Lini Eltring
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Pronunciation: LIHN-nee

She has been a nurse to Morgase and Elayne.

Physical Description#

She looks frail, but her back is straight, her voice is clear and steady and her dark eyes are sharp. She has a narrow face with parchment thin skin and wears her white hair in a bun. (TFoH,Ch19) She is reed-thin and wears her gray hair in a bun. (LoC,Prologue) She has white hair and is so scrawny she seems to be nothing but skin and sinew. (TPoD,Ch7)

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Eye of the World
    1. TEotW,Ch40 - Gawyn mentions her.
  2. In The Great Hunt
    1. TGH,Ch40 - Elayne thinks Nynaeve sounds like Lini when she tells Elayne to buck up and stop whining.
  3. In The Shadow Rising
    1. TSR,Ch46 - Elayne thinks Amys lectures her like Lini used to.
  4. In The Fires of Heaven
    1. TFoH,Ch9 - Elayne recalls one of Lini's sayings.
    2. TFoH,Ch25 - Elayne says Bair is as bad as Lini. Egwene tells her that Sorilea is even worse.
  5. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Ch22 - Elayne is confused by Mat's behavior. All she knows of men is Rand and what Lini and Morgase taught her.
  6. In Crossroads of Twilight
    1. CoT,Ch5 - Her full name is Lini Eltring.
  7. In Knife of Dreams
    1. KoD,Ch13 - Elayne regrets that the siege of Caemlyn has not given her time to properly mourn Morgase and Lini.
  8. In Towers of Midnight
    1. ToM,Ch28 - After the revelation about Morgase, Faile angrily wonders if Gill and Lini will turn out to be nobles as well.
    2. ToM,Ch45 - Elayne has a reunion with Galad and Morgase and they exchange stories. She learns that Lini is also safe.

Her Sayings#

  1. In The Dragon Reborn
    1. TDR,Ch48 - Do not cut off your ears because you do not like your earrings.
  2. In The Shadow Rising
    1. TSR,Ch6 - You can weave silk from pig bristles before you can make a man anything but a man.
    2. TSR,Ch6 - A weeping woman is a bucket with no bottom.
    3. TSR,Ch16 - Poke the meekest dog too often and he will bite.
  3. In The Fires of Heaven
    1. TFoH,Ch9 - A man is a man, on a throne or in a pigsty.
    2. TFoH,Ch10 - A shoat squealing under a fence just attracts the fox, when it should be trying to run.
    3. TFoH,Ch10 - Not thinking about a thorn doesn't make it hurt your foot any less.
    4. TFoH,Ch13 - A fool puts her hand into a hollow tree without finding what's inside first.
    5. TFoH,Ch14 - If you don't look for snakes, you cannot complain when one bites you.
    6. TFoH,Ch19 - A gnarled old branch dulls the blade that severs a sapling.
    7. TFoH,Ch19 - When the honey's out of the comb, there's no putting it back.
    8. TFoH,Ch19 - Better to face the bear than run from it.
    9. TFoH,Ch19 - A fool puts a burr under the saddle before she rides.
    10. TFoH,Ch19 - Dragging feet never finish a journey.
    11. TFoH,Ch34 - You cannot hold the sun down at dawn.
    12. TFoH,Ch35 - Even a queen stubs her toe, but a wise woman watches the path.
    13. TFoH,Ch47 - Waiting turns men into bears in a barn, and women into cats in a sack.
    14. TFoH,Ch49 - An open sack hides nothing, and an open door hides little, but an open man is surely hiding something.
    15. TFoH,Ch49 - To know two, you must first know one.
    16. TFoH,Ch50 - "Wish" and "want" trip the feet, but "is" makes the path smoother.
    17. TFoH,Ch56 - A young lion charges quickest, and when you least expect it.
    18. TFoH,Ch56 - There's no point letting honey age too long before you eat it.
    19. TFoH,Ch56 - It's too late to change your mind after you've jumped off the cliff.
  4. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Prologue - A slow horse does not always reach the end of the journey.
    2. LoC,Prologue - The right medicine always tastes bitter.
    3. LoC,Ch7 - What can't be changed must be endured.
    4. LoC,Ch7 - The pike does not ask the frog's permission before dining.
    5. LoC,Ch13 - What you need isn't always what you want.
    6. LoC,Ch37 - You can't put honey back in the comb.
    7. LoC,Ch39 - Fools only listen to themselves.
  5. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Ch23 - The blindest are those who keep their eyes shut.
    2. ACoS,Ch26 - Only fools kiss hornets or bite fire.
    3. ACoS,Ch30 - You can never put honey back in the comb.
  6. In The Path of Daggers
    1. TPoD,Ch2 - Peel the apple in your hand, girl, not the one on the tree.
    2. TPoD,Ch2 - Tears are for after; they just waste time before.
    3. TPoD,Ch2 - When a woman plays the fool, look for the man.
    4. TPoD,Ch2 - Kittens tangle your yarn, men tangle your wits, and it's simple as breathing for both.
    5. TPoD,Ch3 - It's one of the things men are for, taking the blame. They usually deserve it, even if you don't know exactly how.
    6. TPoD,Ch5 - No knife is sharper than a sister's hate.
    7. TPoD,Ch7 - A fool abandons friends, and gives up silver for shiny brass.
    8. TPoD,Ch7 - Three things annoy to distraction: a tooth that aches, a shoe that pinches, and a man that chatters.
    9. TPoD,Ch20 - Be sure of yourself, girl, but not too sure.
    10. TPoD,Ch20 - It isn't the stone you see that trips you on your nose.
    11. TPoD,Ch20 - A secret spoken finds wings.
  7. In Winter's Heart
    1. WH,Ch6 - Sup from too many dishes, and you deserve a bellyache that'll split you open.
    2. WH,Ch9 - A full stomach at midday makes for a dull head in the afternoon.
  8. In Crossroads of Twilight
    1. CoT,Ch12 - You count your plums in the basket, not on the tree.
    2. CoT,Ch13 - When you ask questions, then you have to hear the answers whether you want to or not.
    3. CoT,Ch14 - Always plan ahead, but worry too hard over next year, and you can trip over tomorrow.
  9. In Knife of Dreams
    1. KoD,Ch13 - You can't put honey back in the comb, child.
    2. KoD,Ch14 - You can't know another woman's reasons until you've worn her dress for a year.

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