References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In A Crown of Swords
- In Winter's Heart
- WH,Ch7 - There are ten Aes Sedai at The Silver Swan. Recently two left and three more arrived. None of them is Red Ajah.
- WH,Ch8 - Elayne warns Reene Harfor that the Aes Sedai at The Silver Swan may have spies in the Royal Palace.
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Ch12 - Birgitte reports to Elayne that two sisters, Green Ajah and Gray Ajah, arrived at The Silver Swan the same day that a Brown Ajah sister left heading east and a Yellow Ajah sister left heading south toward Far Madding.
- CoT,Ch14 - Three Brown Ajah sisters staying at The Silver Swan visit Millis Fendry at The Hoop and Arrow, the same inn that Milam Harnder frequents.
- In Knife of Dreams
More Category Geography, Category Inns and Taverns