch21)
- Verin is among several Aes Sedai who happen to stop by the kitchen while Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve are working there. (TDR,Ch27)
- Verin and Alanna arrive at the Two Rivers a week before the Whitecloaks and begin testing Watch Hill girls for the ability to channel. When the Whitecloaks arrive they take refuge near Emond's Field. (TSR,Ch31)
- Perrin and the others meet Verin and Alanna at the old sickhouse. (TSR,Ch31)
- Verin and others ride to scout the Whitecloak encampment at Watch Hill. Halfway there, they stop at Jac al'Seen's place. (TSR,Ch32)
- Verin takes note of Lord Luc. She asks if Rand has the sword and warns Perrin not to trust Alanna. She accompanies Perrin on the mission to free the Whitecloaks's prisoners, then agrees to channel up a rainstorm to cover their trail. (TSR,Ch33)
- Verin's rainstorm lasts for days, eventually wiping out the tracks of the Trolloc bands Perrin is hunting. (TSR,Ch40)
- Verin is in Emond's Field when Perrin and his band arrive. She examines his wound and says they need Alanna to Heal it. (TSR,Ch42)
- Verin leads Perrin to the Winespring Inn to wait for Alanna. (TSR,Ch43)
- Verin and Alanna provide exploding stones for the catapults during the first Trolloc attack. (TSR,Ch44)
- Perrin, Bran, Gaul, Chiad, Loial, Verin and Tomas lead the forces at the north perimeter at the defense of Emond's Field. Verin makes some cryptic comments to Perrin about what marrying Faile means and about choosing the axe or the hammer. (TSR,Ch56)
- Verin and Alanna leave the Two Rivers with a number of girls who can be taught to channel. (LoC,Prologue)
- At Whitebridge they hear about the schism of the White Tower, but they continue on to Caemlyn anyway. (LoC,Ch10)
- Verin and Alanna meet Rand at the Culains Hound inn in Caemlyn. Alanna bonds Rand. (LoC,Ch10)
- Verin and Alanna discuss what they should do next. Verin uses Alanna's emotional state to manipulate her. (LoC,Ch11)
- Verin and Alanna join the Salidar embassy sisters at The Crown of Roses. (LoC,Ch42)
- Merana, Masuri and Seonid meet with Rand in the Royal Palace. They rejoin Alanna and Verin at The Crown of Roses and discuss how to deal with him. (LoC,Ch43)
- Merana and Berenicia are at Demira's side when she awakes after her attack. Verin comes in and they discuss how to deal with Rand. (LoC,Ch46)
- Verin manipulates Demira into suggesting a confrontation with Rand. (LoC,Ch49)
- After they receive Rand's letter saying he is leaving, Bera and Kiruna take over they decide to follow Rand to Cairhien with Alanna, Faeldrin, Masuri, Merana, Rafela, Seonid and Verin. (LoC,Ch49)
- They join with the Two Rivers men and Alanna leads them north toward Rand. (LoC,Ch54)
- They meet up with Perrin and join his forces. (LoC,Ch54)
- Bera, Kiruna, Alanna, Faeldrin, Masuri, Merana, Rafela, Seonid and Verin participate in the battle at Dumai's Wells. Afterwards, they are forced to swear fealty to Rand. (LoC,Ch55)
- Verin is with the group of Aes Sedai with Rand in the aftermath of Dumai's Wells. (ACoS,Ch2)
- Verin accompanies the group back to Cairhien and is sent to the Wise Ones' tents with the rest of the Aes Sedai. (ACoS,Ch3)
- Verin questions the Aes Sedai prisoners using a form of Compulsion leaving them with instructions. (TPoD,Prologue)
- While Rand visits the Sea Folk ship Verin is still questioning the Aes Sedai prisoners. (ACoS,Ch34)
- Verin "questions" Shalon and learns what she and Ailil were really up to in the Sun Palace. (WH,Ch13)
- Verin gets a small vial of sleeping potion from Sorilea. She tells Cadsuane about Shalon and Ailil, then accompanies Cadsuane to see about Alanna. (WH,Ch13)
- Verin somehow determines that Rand is in Far Madding. She and Cadsuane plan to go to him. (WH,Ch25)
- Verin accompanies Cadsuane and her party when they Travel from the Sun Palace to Far Madding. (WH,Ch23)
- Verin accompanies Cadsuane when she calls on the Counsels. Verin gives her name as Eadwina. (WH,Ch24)
- Cadsuane confides in Verin that her goal is to be by Rand's side at Tarmon Gai'don. Verin decides not to poison her. (WH,Ch25)
- Verin runs into Rand on the street. She agrees to ask Cadsuane to be his advisor for him. (WH,Ch32)
- Verin accompanies Rand, Cadsuane and the others from Far Madding to Shadar Logoth. Shalon, Verin and Kumira link and patrol the area. They encounter Graendal and a fight ensues. They eventually drive her off, but Kumira is killed. (WH,Ch35)
- Corele, Daigian, Merise, Beldeine, Elza, Erian, Nesune, Sarene and Verin accompany Cadsuane and Rand to the Pendaloan estate in eastern Tear to recuperate. (CoT,Ch23)
- Verin returns to the Pendaloan estate in eastern Tear after dropping the Sea Folk off in Tear. She reports her observations to Cadsuane. Nesune wants to discuss her report on animals of the Drowned Lands. (CoT,Ch23)
- Rand eats lunch with Min, Nynaeve, Cadsuane, Verin, Alivia and Loial. When the Ogier arrive Verin goes to join Tomas. (KoD,Ch18)
- Verin and Tomas disappear leaving only a note for Rand. (KoD,Ch20)
- Verin and Tomas head for Tar Valon, but a strong ta'veren pull takes them off course and eventually lands them in Trustair in Murandy. Verin receives pictures of Mat and Perrin from a Darkfriend who is hunting them. (TGS,Ch36)
- Verin and Tomas learn of Mat's approach and Travel to meet him. (TGS,Ch34)
- Verin negotiates with Mat. She first offers secret instructions, then time limits. She will open a gateway so he and the Band can Travel straight to Caemlyn. In return, he agrees to remain there thirty days before leaving. (TGS,Ch36)
- Verin returns to the White Tower and gets a cup of poisoned tea from Laras. (TGS,Ch39)
- Egwene is escorted back to her room by Barasine and another Red sister. She finds Verin waiting for her. (TGS,Ch38)
- Verin reveals herself to be Black Ajah and gives Egwene her book of notes on the Black Ajah and its membership. She dies from the poison. (TGS,Ch39)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In New Spring
- In The Great Hunt
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Ch13 - Siuan tells Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve that they should be glad that only she, Leane and Verin know that they ran away with Liandrin.
