This page (revision-36) was last changed on 11-Nov-2022 16:45 by Administrator

This page was created on 09-May-2022 18:10 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
36 11-Nov-2022 16:45 7 KB Administrator to previous
35 11-Nov-2022 16:43 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
34 11-Nov-2022 16:42 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
33 11-Nov-2022 16:42 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
32 11-Nov-2022 16:06 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
31 11-Nov-2022 14:44 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
30 11-Nov-2022 14:43 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
29 25-Oct-2022 23:14 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
28 24-Oct-2022 21:51 7 KB Administrator to previous | to last
27 23-Oct-2022 10:43 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
26 22-Oct-2022 23:24 6 KB Administrator to previous | to last
25 21-Oct-2022 23:40 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
24 21-Oct-2022 23:22 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
23 20-Oct-2022 08:04 5 KB Administrator to previous | to last
22 17-Oct-2022 23:43 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last
21 17-Oct-2022 23:42 4 KB Administrator to previous | to last

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Work In Progress
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[Perrin] is riding [Stayer] with [Elayne]'s light cavalry, including [Mayeners|Mayene], [Whitecloaks], [Ghealdanin|Ghealdan] and some of the [Band|Band of the Red Hand]. It's purposely a small force. There are [Trollocs] outside the [Caemlyn] walls, and the riders shoot arrows into them, causing many of the [Trolloc]s to fall, but none started chasing [Perrin]'s forces. [Perrin] vows to continue this tactic until the [Trollocs] give chase.\\
[Perrin] is riding [Stayer] with [Elayne]'s light cavalry, including [Mayeners|Mayene], [Whitecloaks], [Ghealdanin|Ghealdan] and some of the [Band|Band of the Red Hand]. It's purposely a small force. There are [Trollocs] outside the [Caemlyn] walls, and the riders shoot arrows into them, causing many of the [Trollocs] to fall, but none started chasing [Perrin]'s forces. [Perrin] vows to continue this tactic until the [Trollocs] give chase.\\
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[Androl] has been drugged by some drink that has made him drowsy and unable to [channel|One Power].
[Androl] has been drugged by some drink that has made him drowsy and unable to [channel|One Power].[1] [Emarin|Algarin Pendaloan] is nearby. He has not been [Turned|Weaves] yet, but he seems close to breaking. The thirteen men that [Taim] had been using for it are exhausted and [Taim] is angry at them. %%red [Pevara]%%
had also been given the tea and is knocked out, which also angered [Taim] because he wanted to Turn her next.
[Abors] and [Mishraile] pull %%red [Toveine Gazal]%% into the room. [Abors] had joined [Taim] willingly even before the Turning had begun. [Taim] orders his men to [Turn|Weaves] [Toveine|Toveine Gazal] next, but his attention is on a disc in his hands[2]. [Taim] puts the disc in a pounch and tells [Mishraile] to come with him and that "it's time."\\
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[Lan], [Kaisel|Kaisel Noramaga] and [Easar|Easar Togita] are riding towards the battlefront. [Ethenielle|Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga] and her retinue, which includes [Baldhere] and [Ramsin|Kalyan Ramsin], join them. [Narishma] and his [Aes Sedai] approach them and tell them that [Dreadlords][3], maybe as many as two dozen, are [channeling|One Power]. [Agelmar] says that the [Dreadlords] will cut through them easily. [Lan] knows that the [Gap] is now lost and tells [Agelmar] to retreat and asks [Narishma] if the [Asha'man] can do anything. [Narishma] says they could try to attack the [Dreadlords], but that would make themselves targets, with so many on the other side. [Lan] tells [Narishma] to go to [Elayne] and bring back [channelers|One Power] to cover their retreat. [Agelmar] yells for the retreat and has the archers come forward to target the [Dreadlords] and cover the soldiers.
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[Elayne] is in the [Braem Wood] and she remembers a story about the woods and [Birgitte]. [Birgitte] once led a band of thieves out of the woods. She also robbed the Queen of [Aldeshar]. A messenger arrives and tells them that the [Trollocs] took the bait and are now following [Perrin] and his forces towards them.
[Elayne], on [Moonshadow], hears something in the forest. She embraces the [Source|True Source] and is able to tell that it's [Perrin] and his forces, riding hard towards them, with [Trollocs] close behind. [Elayne] orders the archers to the fore and the [Two Rivers] men do so, but she has to tell them that the first set coming towards them are their own men. [Elayne] is worried that the archers will hit their own men, but [Tam] assures her that they can hit their intended targets. She finally gives the order for the archers to loose their arrows, and the [Two Rivers] men fire and hit the targets, especially the [Trolloc] archers. [Birgitte] admits that it was fine archery. As [Perrin]'s forces enter the forest, the archers keep firing. She then orders the crossbowmen to the fore and they start firing, tearing into the [Trollocs]. The [Two Rivers] men climb into the trees to continue firing.
A large group of [Trollocs] break off and head east to the road that borders [Braem Wood] in order to surround [Elayne]'s forces. She tells her forces to fall back, which they do. A short distance into the forest and they encounter [Alliandre|Alliandre Maritha Kigarin] and her soldiers standing along ranks of pikes and halberds. [Elayne] tells them to start falling back as soon as the [Trollocs] hit because they want to draw the [Trollocs] in further. She continues onward with her [Queen's Guard] toward the roadway. She hears explosions, which mean that slingmen were tossing [Aludra]'s roarsticks into the trees at the [Trollocs].
The [Band of the Red Hand] has setup nearly one hundred [dragons] in four ranks across the roadway.
She arrives at the roadway just as several [Fades] lead the [Trollocs] onto the road further down. The [Band of the Red Hand] has setup nearly one hundred [dragons] in four ranks across the roadway. [Talmanes] is atop a pile of boxes overlooking everything. [Talmanes] gives the order and then rank after rank open fire on the [Fades] and [Trollocs]. When the smoke clears, thousands of [Trollocs] are in pieces, with no sign of the [Fades] at all. Even nearby trees were shattered. [Elayne] asks [Birgitte] what she thinks, and she replies that they're messy, imprecise and very effective. [Birgitte] says she doesn't like what this means for future battles, but [Elayne] says this means there won't be any more wars because of these.
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[1|#1] [Forkroot|Herbs]? \\
[2|#2] A [seal]?\\
[3|#3] [Taim] and his men?\\