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At line 565 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phCaraiEll">Carai an ellisande</A> = for the honor of the rose of the sun
<A HREF = "#carai">"Carai"</A> means "honor", <A HREF = "#an">"an"</A>
is a preposition meaning "of" and
<A HREF = "#ellisande">"ellisande"</A> means "the rose of the sun".
;Carai an ellisande</A> = for the honor of the rose of the sun <DL><DD><A HREF = "#carai">"Carai"</A> means "honor", <A HREF = "#an">"an"</A> is a preposition meaning "of" and <A HREF = "#ellisande">"ellisande"</A> means "the rose of the sun".</DL>
At line 572 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phCor">cor darei</A> = night spears
An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#cor">"Cor"</A> means "night"
and <A HREF = "#darei">"darei"</A> means "spears".
;cor darei</A> = night spears <DL><DD> An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#cor">"Cor"</A> means "night" and <A HREF = "#darei">"darei"</A> means "spears".</DL>
At line 578 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phDa'es">da'es daemar</A> = the great game /or/ the game of the houses.
I have no idea what any of the two to three words in this phrase
;da'es daemar</A> = the great game /or/ the game of the houses. <DL><DD>I have no idea what any of the two to three words in this phrase mean.</DL>
At line 584 changed 7 lines
<A NAME = "phDa'shain">da'shain aiel</A> = true peace dedicated
<A HREF = "#da'shain">"Da'shain"</A> might mean "true peace" or something greater than piece
if <A HREF = "#da">"da"</A> is a superlative to <A HREF = "#shain">"shain"</A>'s "peace."
<A HREF = "#aiel">"Aiel"</A> means dedicated.
Also see <A HREF = "#note1">note 1</A> above for interpretation of da'shain.
;da'shain aiel</A> = true peace dedicated <DL><DD><A HREF = "#da'shain">"Da'shain"</A> might mean "true peace" or something greater than piece if <A HREF = "#da">"da"</A> is a superlative to <A HREF = "#shain">"shain"</A>'s "peace." <A HREF = "#aiel">"Aiel"</A> means dedicated. Also see <A HREF = "#note1">note 1</A> above for interpretation of da'shain.</DL>
At line 592 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phDai">dai shan</A> = battle lord
<A HREF = "#dai">"Dai"</A> means "battle", <A HREF = "#shan">"shan"</A>
means lord. See also <A HREF = "#note1">note 1</A> above.
;dai shan</A> = battle lord <DL><DD><A HREF = "#dai">"Dai"</A> means "battle", <A HREF = "#shan">"shan"</A> means lord. See also <A HREF = "#note1">note 1</A> above.</DL>
At line 598 changed 7 lines
<A NAME = "phDeveniye">Deveniye, dyo ninte concion ca'lyet ye</A> = Majesty, by your summons do I come
<A HREF = "#deveniye">"Deveniye"</A> means "majesty", <A HREF = "#dyo">"dyo"</A>
mean "by", <A HREF = "#ninte">"ninte"</A> means "your",
<A HREF = "#concion">"concion"</A> means "summons", <A HREF = "#ca'lyet">"ca'lyet"</A>
means "do come" and <A HREF = "#ye">"ye"</A> means "I".
;Deveniye, dyo ninte concion ca'lyet ye</A> = Majesty, by your summons do I come <DL><DD><A HREF = "#deveniye">"Deveniye"</A> means "majesty", <A HREF = "#dyo">"dyo"</A> mean "by", <A HREF = "#ninte">"ninte"</A> means "your", <A HREF = "#concion">"concion"</A> means "summons", <A HREF = "#ca'lyet">"ca'lyet"</A> means "do come" and <A HREF = "#ye">"ye"</A> means "I".</DL>
At line 606 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phDo">do miere a'vron</A> = the watchers over the sea
Probably literally "over ocean, watchers". <A HREF = "#do">"Do"</A> means
"over", <A HREF = "#miere">"miere"</A> means "ocean" and <A HREF = "#vron">"vron"</A> means "watchers".
