Clan chief of the Taardad Aiel. He is of the Nine Valleys sept. He was a Red Shield before becoming clan chief. He is married to Amys and Lian and has daughters. His son is Ronam.
Physical Description#
He is tall and handsome with a strong, square face and a good smile. His dark red hair is graying. (TDR,Ch39) He has broad shoulders and blue eyes. (TFoH,Ch2)
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by Richard Boyé

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Rhuarc leads a band of Aiel who rescue Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve from brigands and three Fades. (TDR,Ch39)
- Rhuarc encounters Mat on the rooftops of Tear as both prepare to enter the Stone of Tear. (TDR,Ch54)
- Rhuarc stands by while Moiraine discusses what has happened with Mat, Egwene, Elayne and Nynaeve. He learns that Mat is ta'veren and blew the Horn of Valere. (TDR,Ch56)
- Rhuarc tricks Mat into asking Bain and several other Maidens to play Maiden's Kiss. (TSR,Ch2)
- Rhuarc encounters Berelain fleeing from Rand's quarters and learns what happened. He is the second to arrive after Perrin. Afterwards, Perrin and Rhuarc compare notes on the Dragon Reborn and He Who Comes With the Dawn. (TSR,Ch3)
- Moiraine shows the Wise Ones's letter to Rhuarc. It orders Aviendha to go to Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch12)
- Rhuarc interrupts a fight between Faile and Berelain. He embarrasses Berelain and sends her to bed, then he confiscates Faile's knives. (TSR,Ch14)
- Rhuarc leads the Aiel accompanying Rand in the Heart of the Stone. (TSR,Ch21)
- Rand leads Moiraine, Lan, Mat, Egwene, Rhuarc, Aviendha and the rest of the Aiel to a Portal Stone and channels them to the Aiel Waste. (TSR,Ch22)
- On Chaendaer, Rand and his party are greeted by Wise Ones Amys, Bair, Melaine and Seana. After Rand and Mat leave for Rhuidean, the Wise Ones send Rhuarc and Lan to the Taardad tents. (TSR,Ch23)
- Rhuarc accepts the announcement of the Car'a'carn with resignation. He recommends that Rand go to Cold Rocks Hold, then meet with the clan chiefs at Alcair Dal. (TSR,Ch34)
- Rhuarc has the Jindo guarding Rand. (TSR,Ch35)
- Rhuarc and Heirn lead the Jindo from Chaendaer to Imre Stand. Rhuarc angrily confronts a band of peddlers headed toward Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch36)
- After they camp at Imre Stand, Rand practices swords with Lan, then spears with Rhuarc. (TSR,Ch37)
- On the trip to Cold Rocks Hold, Rand practices swords with Lan and spears with Rhuarc every evening. (TSR,Ch48)
- When Rand's party arrives at Cold Rocks Hold, Lian welcomes Rhuarc, Heirn and Rand, but spurns Couladin. Lian gives Rhuarc and Rand news of the clan chiefs gathering at Alcair Dal. (TSR,Ch49)
- Rhuarc participates in the fight against the Trollocs and Draghkar. Afterwards, he tells Rand that the Shaido broke camp and left. (TSR,Ch50)
- At Alcair Dal, Rhuarc accompanies Rand to the speaking ledge. Bael, Erim, Jheran, Han and Rhuarc proclaim Rand the Car'a'carn when he shows that Couladin lied about Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch57)
- Rhuarc and the others are waiting on the speaking ledge when Rand returns from Rhuidean. (TSR,Ch58)
- In Rhuidean, Rand meets with clan chiefs Rhuarc, Bael, Bruan, Erim, Han and Jheran. They discuss the bleakness and bringing the other five clans to Rand. (TFoH,Ch2)
- Rhuarc reports to Rand that the Shaido are moving toward Jangai Pass. (TFoH,Ch6)
- When they reach Jangai Pass and find Taien in ruins, Rand orders Rhuarc to treat the survivors well and bring them along. (TFoH,Ch20)
- As they enter Cairhien, Rand tells the clan chiefs that they may take their fifth, but no food. He will hang anyone who disobeys. (TFoH,Ch23)
- Rhuarc and Mangin bring in a band of young Tairen and Cairhienin nobles who escaped the Shaido siege. (TFoH,Ch30)
