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21 17-Sep-2022 12:25 4 KB Administrator to previous

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! __Perrin__ POV
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! Perrin
[Perrin] grins and realizes that [Mat] actually did rescue %%blue [Moiraine]%% and when he does so, sees an image of [Mat] riding on a dusty road tinkering with something in his hands.[1] [Thom] steps into the tent next. %%amyrlin [Egwene]%%, as the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai], welcomes [Moiraine]. The [Borderland]ers also welcome [Moiraine]. The other rulers, except for [Darlin|Darlin Sisnera], seem to not recognize her. [Nynaeve] gives a huge hug to [Moiraine]. [Egwene] tells [Moiraine] about [Rand]'s plan with the [Dragon's Peace] and [Moiraine] responds by quoting different parts of the [Karaethon Prophecies], stopping by each person who represents that part of the prophecy. A [Brown|Brown Ajah] notes that the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] are excluded and [Elayne] notes that there's no way to settle disputes. [Rand] agrees to get the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] to sign it or the document is void. [Aviendha] then requests her boon, which is to include the [Aiel]. [Perrin] comes up with the idea of making the [Aiel] the enforcers of the peace and mediators of disputes. Much discussion ensues, and [Cadsuane] smells extremely proud to [Perrin].
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Perrin grins and realizes that [Mat] actually did rescue %%blue [Moiraine]%% and when he does so, sees an image of [Mat] riding on a dusty road tinkering with something in his hands.[1] [Thom] steps in next. %%amyrlin [Egwene]%%, as the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai], welcomes [Moiraine]. The [Borderland]ers also welcome [Moiraine]. The other rulers, except for [Darlin|Darlin Sisnera] seem to not recognize her. [Nynaeve] gives a huge hug to [Moiraine]. [Egwene] tells [Moiraine] about [Rand]'s plan with the Dragon's Peace and [Moiraine] responds by quoting different parts of the [Karaethon Prophecies], stopping by each person who represents that part of the prophecy. A [Brown|Brown Ajah] notes that the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] are excluded and [Elayne] notes that there's no way to settle disputes. [Rand] agrees to get the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] to sign it or the document is void. [Aviendha] then requests her boon, which is to include the [Aiel]. [Perrin] comes up with the idea of making the [Aiel] the enforcers of the peace and mediators of disputes.
The conversation turns to who will lead the battle, with [Moiraine] insisting it must not be [Rand], and [Rand] insisting it must be him. %%yellow [Romanda|Romanda Cassin]%% suggests the [White Tower], but [Rand] objects to the [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] being the one. [Darlin|Darlin Sisnera] says that it must be one who is going to be in the fighting. [Rand] agrees, but says that everyone still needs to agree to all of his demands. [Moiraine] says that [Rand] will not break the [seals], but instead [Egwene], as [Amyrlin], will, and she quotes the [prophecies|Karaethon Prophecies] to prove it and asks [Egwene] about her own [dreams|Egwenes Dreams], which also prove it. [Rand] hands three [seals] to [Egwene]. All of the rulers begin to sign the document, with [Elayne] last. [Rand] suggests that they all agree on [Elayne] to lead the battle and the rulers agree. [Rand] agrees to visit the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] after the document is signed. The [Aiel] will not fight them. [Rand] will hold the [Seanchan|Seanchan (People)] to the lands that they currently have and they'll all deal with the captives later. [Rand] has a final request, which is to have all of them help [Lan].\\
%%follow [Follow Perrin|AMoL,Ch10]%%\\
More [Perrin POV]
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! Lan
! __Lan__ POV
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[Andere] asks [Lan] how bad the battle is, and [Lan] replies that it's bad. [Nazar|Nazar Kurenin] has died, taking a [Trolloc] with him. Prince [Kaisel|Kaisel Noramaga] rides up and reports that the [Trollocs] are lining up again. [Lan]'s current standard-bearer, [Jophil], is the fifth one since yesterday. [Lan] and his cavalry had taken control of the [Gap|Tarwins Gap] at the beginning of the fight and have held it, but are slowly being pushed back and are now near the mouth of the [Gap|Tarwins Gap]. [Kaisel|Kaisel Noramaga] estimates that they have 6,000 riders remaining. [Lan]'s plan now is to retreat and then to charge back towards the [Trollocs], taking as many as them as they can before they are surrounded and all killed. [Lan] sees that [Andere] is helped into his saddle by [Bulen] and tells him to stay back, but [Andere] insists on staying in the fight.
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[Lan]'s forces retreat for several hundred yards and then turn around. The [Trollocs] start charging and then [Lan]'s forces start charging back towards them. A dozen [gateways|Weaves] open and [Lan]'s charge becomes a hundred thousand. [Asha'man] start attacking, killing the front rank of [Trollocs]. Before leaving for the camp, [Andere] says he wants to see [Lan] smile. [Lan] not only smiles, but laughs and tells [Jophil] to raise the banner high.
\\ \\
More [Lan POV]%%
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