This page (revision-74) was last changed on 25-Sep-2022 22:51 by Administrator

This page was created on 11-Sep-2021 17:09 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
74 25-Sep-2022 22:51 18 KB Administrator to previous
73 22-Sep-2022 00:10 18 KB Administrator to previous | to last Warders ==> Warder
72 05-Sep-2022 20:06 18 KB Administrator to previous | to last
71 05-Sep-2022 19:55 18 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Books ==> Category.Books
70 20-Aug-2022 11:33 18 KB Administrator to previous | to last
69 20-Aug-2022 11:13 17 KB Administrator to previous | to last
68 20-Aug-2022 10:28 17 KB Administrator to previous | to last
67 20-Aug-2022 10:18 17 KB Administrator to previous | to last
66 20-Aug-2022 10:05 17 KB Administrator to previous | to last
65 20-Aug-2022 10:04 17 KB Administrator to previous | to last
64 19-Aug-2022 08:02 17 KB Administrator to previous | to last
63 19-Aug-2022 08:01 17 KB Administrator to previous | to last
62 19-Aug-2022 07:56 16 KB Administrator to previous | to last
61 18-Aug-2022 07:57 16 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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The Great Hunt
The Great Hunt

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At line 156 changed one line
[Rand] sticks around Fal Dara, saying that he's planning on leaving. In the meantime, he's learning swordwork from [Lan]. He stays long enough that he's still there when the [Amyrlin] arrives. [Moiraine] has his old clothes taken away and replaced with new clothes. ([TGH,Ch2]) One morning, Fal Dara is attacked. [Fades] and [Trollocs] have invaded. ([TGH,Ch6]) [Rand] heads to the dungeon, finds [Fain] is gone but left a message for him about [Falme]. The [Horn|Horn of Valere] and the [dagger|Ruby Dagger] have been stolen. The next morning, he has his audience with [Siuan]. ([TGH,Ch8]) After the meeting, [Rand], [Mat], [Perrin], [Loial] and the [Shienarans|Shienar] prepare to leave. [Hurin] is introduced as a sniffer. They start riding south. Three days later, they find a [Fade] nailed to a door. ([TGH,Ch10]) That night, [Ingtar] gives [Rand] a package from [Moiraine] which contains the [Dragon banner|Dragon Banner]. [Rand], [Hurin] and [Loial] go to sleep next to a [portal stone|Portal Stone] and wake up in a washed-out version of the world. [Hurin] can still smell the [Trollocs], so they keep going south. That night, [Rand] and [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] dream-chat and [Rand] wakes up with a heron branded on his hand.([TGH,Ch15]). The next day, [Selene|Lanfear] shows up and keeps trying to get [Rand] to go back to the real world via another [Portal Stone], which he eventually does. They're now ahead of [Fain], so they wait until he catches up and then they go into the camp and steal back the [Horn|Horn of Valere] and the [dagger|Ruby Dagger]. ([TGH,Ch19]) They ride south into [Cairhien (Country)] and pass by a [Choedan Kal] which mesmerizes [Rand]. ([TGH,Ch20]) [Rand] remembers that [Bayle Domon] told him that there's another one on [Tremalking]. They stay overnight at [The Nine Rings] and in the morning, [Selene|Lanfear] has gone. [Rand] and the others head to [Cairhien (City)]. When they arrive, Daes Dae'mar begins. [Rand] runs into [Thom]. That night, [Thom] tells the story of [Owyn]. The next day they encounter [Aludra]. ([TGH,Ch27]) The day after that, their inn catches fire and the [Horn|Horn of Valere] and the [dagger|Ruby Dagger] are gone ([TGH,Ch30]). Soon after, [Mat], [Perrin] and [Ingtar] arrive and then [Verin] arrives. The next night they go to [Barthanes|Barthanes Damodred]' manor ([TGH,Ch32]). They try to go through the [Waygate|Ways] but [Machin Shin] stops them. [Barthanes|Barthanes Damodred] tells [Rand] that [Fain] is waiting for him at [Falme]. [Rand] and the others head to [Stedding Tsofu], where they meet [Erith] ([TGH,Ch35]). Three [Aiel] [Maidens|Maidens of the Spear] also arrive. [Perrin] and [Mat] tell [Rand] that the [Aiel] are looking for him. They try to use the nearby [Waygate|Ways], but [Machin Shin] is there again, so they head to a nearby [Portal Stone].
At line 158 added one line
! Rand POV
At line 160 added one line
[Rand] sticks around Fal Dara, saying that he's planning on leaving. In the meantime, he's learning swordwork from [Lan]. He stays long enough that he's still there when the [Amyrlin] arrives. [Moiraine] has his old clothes taken away and replaced with new clothes. ([TGH,Ch2]) One morning, Fal Dara is attacked. [Fades] and [Trollocs] have invaded. ([TGH,Ch6]) [Rand] heads to the dungeon, finds [Fain] is gone but left a message for him about [Falme]. The [Horn|Horn of Valere] and the [dagger|Ruby Dagger] have been stolen. The next morning, he has his audience with [Siuan]. ([TGH,Ch8]) After the meeting, [Rand], [Mat], [Perrin], [Loial] and the [Shienarans|Shienar] prepare to leave. [Hurin] is introduced as a sniffer. They start riding south. Three days later, they find a [Fade] nailed to a door. ([TGH,Ch10]) That night, [Ingtar] gives [Rand] a package from [Moiraine] which contains the [Dragon banner|Dragon Banner]. [Rand], [Hurin] and [Loial] go to sleep next to a [portal stone|Portal Stone] and wake up in a washed-out version of the world. [Hurin] can still smell the [Trollocs], so they keep going south. That night, [Rand] and [Ba'alzamon|Ishamael] dream-chat and [Rand] wakes up with a heron branded on his hand.([TGH,Ch15]). The next day, [Selene|Lanfear] shows up and keeps trying to get [Rand] to go back to the real world via another [Portal Stone], which he eventually does. They're now ahead of [Fain], so they wait until he catches up and then they go into the camp and steal back the [Horn|Horn of Valere] and the [dagger|Ruby Dagger]. ([TGH,Ch19]) They ride south into [Cairhien (Country)] and pass by a [Choedan Kal] which mesmerizes [Rand]. ([TGH,Ch20]) [Rand] remembers that [Bayle Domon] told him that there's another one on [Tremalking]. They stay overnight at [The Nine Rings] and in the morning, [Selene|Lanfear] has gone. [Rand] and the others head to [Cairhien (City)]. When they arrive, Daes Dae'mar begins. [Rand] runs into [Thom]. That night, [Thom] tells the story of [Owyn]. The next day they encounter [Aludra]. ([TGH,Ch27]) The day after that, their inn catches fire and the [Horn|Horn of Valere] and the [dagger|Ruby Dagger] are gone ([TGH,Ch30]). Soon after, [Mat], [Perrin] and [Ingtar] arrive and then [Verin] arrives. The next night they go to [Barthanes|Barthanes Damodred]' manor ([TGH,Ch32]). They try to go through the [Waygate|Ways] but [Machin Shin] stops them. [Barthanes|Barthanes Damodred] tells [Rand] that [Fain] is waiting for him at [Falme]. [Rand] and the others head to [Stedding Tsofu], where they meet [Erith] ([TGH,Ch35]). Three [Aiel] [Maidens|Maidens of the Spear] also arrive. [Perrin] and [Mat] tell [Rand] that the [Aiel] are looking for him. They try to use the nearby [Waygate|Ways], but [Machin Shin] is there again, so they head to a nearby [Portal Stone].
At line 162 added 2 lines