- Rand and Rhuarc scout Cairhien though Kin Tovere's telescope. (TFoH,Ch41)
- Rand and the clan chiefs, Rhuarc, Bael, Bruan, Dhearic, Erim, Han and Jheran, finalize their plan for attacking the Shaido. (TFoH,Ch42)
- Before dawn, the clan chiefs again meet with Rand for a final briefing. (TFoH,Ch43)
- Bael and Rhuarc are still with Rand in Cairhien. (TFoH,Ch51)
- Rand meets with Rhuarc and the other clan chiefs late into the night planning his assault on Rahvin. (TFoH,Ch52)
- Berelain and Rhuarc report to Rand when he arrives at the Sun Palace. (LoC,Ch17)
- Rand orders Berelain and Rhuarc to hang Mangin tomorrow. (LoC,Ch18)
- Egwene flees in mortification when Rhuarc, Timolan and Indirian join the Wise Ones in the sweat tent. (LoC,Ch24)
- Rhuarc meets with the White Tower embassy and reports to the Wise Ones. The Wise Ones decide to have Mandelain and Rhuarc set out scouts to make sure no more Aes Sedai arrive in Cairhien. (LoC,Ch25)
- In a foul mood, Rand hassles Rhuarc and Berelain about lots of minor issues. (LoC,Ch28)
- Rhuarc goes north to see the Shaido forces himself. (LoC,Ch33)
- After he returns to Cairhien, Rand meets with Rhuarc daily. (LoC,Ch50)
- Amys, Sorilea, Nandera and Rhuarc come at Sulin's summons and hear the news that Rand was kidnapped. Rhuarc reluctantly admits that only the Maidens and siswai'aman will fight Aes Sedai. (LoC,Ch53)
- As they head north following Rand, Rhuarc leads the Aiel, Amys and Sorilea lead the Wise Ones and Nandera, and Sulin lead the Maidens. (LoC,Ch54)
- Amys, Sorilea, Nandera, Rhuarc and Sulin fight in the battle at Dumai's Wells. (LoC,Ch55)
- In the aftermath of Dumai's Wells, Rhuarc returns from a night's scouting and reports that the Shaido are running east, there are some women with green coated men to the north. He and Gaul are the only Aiel men not wearing siswai'aman headbands. (ACoS,Ch2)
- Rhuarc leads the spears as Rand and company Travel to Cairhien. (ACoS,Ch3)
- Rand sends Rhuarc and Dobraine to Arad Doman to find if there is anyone in charge. (KoD,Ch18)
- Dobraine and Rhuarc secure Bandar Eban. (TGS,Ch3)
- Rhuarc, Heirn and Aviendha scout Domani refugees near Rand's manor in Arad Doman. (TGS,Ch3)
- Rand sets a meeting with Bashere, Bael and Rhuarc to discuss the plan for Arad Doman. (TGS,Ch5)
- Rand meets with the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones, clan chiefs and Bashere to discuss the plan for Arad Doman. (TGS,Ch7)
- Rand is waiting for a report from Rhuarc when he falls asleep. When Corana returns from a meeting with the Seanchan she brings news that they are showing off the collared Shaido Wise Ones. Amys sends her to report to the clan chiefs. (TGS,Ch15)
- After moving his headquarters to Bandar Eban, Rand meets with Rhuarc and Bael to discuss food distribution. (TGS,Ch29)
- Rhuarc reports to Rand on locating and holding members of the Council of Merchants. (TGS,Ch31)
- When Rand returns to Tear, Rhuarc accuses him of being a meegerling. (ToM,Ch13)
- Rhuarc reminds the great captains that Rand will attack Shayol Ghul and will need help. (AMoL,Ch7)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Dragon Reborn
- TDR,Ch39 - Rhuarc is clan chief of the Taardad Aiel.
- TDR,Ch54 - Rhuarc is of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel. He was a Red Shield before he became clan chief.
- In The Shadow Rising
- TSR,Ch3 - Rhuarc has daughters older than Berelain.
- TSR,Ch12 - Elayne thinks Rhuarc reminders her of Gareth Bryne.
- TSR,Ch28 - Gaul recalls that Rhuarc was nervous about searching for He Who Comes With the Dawn.
- TSR,Ch50 - Rhuarc was a Red Shield before becoming clan chief.
- In The Fires of Heaven
- In Lord of Chaos
- In A Crown of Swords
- In The Path of Daggers
- In The Gathering Storm
- In Towers of Midnight