An Aes Sedai from the Red Ajah. She is from Tarabon. Though she does not admit it she was a wilder.
Possible Spoilers#
She is also Black Ajah.Physical Description#
She is young and pretty with a doll's face and a small petulant mouth, rosebud lips, dark brows and darker eyes. Pale honey braids brushing her shoulders. She is taller than Moiraine, but by less than a hand. (TGH,Ch4)
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Points of View#
See Liandrin's chapter points of view.
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Liandrin attends the Darkfriend social near Shayol Ghul. (TGH,Prologue, TSR,Ch38)
- Liandrin arrives at Fal Dara as part of the Amyrlin's entourage. (TGH,Ch2)
- Liandrin and Anaiya knock on Moiraine's door in Fal Dara. They are there to escort her to the Amyrlin, who is visiting Fal Dara. Along the way, they talk about a variety of news and rumors. Liandrin does not accompany Moiraine into the Amyrlin's chambers. (TGH,Ch4)
- Liandrin goes to visit with Lady Amalisa in her chambers. Liandrin sends Amalisa's maids away. Liandrin uses Compulsion on her. She asks Amalisa about Fain and the three boys. Liandin tells Amalisa that the three boys must be taken from Fal Dara and sent to Tar Valon. (TGH,Ch5)
- Liandrin enters the cell area where Padan Fain was held and recently escaped from. She sees Rand wiping the message from the cell wall. Liandrin tries to use Compulsion to make Rand answer her. Rand fights her off until Moiraine enters, at which point Liandin stops using Compulsion on Rand. Liandrin and Moiraine follow Rand further into the cells. Liandrin reaches down as if to Heal Egwene, but Moiraine gets there first. Liandrin waits until Moiraine leaves, then studies Rand for a moment, and then leaves. (TGH,Ch6)
- Liandrin teaches Egwene and Nynaeve about the One Power and also interrogates them about the three boys. (TGH,Ch12)
- Liandrin enters Elayne and Egwene's room in the White Tower. Egwene had not heard that Liandrin had returned. She orders Elayne and Min from the room. She asks them about the three boys. She tells Nynaeve and Egwene to meet her an hour before sundown to go to Toman Head. (TGH,Ch38)
- Liandrin takes Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne and Min through a Waygate. (TGH,Ch39)
- Liandrin, Nynaeve, Egwene, Elayne and Min exit the Waygate in Toman Head. Liandrin presents the girls to the High Lady Suroth. It seems that this is the first time the two have met. Later, Liandrin re-enters the Waygate. (TGH,Ch40)
- Amico Nagoyin, Asne Zeramene, Berylla Naron, Chesmal Emry, Eldrith Jhondar, Falion Bhoda, Ispan Shefar, Jeaine Caide, Joiya Byir, Marillin Gemalphin, Rianna Andomeran and Temaile Kinderode flee the White Tower with Liandrin exposing themselves as Black Ajah. They take several ter'angreal with them. (TDR,Ch13)
- In Tel'aran'rhiod in the Heart of the Stone, Liandrin sees Egwene and smiles at her. (TDR,Ch48)
- Liandrin, Rianna, Amico Nagoyin and Joiya Byir capture Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve. (TDR,Ch51)
- Liandrin gives Carridin orders. She then talks with the other Black Ajah women in Tanchico. (TSR,Ch38)
- Nynaeve spots Liandrin and Rianna as she runs through the Panarch's Palace but fortunately they do not see her. (TSR,Ch55)
- Liandrin returns to a manor house in Amador to find Moghedien there with the rest of the Black Ajah. Moghedien orders Liandrin, Chesmal, Temaile, Asne and Eldrith to hunt for Nynaeve. (TFoH,Ch18)
- Liandrin tries to attack Moghedien after she is wounded by Birgitte. Moghedien shields her, Compels her to live, then turns her over to Temaile to soften up and then give to Evon as a scullery maid. (TFoH,Ch34)
- When the Seanchan take Amador High Lady Suroth takes Liandrin as da'covale.
- Miraj sees Liandrin held as da'covale by High Lady Suroth. (TPoD,Ch24)
- Liandrin poisons Alwhin to please Suroth. (KoD,Prologue)
- Liandrin brings a summons to Suroth from General Galgan. (KoD,Prologue)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Great Hunt
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Ch13 - Egwene mentions that she and Elayne discovered that Liandrin is Black Ajah. Later, they and Nynaeve talk to Siuan about Liandrin.
- TDR,Ch14 - Siuan continues to talk to Nynaeve and Egwene about Liandrin. Siuan mentions that Liandrin is the strongest of the thirteen who left the White Tower and that both Nynaeve and Egwene are more than a match for her in sheer power.
- TDR,Ch15 - Egwene and Nynaeve continue to talk about Liandrin
- TDR,Ch16 - Nynaeve tells Elayne about hunting for more Black Ajah.
- TDR,Ch21 - Verin gives Egwene a stack of papers with all the known information about Liandrin, her associates and the ter'angreal they stole.
- TDR,Ch25 - Nynaeve, Egwene and Elayne study the information on Liandrin and the others of the Black Ajah.
- TDR,Ch43 - Perrin dreams of Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve walking into a cage and closing the door behind them. Liandrin laughs at them and Lanfear laughs at her.
- TDR,Ch49 - Nynaeve gives descriptions of Liandrin and the other Black Ajah members to Juilin.
- TDR,Ch54 - Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene realize their only hope of defeating Liandrin is to use the twisted ring.
- TDR,Ch55 - Juilin apologizes to Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene telling them Liandrin somehow forced him to betray them.
- TDR,Ch56 - Only Amico and Joiya were captured in the Stone of Tear. Liandrin and the other ten of the Black Ajah escaped.
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch5 - Amico claims that Liandrin, Chesmal and Rianna were her only Black Ajah contacts in the White Tower.
- TSR,Ch5 - Amico claims that she overheard Liandrin tell Temaile that there was something important that could control Rand in Tanchico.
- TSR,Ch6 - On learning about the twisted red doorway, Elayne naively wants to use it to learn where Liandrin went and whether Amico or Joiya is telling the truth.
- TSR,Ch11 - Preparing to visit Tanchico in Tel'aran'rhiod, Egwene worries about running into a group of the Black Ajah such as Liandrin, Rianna, Chesmal Emry and Jeaine Caide all together.
- TSR,Ch38 - Liandrin is poor at Healing. She can barely Heal a bruise or scrape.
- TSR,Ch39 - Elayne and Nynaeve are startled when they meet Rendra because she looks so much like Liandrin.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- TFoH,Ch9 - Elayne and Nynaeve assume that Moghedien, Liandrin and the rest of the Black Ajah escaped Tanchico.
- TFoH,Ch18 - Liandrin knew she wanted to be Black Ajah as soon as she learned that she could channel.
- TFoH,Ch18 - Liandrin knew only one of her Black Ajah cohorts before they were ordered to leave the White Tower.
- TFoH,Ch18 - Liandrin hates wilders even though she began to channel a year before she went to the White Tower.
- In The Gathering Storm