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The Great Hunt is a fantasy novel by American author Robert Jordan , the second book of The Wheel of Time series. It was published by Tor Books and released on November 15, 1990. (Wikipedia)



This is the list of the chapter icons used in this book.

Plot Threads#

The numbers represent the chapters.

Black All in Fal Dara
Red Egwene, Nynaeve, Min and Elayne
Green The search party for the Horn of Valere
Blue Rand, Loial and Hurin
Orange Perrin, Mat and Ingtar
Light Green Moiraine
White Falme


Rand sticks around Fal Dara, saying that he's planning on leaving. In the meantime, he's learning swordwork from Lan. He stays long enough that he's still there when the Amyrlin arrives. Moiraine has his old clothes taken away and replaced with new clothes. (TGH,Ch2) One morning, Fal Dara is attacked. Fades and Trollocs have invaded. (TGH,Ch6) Rand heads to the dungeon, finds Fain is gone but left a message for him about Falme. The Horn and the dagger have been stolen. The next morning, he has his audience with Siuan. (TGH,Ch8) After the meeting, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Loial and the Shienarans prepare to leave. Hurin is introduced as a sniffer. They start riding south. Three days later, they find a Fade nailed to a door. (TGH,Ch10) That night, Ingtar gives Rand a package from Moiraine which contains the Dragon banner. Rand, Hurin and Loial go to sleep next to a portal stone and wake up in a washed-out version of the world. Hurin can still smell the Trollocs, so they keep going south. That night, Rand and Ba'alzamon dream-chat and Rand wakes up with a heron branded on his hand.(TGH,Ch15). The next day, Selene shows up and keeps trying to get Rand to go back to the real world via another Portal Stone, which he eventually does. They're now ahead of Fain, so they wait until he catches up and then they go into the camp and steal back the Horn and the dagger. (TGH,Ch19) They ride south into Cairhien (Country) and pass by a Choedan Kal which mesmerizes Rand. (TGH,Ch20) Rand remembers that Bayle Domon told him that there's another one on Tremalking. They stay overnight at The Nine Rings and in the morning, Selene has gone. Rand and the others head to Cairhien (City). When they arrive, Daes Dae'mar begins. Rand runs into Thom. That night, Thom tells the story of Owyn. The next day they encounter Aludra. (TGH,Ch27) The day after that, their inn catches fire and the Horn and the dagger are gone (TGH,Ch30). Soon after, Mat, Perrin and Ingtar arrive and then Verin arrives. The next night they go to Barthanes' manor (TGH,Ch32). They try to go through the Waygate but Machin Shin stops them. Barthanes tells Rand that Fain is waiting for him at Falme. Rand and the others head to Stedding Tsofu, where they meet Erith (TGH,Ch35). Three Aiel Maidens also arrive. Perrin and Mat tell Rand that the Aiel are looking for him. They try to use the nearby Waygate, but Machin Shin is there again, so they head to a nearby Portal Stone.

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