;do miere a'vron</A> = the watchers over the sea <DL><DD> Probably literally "over ocean, watchers". <A HREF = "#do">"Do"</A> means "over", <A HREF = "#miere">"miere"</A> means "ocean" and <A HREF = "#vron">"vron"</A> means "watchers".</DL>
At line 612 changed 11 lines
<A NAME = "phDovie'andi">Dovie'andi se tovya sagain</A> = It's time to roll the dice
<A HREF = "#dovie">"Dovie"</A> seems to be related to <A HREF = "#dovienya">"dovienya"</A>.
which means "luck".
Following the normal sentence order, this probably means
"Dice themselves roll time it is." Thus, <A HREF = "#dovie'andi">"Dovie'andi"</A> means
"dice", <A HREF = "#se">"se"</A> is a relexive pronoun "themselves", <A HREF = "#tovya">"tovya"</A> is
a conjugation of "to roll", <A HREF = "#sag">"sag"</A. means "time" and
<A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A> means "is". The only two that cross-reference, however, are
<A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A> and <A HREF = "#dovie'andi">"Dovie'andi"</A>.
;Dovie'andi se tovya sagain</A> = It's time to roll the dice <DL><DD><A HREF = "#dovie">"Dovie"</A> seems to be related to <A HREF = "#dovienya">"dovienya"</A>. which means "luck". Following the normal sentence order, this probably means "Dice themselves roll time it is." Thus, <A HREF = "#dovie'andi">"Dovie'andi"</A> means "dice", <A HREF = "#se">"se"</A> is a relexive pronoun "themselves", <A HREF = "#tovya">"tovya"</A> is a conjugation of "to roll", <A HREF = "#sag">"sag"</A. means "time" and <A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A> means "is". The only two that cross-reference, however, are <A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A> and <A HREF = "#dovie'andi">"Dovie'andi"</A>.</DL>
At line 624 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phDuadhe">duadhe mahdi'in</A> = water seekers
An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#duadhe">"Duadhe"</A> means "water"
and <A HREF = "#mahdi'in">"mahdi'in"</A> is
the pluralistaion of <A HREF = "#mahdi">"mahdi"</A> which means "seeker".
;duadhe mahdi'in</A> = water seekers <DL><DD> An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#duadhe">"Duadhe"</A> means "water" and <A HREF = "#mahdi'in">"mahdi'in"</A> is the pluralistaion of <A HREF = "#mahdi">"mahdi"</A> which means "seeker".</DL>
At line 631 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phFarAldazar">far aldazar din</A> = brothers of the eagle
<DL><DD> Probably literally "for the eagle, brother". An Aiel warrior
society. <A HREF = "#far">"Far"</A> means "for", <A HREF = "#dazar">"dazar"</A>
means "eagle" and <A HREF = "#din">"din"</A> means "brother".
;far aldazar din</A> = brothers of the eagle <DL><DD> Probably literally "for the eagle, brother". An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#far">"Far"</A> means "for", <A HREF = "#dazar">"dazar"</A> means "eagle" and <A HREF = "#din">"din"</A> means "brother".</DL>
At line 637 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phFarDareis">far dareis mai</A> = maidens of the spear
Probably literally "for spear, maiden". The Aiel female warrior
society. <A HREF = "#far">"Far"</A> means "for", <A HREF = "#darei">"darei"</A>
means "spear", and <A HREF = "#mai">"mai"</A> means "maiden".
;far dareis mai</A> = maidens of the spear <DL><DD> Probably literally "for spear, maiden". The Aiel female warrior society. <A HREF = "#far">"Far"</A> means "for", <A HREF = "#darei">"darei"</A> means "spear", and <A HREF = "#mai">"mai"</A> means "maiden".</DL>
At line 644 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phHama">hama n'dore</A> = mountain dancers
An Aiel warrior society. I am guessing that the "n" on the second
word indicates some form of pluralization. Thus, <A HREF = "#n'dore">"n'dore"</A> means
"dancers" and <A HREF = "#hama">"hama"</A> means "mountain".
