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24 17-Sep-2022 12:27 12 KB Administrator to previous
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22 05-Sep-2022 20:33 12 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Chapters ==> Category.Chapters
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—from ''Aleth nin Taerin alta Camora,\\
The Breaking of the World.\\''
Author unknown, the Fourth Age.
—from ''Aleth nin Taerin alta Camora,\\     The Breaking of the World.\\''     Author unknown, the Fourth Age.
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! __Bayrd__ POV
! POV1
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Personal guards [Bayrd], [Eri], [Morear] and [Rosse] accompany [Jarid Sarand] along with two of his advisors, Lord [Karam] and Lord [Davies]. All are loyal to [Jarid|Jarid Sarand] but he acts increasingly erratic. [Bayrd] is crafting a stone spearhead as his grandfather [Pappil] taught him because all the metal in the camp turned soft.[1] [Jarid|Jarid Sarand] blames this on [Elayne] and the [Aes Sedai] and he wants her dead. He still thinks [Elenia|Elenia Sarand] will have the throne. [Shiv] reports that there are still lots of mercenaries around [Caemlyn]. [Jarid|Jarid Sarand] plans to take [Whitebridge] for supplies then recruit in the [Two Rivers].
His men finally give up on reasoning with him. They tie him to a tree to keep him from interfering then head north to fight for [Andor] at the [Last Battle|creator]. Ghosts begin to move through the camp.
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More [Bayrd POV]
! POV2
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! __Talmanes__ POV
[Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] rides [Selfar] as he leads the [Band|Band of the Red Hand] to try to save [Caemlyn]. [Elayne] took [Estean|Estean Andiama] and most of the cavalry to the [Field of Merrilor] . Refugees pour out of the gates and the whole city seems to be on fire. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] feels more sympathy for the commoners since knowing [Mat]. His most urgent mission is to save the dragons. [Sandip], one of the [Band|Band of the Red Hand]'s commanders, and some scouts are among the refugees. [Sandip] reports that mercenary bands nearby are not helping. [Trollocs] are attempting to block the gates, trapping all the people.
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More [Talmanes POV]
! __Isam__ POV
[Isam|Isam Mandragoran] waits in the inn in the [Town][2] where he was summoned. The [Town], where he grew up, is in the [Blight] near [Thakan'dar|ThakanDar] and [Shayol Ghul]. He sees men outside wearing red veils, %%ot [Samma N'Sei|Eye Blinders]%%, "Eye Blinders" in the [Old Tongue].[3] They can channel and will kill on a whim. They flee, though, when a man walks past. [Moridin]. They challenged him when he first arrived in the [Town] and he killed a dozen of them. [Moridin] walks past the inn ignoring [Isam|Isam Mandragoran], so he was not the summoner. A woman enters the inn. She must be [Chosen|forsaken], but he does not recognize her so she is in disguise.[4] He kneels which pains the wound he got from [Perrin]. [Luc|Luc Mantear] and [Isam|Isam Mandragoran] both hate him. The woman tells [Isam|Isam Mandragoran] to kill [Rand]. He is to take orders from no one else except the [Great Lord|ShaiTan]. [Isam|Isam Mandragoran] sees a coach go by with thirteen women and thirteen [Myrddraal|fade]. Someone else to be Turned. She reminds him of [Luc|Luc Mantear]'s previous failure in the [Two Rivers]. Two of the %%ot Samma N'Sei%% who have been Turned enter. She says they will accompany him on his task. Their veils are down and he can see that their teeth are filed to points.
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More [Isam POV]
! __Talmanes__ POV
[Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] and his men drive the [Trollocs] from the gate and he is wounded by a [Fade]. He orders [Brynt] to fire the stable for more light. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] and [Sandip] wonder how to save the dragons. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] rides [Selfar] west to the mercenary camps to recruit them. They reluctantly agree to help the [Band|Band of the Red Hand] hold the gate.
