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18 Boats and Ships#

  1. Blue Crane
  2. Blue Gull
  3. Bluewing
  4. Darter
  5. Fearless
  6. Gray Gull
  7. River Queen
  8. Riverserpent
  9. Seahawk
  10. Snow Goose
  11. Spray
  12. Swift (Boat)
  13. Victory of Kidron
  14. Wavedancer
  15. White Spray
  16. Whitecap
  17. Wind Racer
  18. Windrunner


Angreal allow anyone capable of channeling to handle a greater amount of the Power than would be safe or even possible unaided.

Female angreals:

  1. Amber turtle
  2. Bracelet and rings
  3. Carved ivory knife
  4. Flower brooch
  5. Gold ring
  6. Ivory bracelet
  7. Ivory figurine
  8. Paralis-net
  9. Seated woman
  10. Stone figurine

Male angreals:

  1. Little fat man


Sa'angreal are similar to, but more powerful than, angreal. The amount of the Power that can be wielded with a sa'angreal compares to the amount that can be handled with an angreal as the Power wielded with the aid of an angreal does to the amount that can be handled unaided.


Unlike angreal and sa'angreal, each ter'angreal was made to do a particular thing. Some require channeling, while others may be used by anyone. It had been thought that the knowledge of creating these items had been lost, but Elayne has discovered how to do so. Some draw both saidin and saidar, even if only one person uses it. (ACoS,Ch20) Ter'angreal in close proximity can sometimes interact with unexpected and dangerous consequences. (TDR,Ch23)

  1. ADam
  2. Alabaster figurine
  3. Amber plaque
  4. Bent black rod
  5. Black and white figurine
  6. Blue woman
  7. Bookstrap
  8. Bowl of the Winds
  9. Call box
  10. Chair of Remorse
  11. Clear crystal rod
  12. Control Statue
  13. Crystal Throne
  14. Domination Band
  15. Dreamspike
  16. Dull black rod
  17. Dull dagger
  18. Eight-pointed star
  19. Flattish white bowl
  20. Flexible black rod
  21. Foxhead Medallion
  22. Glass blacksmiths puzzle
  23. Glass bracelet
  24. Glass columns
  25. Glass man
  26. Golden crescents
  27. Golden hummingbird
  28. Golden swallow
  29. Guardian
  30. Hedgehog
  31. Iron disc
  32. Ivory box
  33. Jeweled belt
  34. Jewelry Set
  35. Metal balls
  36. Metal helmet
  37. Oath Rod
  38. Oval ring
  39. Paralis-net
  40. Red rod
  41. RemaKar
  42. Ring with green stone
  43. Root-like carving
  44. Sad Bracelets
  45. Silver ring
  46. Six spotted dice
  47. Tall Vase
  48. Three Arches
  49. Tiny red rod
  50. Twisted Red Doorway
  51. Twisted ring
  52. Two foot statue
  53. Vial

Other Items#