;hama n'dore</A> = mountain dancers <DL><DD> An Aiel warrior society. I am guessing that the "n" on the second word indicates some form of pluralization. Thus, <A HREF = "#n'dore">"n'dore"</A> means "dancers" and <A HREF = "#hama">"hama"</A> means "mountain".</DL>
At line 651 changed 7 lines
<A NAME = "phInde">Inde muaghde Aes Sedai misain ye</A> = I am no Aes Sedai meat.
Probably literally "not meat Aes Sedai am I" with the Aes Sedai
modifying the preceding noun. <A HREF = "#inde">"Inde"</A> means negation,
<A HREF = "#muaghde">"muaghde"</A> means "meat",
<A HREF = "#misain">"misain"</A> means "am" and <A HREF = "#ye">"ye"</A> means "I".
;Inde muaghde Aes Sedai misain ye</A> = I am no Aes Sedai meat. <DL><DD>
Probably literally "not meat Aes Sedai am I" with the Aes Sedai modifying the preceding noun. <A HREF = "#inde">"Inde"</A> means negation, <A HREF = "#muaghde">"muaghde"</A> means "meat", <A HREF = "#misain">"misain"</A> means "am" and <A HREF = "#ye">"ye"</A> means "I".</DL>
At line 659 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phJenn">jenn aiel</A> = the "true" aiel
Probably literally "truly dedicated". The name for the "tribe" of
Aiel who built Rhuidean. <A HREF = "#jenn">"Jenn"</A> means "true" or "truly",
and <A HREF = "#aiel">"aiel"</A> means "dedicated".
;jenn aiel</A> = the "true" aiel <DL><DD> Probably literally "truly dedicated". The name for the "tribe" of Aiel who built Rhuidean. <A HREF = "#jenn">"Jenn"</A> means "true" or "truly", and <A HREF = "#aiel">"aiel"</A> means "dedicated".</DL>
At line 666 changed 4 lines
<A NAME = "phKiserai">Kiserai ti wansho</A> = glory to the builders
<A HREF = "#kiserai">"Kiserai"</A> means "glory", <A HREF = "#ti">"ti"</A>
means "to" and <A HREF = "#wansho">"wansho"</A> means "builders". </DL>
;Kiserai ti wansho</A> = glory to the builders <DL><DD> <A HREF = "#kiserai">"Kiserai"</A> means "glory", <A HREF = "#ti">"ti"</A> means "to" and <A HREF = "#wansho">"wansho"</A> means "builders". </DL>
At line 671 changed 10 lines
<A NAME = "phKodome">Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei</A> = Here is always a welcome for Aes Sedai
Probably literally "Here welcome is for Aes Sedai always". <A HREF = "#kodome">"Kodome"</A>
probably means "here", <A HREF = "#calichniye">"calichniye"</A>. means "welcome",
<A HREF = "#ga">"ga"</A> probably
means "is", <A HREF = "#ni">"ni"</A> probably means "for" and <A HREF = "#hei">"hei"</A> means "always".
This is a phrase from <I>The Eye of the World</I>, so neither the word
order, nor the words seem to be standard, ie <A HREF = "#ga">"ga"</A> is not related to
the <A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A>. family of "to be" verbs.
