This page (revision-22) was last changed on 23-Sep-2022 18:47 by Administrator

This page was created on 15-Sep-2021 23:17 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
22 23-Sep-2022 18:47 5 KB Administrator to previous Wolves ==> Wolf
21 22-Sep-2022 00:09 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last Warders ==> Warder

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Red Ajah

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An [Ajah] of the [Aes Sedai]. The red Ajah bends its energies to finding men who can [channel|True Source] and [gentling|Stilling] them. Although women cannot detect %%ot [saidin|Said]%%, they can read the residue of the weaves and that is their primary tool for tracking. [Galina Casban], the head of the Red Ajah, is called the Highest.
An Ajah of the [Aes Sedai]. The red Ajah bends its energies to finding men who can [channel|True Source] and [gentling|Stilling] them. Although women cannot detect %%ot [saidin|Said]%%, they can read the residue of the weaves and that is their primary tool for tracking. [Galina Casban], the head of the Red Ajah, is called the Highest.
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[{ReferringPagesPlugin page='Category.Red Ajah Sisters' before='#' after='\n' columns='3'}]
* [Amira Moselle]
* [Barasine]
* [Bonwhin Meraighdin] (during [Artur Paendrag Tanreall]'s reign)
* [Cariandre]
* [Chisaine Nurbaya]
* [Covarla Baldene]
* [Desala Nevanche]
* [Duhara Basaheen]
* [Elaida a'Roihan|Elaida]
* [Galina Casban] (head of the Red Ajah)
* [Innina Darenhold]
* [Jamilila Norsish]
* [Janine Pavlara]
* [Javindhra Doraille] ([Sitter], [TFoH,Prologue])
* [Jenare]
* [Jezrail]
* [Katerine Alruddin]
* [Laigin Arnault]
* [Lemai]
* [Liandrin]
* [Lirene Doirellin] (ex-[Sitter])
* [Melare]
* [Memara]
* [Nesita]
* [Notasha]
* [Patrinda]
* [Pevara Tazanovni]
* [Raechin Connoral]
* [Sashalle Anderly]
* [Silviana Brehon] (Mistress of Novices [TPoD,Ch25])
* [Tarna Feir]
* [Tesien Jorhald] ([ACoS,Ch32])
* [Teslyn Baradon] ([Sitter] )
* [Tetsuan] (during [Trolloc Wars])
* [Toveine Gazal] (ex-[Sitter])
* [Tsutama Rath] (ex-[Sitter])
* [Turese]
* [Vayelle Kamsa]
* [Viria Connoral]
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## [The Eye of the World],Glossary - Red Ajah sisters do not have [Warder].
## [The Eye of the World],Glossary - Red Ajah sisters do not have [Warders].
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## [TDR,Ch36] - [Moiraine] warns [Perrin] to avoid the Red Ajah as they would try to [gentle|Stilling] him and might even kill him for being a [Wolfbrother|Wolf].
## [TDR,Ch36] - [Moiraine] warns [Perrin] to avoid the Red Ajah as they would try to [gentle|Stilling] him and might even kill him for being a [Wolfbrother|Wolves].
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[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Special.Organizations] | [Category.Ajah List] | [Category.Red Ajah]
[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Special.Organizations] | [Category.Ajahs] | [Category.Red Ajah]