This page (revision-11) was last changed on 24-Oct-2022 23:34 by Administrator

This page was created on 15-Sep-2021 10:08 by Administrator

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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
11 24-Oct-2022 23:34 11 KB Administrator to previous
10 24-Oct-2022 23:33 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last Category Prophecies ==> Category.Prophecies
9 17-Sep-2022 16:33 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last Tinkers ==> TuathaAn
8 30-Jun-2022 08:24 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last Shaitan ==> ShaiTan
7 30-Nov-2021 23:45 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last
6 16-Oct-2021 22:08 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last Seanchan ==> Seanchan (People)
5 17-Sep-2021 14:16 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last Whitecloaks ==> Children of the Light
4 17-Sep-2021 14:13 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last Illuminators ==> Guild of Illuminators
3 15-Sep-2021 10:14 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last EgweneS Dreams ==> Egwenes Dreams
2 15-Sep-2021 10:13 11 KB Administrator to previous | to last
1 15-Sep-2021 10:08 11 KB Administrator to last

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See the [FAQ, Section 4.1|WoTFAQ:node/165.html] for interpretations of [Egwene]'s dreams.
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See the [FAQ, Section 4.1|] for interpretations of [Egwene]'s dreams.
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* She had dreamed of the [Seanchan (People)], too, of women in dresses with lightning bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line of women who wore Great Serpent rings, forcing them to call lightning against the [White Tower].
* And the dream about [Children of the Light] binding her father's hands.
* She had dreamed of the [Seanchan], too, of women in dresses with lightning bolts woven on their breasts, collaring a long line of women who wore Great Serpent rings, forcing them to call lightning against the [White Tower].
* And the dream about [Whitecloaks] binding her father's hands.
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* Him confronting [Seanchan (People)].
* Him confronting [Seanchan].
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* [Mat] and [Seanchan (People)], too.
* [Mat] and [Seanchan], too.
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* [Mat] with a woman who seemed to be tossing fireworks about. An [Illuminator|Guild of Illuminators] she assumed.
* [Mat] with a woman who seemed to be tossing fireworks about. An [Illuminator|Illuminators] she assumed.
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* [Children of the Light] ravaging the [Two Rivers].
* Several dreams about the [Seanchan (People)].
* [Whitecloaks] ravaging the [Two Rivers].
* Several dreams about the [Seanchan].
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* A [Whitecloak|Children of the Light] putting Master [Luhhan|Haral Luhhan] in the middle of a huge, toothed trap for bait.
* A [Whitecloak|Whitecloaks] putting Master [Luhhan] in the middle of a huge, toothed trap for bait.
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* [Mat] dicing with the [Dark One|ShaiTan].
* [Mat] dicing with the [Dark One|Shaitan].
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* [Rand] confronting a horde of [Seanchan (People)].
* [Rand] confronting her, and the women with her, and one of ''them'' was a [Seanchan (People)].
* [Rand] confronting a horde of [Seanchan].
* [Rand] confronting her, and the women with her, and one of ''them'' was a [Seanchan].
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* [Mat] wrestling with a [Seanchan (People)] woman who tied an invisible leash to him.
* [Mat] wrestling with a [Seanchan] woman who tied an invisible leash to him.
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* [Perrin], lounging with [Faile] on his lap, kissing her while she played with the short-cut beard he wore in the dream. Behind them two banners waved, a red wolf's head and a crimson eagle. A man in a bright yellow coat stood near to [Perrin]'s shoulder, a sword strapped to his back; in some way she knew that he was a [Tinker|TuathaAn], though no [Tinker|TuathaAn] would even touch a sword. And every bit of it except the beard seemed important. The banners, [Faile] kissing [Perrin], even the [Tinker|TuathaAn]. Every time he moved closer to [Perrin] it was as if a chill of doom shot through everything.
* [Perrin], lounging with [Faile] on his lap, kissing her while she played with the short-cut beard he wore in the dream. Behind them two banners waved, a red wolf's head and a crimson eagle. A man in a bright yellow coat stood near to [Perrin]'s shoulder, a sword strapped to his back; in some way she knew that he was a [Tinker|Tinkers], though no [Tinker|Tinkers] would even touch a sword. And every bit of it except the beard seemed important. The banners, [Faile] kissing [Perrin], even the [Tinker|Tinkers]. Every time he moved closer to [Perrin] it was as if a chill of doom shot through everything.
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* Again [Perrin]; he turned away from a [Tinker|TuathaAn] and ran, faster and faster though she called for him to come back.
* Again [Perrin]; he turned away from a [Tinker|Tinkers] and ran, faster and faster though she called for him to come back.
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* Him walking toward a burning mountain, something crunching beneath his boots. She stirred and whimpered; the crunching things were the [seals|Seals] on the [Dark One|ShaiTan]'s prison, shattering with his every step. She knew it. She did not need to see them to know.
* Him walking toward a burning mountain, something crunching beneath his boots. She stirred and whimpered; the crunching things were the [seals|Seals] on the [Dark One|Shaitan]'s prison, shattering with his every step. She knew it. She did not need to see them to know.
At line 96 changed one line
* [Mat] watches [Illuminator|Guild of Illuminators]'s fireworks. He grabs one out of the air and arrows of fire shoot from his fist. Men will die because of this.
* [Mat] watches [Illuminator|Illuminators]'s fireworks. He grabs one out of the air and arrows of fire shoot from his fist. Men will die because of this.
At line 98 changed one line
* [Logain|Logain Ablar], laughing, steps over something onto a black stone. It looks like [Rand]'s body, but when she touches his face it breaks like paper puppet.
* [Logain], laughing, steps over something onto a black stone. It looks like [Rand]'s body, but when she touches his face it breaks like paper puppet.
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* [Perrin] and a [Tinker|TuathaAn], frenziedly hacking their way through brambles with axe and sword, unaware of the cliff that lay ahead. And the brambles screamed with human voices they did not hear.
* [Perrin] and a [Tinker|Tinkers], frenziedly hacking their way through brambles with axe and sword, unaware of the cliff that lay ahead. And the brambles screamed with human voices they did not hear.
At line 111 changed 2 lines
* [Mat] bowls on a village green. He knocks over pins again and again, only the pins are men and they are dead. Each pin represents thousands of men and an [Illuminator|Guild of Illuminators] was part of it.
* [Egwene] walks a ledge on a cliff. The ledge collapses leaving her hanging by her fingertips. A [Seanchan (People)] woman climbs down the cliff and offers to help.
* [Mat] bowls on a village green. He knocks over pins again and again, only the pins are men and they are dead. Each pin represents thousands of men and an [Illuminator|Illuminators] was part of it.
* [Egwene] walks a ledge on a cliff. The ledge collapses leaving her hanging by her fingertips. A [Seanchan] woman climbs down the cliff and offers to help.
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[Categories|WikiCategory]: [Category.Prophecies]