<A NAME = "phKodome">Kodome calichniye ga ni Aes Sedai hei</A> = Here is always a welcome for Aes Sedai <DL><DD> Probably literally "Here welcome is for Aes Sedai always". <A HREF = "#kodome">"Kodome"</A> probably means "here", <A HREF = "#calichniye">"calichniye"</A>. means "welcome", <A HREF = "#ga">"ga"</A> probably means "is", <A HREF = "#ni">"ni"</A> probably means "for" and <A HREF = "#hei">"hei"</A> means "always". This is a phrase from <I>The Eye of the World</I>, so neither the word order, nor the words seem to be standard, ie <A HREF = "#ga">"ga"</A> is not related to the <A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A>. family of "to be" verbs.</DL>
At line 682 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phLosCaba'drin">Los caba'drin</A> = horsemen/cavalry forward
<A HREF = "#los">"Los"</A> means "forward", <A HREF = "#caba">"caba"</A>
means "horse" and <A HREF = "#drin">"drin"</A> means "soldier"
;Los caba'drin</A> = horsemen/cavalry forward <DL><DD><A HREF = "#los">"Los"</A> means "forward", <A HREF = "#caba">"caba"</A> means "horse" and <A HREF = "#drin">"drin"</A> means "soldier"</DL>
At line 688 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phLosValdar">Los valdar cuebiyari</A> = Heart-guard foward
<A HREF = "#los">"Los"</A> means "forward" and
<A HREF = "#phValdar">"valdar cuebiyari"</A> means "the heart
;Los valdar cuebiyari</A> = Heart-guard foward <DL><DD><A HREF = "#los">"Los"</A> means "forward" and <A HREF = "#phValdar">"valdar cuebiyari"</A> means "the heart guard".</DL>
At line 707 changed 10 lines
<A NAME = "phNinte">Ninte calichniye no domashitsa</A> = Your welcome warms me
Probably literally "Your welcome me warms" with the direct object
coming before the verb. <A HREF = "#ninte">"Ninte"</A> means "your",
<A HREF = "#calchniye">"calichniye"</A> means
"welcome", <A HREF = "#no">"no"</A>. means "me" and <A HREF = "#domashita">"domashita"</A>
means "warms". Again,
this is a phrase from <I>The Eye of the World</I>, so it does not
follow the standard word order.
<A NAME = "phNinte">Ninte calichniye no domashitsa</A> = Your welcome warms me <DL><DD> Probably literally "Your welcome me warms" with the direct object coming before the verb. <A HREF = "#ninte">"Ninte"</A> means "your", <A HREF = "#calchniye">"calichniye"</A> means "welcome", <A HREF = "#no">"no"</A>. means "me" and <A HREF = "#domashita">"domashita"</A> means "warms". Again, this is a phrase from <I>The Eye of the World</I>, so it does not follow the standard word order.</DL>
At line 718 changed 4 lines
<A NAME = "phNosane">Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, diynen'd'ma'purvene</A> = Speak we what language, Sounder of the Horn
Word for word translation.
<A NAME = "phNosane">Nosane iro gavane domorakoshi, diynen'd'ma'purvene</A> = Speak we what language, Sounder of the Horn <DL><DD> Word for word translation.</DL>
At line 723 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phRahien">rahien sorei</A> = dawn runners
An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#rahien">"Rahien"</A> means "dawn" and
<A HREF = "#sorei">"sorei"</A> means "runners".
<A NAME = "phRahien">rahien sorei</A> = dawn runners <DL><DD>An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#rahien">"Rahien"</A> means "dawn" and <A HREF = "#sorei">"sorei"</A> means "runners".</DL>
At line 729 changed 7 lines
<A NAME = "phSa">Sa souvraya niende misain ye</A> = I am lost in my own mind.
Probably literally "In my own mind lost am I". <A HREF = "#sa">"Sa"</A> probably means
"in", <A HREF = "#souvraya">"souvraya"</A> probably means "my own mind",
<A HREF = "#niende">"niende"</A> probably
means "lost", <A HREF = "#misain">"misain"</A> means "am" and <A HREF = "#ye">"ye"</A> means "I".