- TDR,Ch14 - Siuan lists Verin among the few she can trust.
- TDR,Ch19 - After his Healed, Mat recalls Verin bringing the Horn of Valere to Tar Valon.
- TDR,Ch21 - Verin keeps a tiny pet owl in her rooms in the White Tower.
- TDR,Ch22 - Egwene tells Sheriam that the stack of papers is study material from Verin.
- TDR,Ch25 - Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve discuss whether or not they can trust Verin.
- TDR,Ch29 - Nynaeve tells Siuan that they carefully studied Verin's notes on the Black Ajah.
- TDR,Ch33 - Perrin hopes Egwene and Mat are safe with Verin in Tar Valon.
- TDR,Ch39 - Even Verin does not know how the Aiel came by a sapling of Avendesora.
- TDR,Ch56 - Egwene tells Moiraine about the scrap of paper Verin showed her equating Ba'alzamon and Ishamael.
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch1 - Gawyn tells Min that Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve arrived at the White Tower with Verin, then disappeared again.
- TSR,Ch1 - Min thinks only three Aes Sedai, Moiraine, Siuan and Verin, know about her talent.
- TSR,Ch22 - Verin told both Moiraine and Egwene about the trip through the Portal Stone.
- TSR,Ch22 - Rand uses what Verin and Lanfear told him about Portal Stone to figure out how to use the Portal Stone in Tear.
- TSR,Ch43 - Alanna is much better at Healing than Verin is.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch38 - Uno asks Nynaeve if Moiraine or Verin is with her. Nynaeve says no.
- TFoH,Ch50 - Siuan and the Salidar Aes Sedai leaders learn of the twisted ring ter'angreal. None of them knew that Verin had it or that she gave it to Egwene.
- TFoH,Ch53 - In her letter to Rand, Moiraine warns him to be as wary of Verin as he is of Alviarin.
- In Lord of Chaos
- LoC,Ch11 - Verin has been working on a secret project for seventy years. She has confronted a man who can channel before.
- LoC,Ch11 - It took Verin ten years to get over Balinor's death and bond Tomas.
- LoC,Ch14 - In Tel'aran'rhiod in the place of dreams, Egwene experiences firsthand the reality of multiple worlds that Verin told her about.
- LoC,Ch33 - Rand tells Mat that Alanna and Verin are in Caemlyn with Bodewhin and the other Two Rivers girls.
- LoC,Ch42 - Rand goes to the Black Tower to warn them that there are more Aes Sedai in Caemlyn than just Verin and Alanna.
- LoC,Ch43 - Merana and Verin were both novices for five years and Accepted for six. They are the same strength, but Verin is much older which normally would give her precedence.
- LoC,Ch45 - Rand tells Perrin that Alanna and Verin are in Caemlyn with the Two Rivers girls.
- In A Crown of Swords
- In The Path of Daggers
- TPoD,Prologue - Verin last made a serious mistake seventy-one years ago.
- TPoD,Prologue - Verin has secretly kept a small angreal, a flower brooch, for forty years.
- TPoD,Prologue - Verin keeps some of her plans secret even from Tomas.
- In Knife of Dreams
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch35 - In Falme, Rand recalls that he fought Turak with the sword because Verin warned him not to channel.
- TGS,Ch43 - Egwene tells Sheriam that it was Verin who betrayed the Black Ajah.
- TGS,Ch44 - Rand has a meeting with the Borderlands at an abandoned crossroads near Far Madding. Perhaps Verin could tell its history.
- TGS,Ch45 - Verin only missed three Black Ajah members among the rebels.
- TGS,Epilogue - Verin only missed three Black Ajah members in the White Tower.
- In Towers of Midnight
- ToM,Ch3 - Egwene is certain that Mesaana is in the White Tower from her own dream and from what Verin told her.
- ToM,Ch8 - Mat plays with Verin's letter in The Seven-Striped Lass.
- ToM,Ch9 - Mat plans to leave for the Tower of Ghenjei as soon as his word to Verin is up.
- ToM,Ch14 - Egwene tells Nynaeve and Elayne about Verin, Sheriam and the Black Ajah.
- ToM,Ch19 - Mat asks Elayne if she has seen Verin but she has not.
- ToM,Ch22 - Mat still has Verin's letter.
- ToM,Ch47 - Mat shows Perrin his still unopened letter from Verin.
- ToM,Ch52 - Mat leaves Verin's letter on his desk when he goes to the Tower of Ghenjei.
- ToM,Ch57 - Mat tells Moiraine that Verin told him the taint is now cleansed.
- ToM,Epilogue - Olver opens Verin's letter and discovers a warning of a Shadowspawn invasion of Caemlyn through the Waygate.
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