! __ Leilwin__ POV
[Leilwin|Egeanin] and [Bayle|Bayle Domon] are at the [Field of Merrilor]. They slipped through a gateway from [Tar Valon]. They are looking for [Nynaeve] or [Elayne]. She wonders why she put herself in danger traveling with [Mat] and [Tuon]. She wants to right the injustice of %%ot damane%%. [Sleete] finds them and takes them to [Nynaeve]. In [Seanchan|Seanchan (Country)] she would be called %%ot telarti%%, a woman with fire in her soul. [Nynaeve] berates her for giving up the [sad bracelets|Sad Bracelets] to [Suroth] who gave them to [Semirhage] . She then takes [Leilwin|Egeanin] to [Egwene].
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More [Egeanin POV]
! __Talmanes__ POV
[Melten] puts [blisterleaf|herbs] on [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde]'s wound; the taint from the wound is killing him. The [Band|Band of the Red Hand] is now fighting at the southern gate while the mercenaries hold the
western gate. They try to figure out how to get to the Palace without being cut off. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] really misses [Vanin|Chel Vanin]. [Madwin] is guiding people towards the open gate. [Dennel], one of the dragon captains, has a map to where the dragons are stored. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] insists that they try for the [Royal Palace] first. They may find [Aes Sedai] to help them take the dragons to safety. [Ladwin] and [Mar] report a fist of [Trollocs] nearby. They head to the Palace.
! __Aviendha__ POV
Using her bond to [Rand] for the location, [Aviendha] arrives at the [Field of Merrilor] and meets with [Sorilea], [Amys], [Bair], [Melaine] and [Kymer] in the sweat tent. She reports what she saw in the [glass columns] in [Rhuidean]. Dreams show possibilities, not certainties, so they wonder if this vision is true. They agree that they must send another [Wise One|aiel] to try. [Amys] suggests the apprentice [Elenar] being trained by [Hayde] and [Shanni]. They leave the sweat tent and [Kymer] goes to speak with her uncle [Han]. [Bair] decides that she will go to [Rhuidean]. [Aviendha] asks her about [Nakomi] but [Bair] only says that it is an ancient name.[5] [Aviendha] makes a gateway for [Bair] to [Rhuidean] .
\\%%follow [Follow Aviendha|AMoL,Ch2]%%
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More [Aviendha POV]
! __Talmanes__ POV
[Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] and his companions including [Dennel], [Madwin], [Melten] and [Londraed] fight their way toward the Palace but there are too many [Trollocs]. He is growing weak from his wound. [Gavid] leads crossbowmen from the roofs. Suddenly, the [Trollocs] break as [Queen's Guards|caemlyn] from the Palace attack them from behind. [Guybon|Charlz Guybon] leads them. The Palace still stands, but it is full of refugees. Most of the [Kin] left with [Elayne] and of those left all but two were assassinated by [Darkfriends]. [Guybon|Charlz Guybon] wants to defend the Palace but [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] convinces him to get the refugees out and help defend the gates for escape. [Filger] brings word from [Sandip] that [Trollocs] have taken the walls. The [Band|Band of the Red Hand] still holds the gate for now. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] has to save the dragons. [Guybon|Charlz Guybon] will come with him.
! __Androl__ POV
[Androl|Androl Genhald] and %%red [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni]%% talk while he works on a saddle. [Evin|Evin Vinchova] told her that [Androl|Androl Genhald] came to the [Black Tower] on his own. [Pevara|Pevara Tazanovni] suggests practicing a circle as an advantage against [Taim|Mazrim Taim] and his lot. [Androl|Androl Genhald] suggests [Nalaam|Arlen Nalaam], [Emarin|Emarin Pendaloan] or [Jonneth|Jonneth Dowtry] as he is one of the weakest in the [Black Tower]. [Emarin|Emarin Pendaloan] and [Canler] arrive. They have been trying to find a way to escape. They discuss the [Knoks Rebellion] in [Murandy] against a despot [Desartin]. [Androl|Androl Genhald] guesses that [Emarin|Emarin Pendaloan] is really [Algarin|Algarin Pendaloan]. [Fanshir] had a book on [Tairen|Tear (Country)] nobles that gave him clues. They agree to follow [Androl|Androl Genhald] until [Logain|Logain Ablar] returns. He will think of a plan.