<A NAME = "phSa">Sa souvraya niende misain ye</A> = I am lost in my own mind. <DL><DD> Probably literally "In my own mind lost am I". <A HREF = "#sa">"Sa"</A> probably means "in", <A HREF = "#souvraya">"souvraya"</A> probably means "my own mind", <A HREF = "#niende">"niende"</A> probably means "lost", <A HREF = "#misain">"misain"</A> means "am" and <A HREF = "#ye">"ye"</A> means "I".</DL>
At line 737 changed 4 lines
<A NAME = "phSeia">seia doon</A> = black eyes
An Aiel warrior society. No idea on word order.
<A NAME = "phSeia">seia doon</A> = black eyes <DL><DD>An Aiel warrior society. No idea on word order.</DL>
At line 744 changed 5 lines
Probably literally "As/like another a horse to ride is luck".
Thus, <A HREF = "#sene">"sene"</A> means "as/like", <A HREF = "#sovya">"sovya"</A>.
means "another", <A HREF = "#donde">"donde"</A>
means to ride, <A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A> means "is" and <A HREF = "#dovienya">"dovienya"</A> means "luck".
Probably literally "As/like another a horse to ride is luck". Thus, <A HREF = "#sene">"sene"</A> means "as/like", <A HREF = "#sovya">"sovya"</A>. means "another", <A HREF = "#donde">"donde"</A> means to ride, <A HREF = "#ain">"ain"</A> means "is" and <A HREF = "#dovienya">"dovienya"</A> means "luck".</DL>
At line 750 changed 4 lines
<A NAME = "phShaidar">shaidar haran</A> = hand of the dark
<A HREF = "#shaidar">"Shaidar"</A> means "dark". <A HREF = "#haran">"haran"</A> means "hand of".
<A NAME = "phShaidar">shaidar haran</A> = hand of the dark <DL><DD> <A HREF = "#shaidar">"Shaidar"</A> means "dark". <A HREF = "#haran">"haran"</A> means "hand of".</DL>
At line 755 changed 4 lines
<A NAME = "phSha'mad">sha'mad conde</A> = thunder walkers
An Aiel warrior society. No idea on word order.
<A NAME = "phSha'mad">sha'mad conde</A> = thunder walkers <DL><DD> An Aiel warrior society. No idea on word order.</DL>
At line 760 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phShadar">shadar logoth</A> = shadow's waiting
The present name for Aridhol. <A HREF = "#shadar">"Shadar"</A> probably means "shadow" and
<A HREF = "#logoth">"logoth"</A> probably means waiting.
<A NAME = "phShadar">shadar logoth</A> = shadow's waiting <DL><DD> The present name for Aridhol. <A HREF = "#shadar">"Shadar"</A> probably means "shadow" and <A HREF = "#logoth">"logoth"</A> probably means waiting.</DL>
At line 766 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phShae'en">shae'en m'taal</A> = stone dogs
An Aiel warrior society. Because of the plural <A HREF = "#en">"en"</A> ending,
<A HREF = "#shae'en">"shae'en"</A> probably means "dogs", and thus,
<A HREF = "#m'taal">"m'taal"</A> probably means "stone".
<A NAME = "phShae'en">shae'en m'taal</A> = stone dogs <DL><DD> An Aiel warrior society. Because of the plural <A HREF = "#en">"en"</A> ending, <A HREF = "#shae'en">"shae'en"</A> probably means "dogs", and thus, <A HREF = "#m'taal">"m'taal"</A> probably means "stone".</DL>
At line 773 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phShen">shen an calhar</A> = the band of the red hand
<A HREF = "#band">"Shen"</A> means "band", <A HREF = "#an">"an"</A> means "of",
<A HREF = "#cal">"cal"</A> means "red" and <A HREF = "#har">"har"</A>
means "hand".
<A NAME = "phShen">shen an calhar</A> = the band of the red hand <DL><DD> <A HREF = "#band">"Shen"</A> means "band", <A HREF = "#an">"an"</A> means "of", <A HREF = "#cal">"cal"</A> means "red" and <A HREF = "#har">"har"</A> means "hand".</DL>
At line 780 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phSovin">sovin nai</A> = knife hands
An Aiel warrior society. Because of the plural <A HREF = "#in">"in"</A> ending,
<A HREF = "#sovin">"sovin"</A>
probably means "hands" and thus, <A HREF = "#nai">"nai"</A> probably means "knife".
