Morgase Trakand
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Pronunciation: moor-GAYZ TRAHK-ahnd

aka: Maighdin Dorlain

A queen of Andor, by the Grace of the Light, Queen of Andor, Defender of the Realm, Protector of the People, High Seat of House Trakand. She married Taringail Damodred. She is mother to Elayne and Gawyn and stepmother to Galad. She once had a romance with Thom Merrilin. Her sign is three golden keys. The sign of House Trakand is a silver keystone.

Physical Description#

She has her daughter's beauty, matured and ripened. Her face and figure, her presence, fill the room like a light. She has a rich, warm voice. (TEotW,Ch40) She looks about ten years older than Perrin does. She has blue eyes and long red-gold curls. (TPoD,Ch7)

Morgase Trakand by Richard Boyé


Other References#

    1. TEotW,Ch26 - Aes Sedai are taking Logain to Caemlyn so he can be displayed to Queen Morgase.
    2. TEotW,Ch34 - Almen Bunt(info) tells Rand and Mat about Queen Morgase.
    3. TEotW,Ch35 - Basel Gill tells Rand and Mat about Morgase and Thom.
    4. TEotW,Ch39 - Rand learns that the red cloth he bought by chance means support for Queen Morgase.
    5. TEotW,Ch40 - Morgase heard Two Rivers speech in her youth.
    6. TEotW,Ch41 - Basel Gill and some Whitecloaks have a difference in opinion of her.