A Dedicated Asha'man. His wife is Sora Grady. They have a young son Gadren.

Physical Description#

He is a stocky dark-eyed man six or seven years older than Rand. (LoC,Ch3) He is a stocky fellow with a farmer's face. (ACoS,Ch3) His weathered face is already beginning to show creases though he is short of his middle years. (CoT,Ch8)

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Ch3 - Sora Grady and Jur have a young son.
  2. In The Path of Daggers
    1. TPoD,Ch8 - Perrin wants to send Grady or Neald to warn Rand about the Seanchan, but Rand insisted on absolute secrecy.
  3. In Winters Heart
    1. WH,Ch5 - After Perrin learns that Annoura Healed him, he demands to know why Berelain did not call Grady, Neald or one of the other Aes Sedai. She innocently replies that she did not think of it.
  4. In Crossroads of Twilight
    1. CoT,Ch8 - Jur Grady is a bit stronger than Fager Neald. They are both stronger than when they left with Perrin.
    2. CoT,Ch27 - Perrin thinks the way he feels using the axe is something like Grady and Neald feel wielding the One Power.
  5. In Knife of Dreams
    1. KoD,Ch26 - Perrin tries to limit Traveling so that Grady and Neald do not get too tired.
  6. In Towers of Midnight
    1. ToM,Ch43 - When Galad expresses distaste over the Asha'man. Perrin tells him that he owes his life to Grady and Neald.

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