<A NAME = "phSovin">sovin nai</A> = knife hands <DL><DD> An Aiel warrior society. Because of the plural <A HREF = "#in">"in"</A> ending, <A HREF = "#sovin">"sovin"</A> probably means "hands" and thus, <A HREF = "#nai">"nai"</A> probably means "knife".</DL>
At line 787 changed 7 lines
<A NAME = "phSuravye">Suravye ninto manshima taishite</A> = Peace favor your sword
Probably literally means "??? your sword ???". No idea on the
unknown word order. <A HREF = "#ninto">"Ninto"</A> means "your" and
<A HREF = "#manshima">"manshima"</A> probably
means "sword" as <A HREF = "#man">"man"</A>. is also present in <A HREF = "#mandarb">"mandarb".</A>.
<A NAME = "phSuravye">Suravye ninto manshima taishite</A> = Peace favor your sword <DL><DD> Probably literally means "??? your sword ???". No idea on the unknown word order. <A HREF = "#ninto">"Ninto"</A> means "your" and <A HREF = "#manshima">"manshima"</A> probably means "sword" as <A HREF = "#man">"man"</A>. is also present in <A HREF = "#mandarb">"mandarb".</A>.</DL>
At line 795 changed 7 lines
<A NAME = "phTain">tain shari</A> = true bloods
An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#tain">"Tain"</A> is the plural of
<A HREF = "#tai">"tai"</A> and <A HREF = "#shari">"shari"</A>
is the plural of <A HREF = "#shar">"shar"</A>. No idea on word order. See also
<A HREF = "#tai'shar">"tai'shar"</A>.
<A NAME = "phTain">tain shari</A> = true bloods <DL><DD> An Aiel warrior society. <A HREF = "#tain">"Tain"</A> is the plural of <A HREF = "#tai">"tai"</A> and <A HREF = "#shari">"shari"</A> is the plural of <A HREF = "#shar">"shar"</A>. No idea on word order. See also <A HREF = "#tai'shar">"tai'shar"</A>.</DL>
At line 803 changed 5 lines
<A NAME = "phTar">tar valon</A> = tower that guards
<A HREF = "#valon">"Valon"</A> is probably related to "val"</A> which
probably means "guard", thus <A HREF = "#tar">"tar"</A> probably means "tower".
;tar valon</A> = tower that guards <DL><DD> <A HREF = "#valon">"Valon"</A> is probably related to "val"</A> which probably means "guard", thus <A HREF = "#tar">"tar"</A> probably means "tower".</DL>
At line 809 changed 6 lines
<A NAME = "phTarmon">tarmon gai'don</A> = last battle
<A HREF = "#gai">"Gai"</A> means battle which seems to imply that
<A HREF = "#tarmon">"tarmon"</A> might mean
"last", but "last battle" may not be a correct translation.
;tarmon gai'don</A> = last battle <DL><DD> <A HREF = "#gai">"Gai"</A> means battle which seems to imply that <A HREF = "#tarmon">"tarmon"</A> might mean "last", but "last battle" may not be a correct translation.</DL>
At line 816 changed 5 lines
;tia avende alantin:Ogier
Probably literally "to the trees brother". <A HREF = "#tia">"Tia"</A> means "to",
<A HREF = "#avende">"avende"</A> means "tree" and <A HREF = "#alantin">"alantin"</A> means "brother".
;tia avende alantin:Ogier <DL><DD> Probably literally "to the trees brother". <A HREF = "#tia">"Tia"</A> means "to", <A HREF = "#avende">"avende"</A> means "tree" and <A HREF = "#alantin">"alantin"</A> means "brother".</DL>