aka: Thera
A noblewoman of Tarabon. She is raised to Panarch of Tarabon.
Physical Description#
She is well short of her middle years. She is lovely with a pouty mouth and dark hair. (TSR,Ch52) She has dark hair, large dark eyes, and a petulant rosebud mouth. (ACoS,Ch26)
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Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Lady Amathera becomes the lover of King Andric. (TSR,Ch38)
- The Whitecloaks surround the Panarch's Palace in Tanchico. The next day Amathera is invested as Panarch even though the Assembly of Lords rejected her. (TSR,Ch46)
- Bayle Domon has a man deliver ice peppers to Amathera at the Panarch's Palace as a gift. She is known to be fond of them. (TSR,Ch51)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod using Need, Nynaeve finds herself in Amathera's quarters in the Panarch's Palace and sees Temaile tormenting her. (TSR,Ch52)
- Elayne and Egeanin make their way to Amathera's quarters in the Panarch's Palace. Elayne knocks out Temaile who is still tormenting Amathera and they leave her there unconscious. With some coercion, Elayne forces Amathera to cooperate. (TSR,Ch54)
- Elayne, Nynaeve and Egeanin bring Amathera back to the Three Plum Court where she is put to work in the kitchen until it is safe for her to come out of hiding. (TSR,Ch55)
- When Amathera refuses to submit, High Lady Suroth keeps her as da'covale, calls her 'Thera' and has her trained as a shea dancer. Suroth has her perform for Morgase in Amador to demonstrate the futility of fighting. (ACoS,Ch26)
- High Lady Suroth brings Thera with her to Ebou Dar. (WH,Ch28)
- Thera agrees to try to escape from the Tarasin Palace and High Lady Suroth with Juilin. (WH,Ch28)
- Juilin goes to free Thera from Suroth's quarters in the Tarasin Palace. (WH,Ch30)
- Juilin and Thera join Mat and the others in the stableyard. (WH,Ch31)
- Thom, Juilin, Amathera and Noal accompany Mat when he leaves Ebou Dar. (CoT,Ch1)
- Juilin, Thera and Olver share a tent in Valan Luca's circus. (CoT,Ch2)
- The circus heads northeast toward Lugard. (CoT,Ch3)
- Juilin and Thera are happy as long as they are together. (CoT,Ch28)
- Olver shares a tent with Juilin and Amathera. (KoD,Ch6)
- Amathera is still terrified of any Seanchan. (KoD,Ch8)
- After the Shiotan ghost village sinks into the ground, Thom, Juilin, Amathera, Noal and Olver wait with Mat while the circus folk decide whether or not to continue. After dinner, Domon and Egeanin invite Juilin and Amathera to their tent for a drink. (KoD,Ch10)
- Thom, Aludra, Setalle Anan, Egeanin, Bayle Domon, Amathera, Juilin, Noal and Olver accompany Mat and Tuon after they leave the circus and head cross country. (KoD,Ch25)
- Thom, Aludra, Setalle Anan, Egeanin, Bayle Domon, Amathera, Juilin, Noal and Olver accompany Mat as he rejoins Talmanes and the Band of the Red Hand. (KoD,Ch26)
- Amathera, Juilin and Bayle Domon are with Egeanin when Furyk Karede arrives at Mat's camp. (KoD,Ch36)
- As Mat prepares for the Seanchan attack, Noal, Olver, Juilin, Amathera, Thom and Setalle stay with the pack animals. (KoD,Ch37)
- When Mat and his party ride into Hinderstap, Aludra, Egeanin, Amathera, Noal and Olver stay behind. (TGS,Ch27)
- Juilin and Thera leave for Tar Valon with the Aes Sedai. He would prefer Tear but the Seanchan are too close. (ToM,Ch17)
- Joline sends a letter to Setalle Anan that the Aes Sedai party arrived safely at the White Tower. (ToM,Ch52)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch38 - King Andric enlists the aid of Jaichim Carridin and the Whitecloaks in having Amathera invested as Panarch.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Prologue - Evanellein reports to Elaida and her Council that Amathera has disappeared and that rumor has Aes Sedai involved.
- TFoH,Ch8 - Nynaeve and Elayne tell a band of Whitecloaks that Andric was still King and Amathera still Panarch when they left Tanchico.
- TFoH,Ch9 - Nynaeve and Elayne have a great deal of valuable jewelry given to them by Amathera.
- TFoH,Ch9 - When Juilin hears Amathera's name, he comments that things must be tough in Tanchico for some who does not know how to take care of themselves.
- TFoH,Ch48 - Nynaeve packs the jewels Amathera gave them as she and Elayne prepare to leave.
- TFoH,Ch50 - Nynaeve and Elayne tell the Salidar Aes Sedai leaders that their treasures were gifts from Amathera.
- In Lord of Chaos
- In A Crown of Swords
- In Crossroads of Twilight
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