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More [Androl POV]
! __Talmanes__ POV
[Jesamyn], one of the [Kin] cannot help [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde]; the poison from the [Thakan'dar|ThakanDar] blade is beyond her skill and the wound is turning black. He will be dead soon. She is the only one of the [Kin] left. [Guybon|Charlz Guybon] and [Dennel] argue which way to go. They make their way to the warehouse where the dragons are stored. They find the warehouse burned and the dragons gone. Then they hear a booming down the street and run toward it. They run into more [Shadowspawn] and attack. Despite his pain, [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] kills another [Fade] and all the surrounding [Trollocs] collapse. They hear human voices ahead and [Filger] and [Mar] go to scout. It is [Aludra] and the townspeople with her. They have hidden the dragons. [Aludra] seems concerned looking at him and he notices his veins turning black. [Filger] reports more [Trollocs] and they begin making their way toward the city wall and the east gate. [Aludra] tells him they need more supplies from [Baerlon]. They saved the dragons, but only a few dragon's eggs and powder.
! __Moghedien__ POV
[Moghedien] arrives at [Moridin]'s [dreamshard|TelAranRhiod][6] in %%ot Tel'aran'rhiod%%, a stone platform floating in an ocean. She is now allowed to carry her own [mindtrap] so she can now channel without permission. [Moridin] still carries [Cyndane]'s. [Moridin] visited ''Sindhol'' and killed [Lanfear] so the [Great Lord|ShaiTan] could give her a new body and name.[7] [Demandred] arrives via gateway. A terribly ugly woman arrives next. [Moridin] says she is [Hessalam], "without forgiveness" in the [Old Tongue]. From her tone and stance [Moghedien] recognizes her as [Graendal] in a new body. [Moridin] announces that there is a new [Chosen|forsaken]. A stone doorway appears and [Mazrim Taim] walks in, now called [M'Hael|Mazrim Taim]. He was raised because of his success creating a new generation of [Dreadlords]. [Moridin] gives [Moghedien] a new assignment, to assist [Demandred] by watching over one of the other side's armies. He tells them that the last days have arrived. This is the end.\\
%%follow [Follow Moghedien|AMoL,Ch41]%%\\
More [Moghedien POV]
! __Talmanes__ POV
[Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] has collapsed from the pain. [Dennel] and [Guybon|Charlz Guybon] argue about how to use the dragons while [Melten] and [Jesamyn] tend to [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] and [Aludra] measures charges. The [Trollocs] have cornered them in a square by the city wall. The dragons are in a semicircle facing the [Trollocs] for a last stand. In an inspired moment, [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] realizes that the dragons can blow a wall out as well as in. He orders [Ryden] to reverse his squad's dragons while the others fire at the [Trollocs] . The outward-facing squad fires blowing away the wall and the [Trollocs] on it. [Talmanes|Talmanes Delovinde] falls unconscious.
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[1|#1] Yet another weakening of reality. \\
[2|#2] The "village in the Blight" that has been hinted at.\\
[3|#3] [Aiel] who have turned to the [Shadow|creator], or been Turned?\\
[4|#4] While her identity is not certain, she has to be either [Cyndane] or [Hessalam], more likely [Hessalam].\\
[5|#5] So [Nakomi] remains a mystery.\\
[6|#6] This is the first time we have heard this term for what [Ba'alzamon|ishamael] was doing since early in [TEotW|The Eye of the World].\\
[7|#7] Contradicting what the [Aelfinn|finn] and [Eelfinn|finn] told [Moiraine] per [ToM,Ch57] .
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