Mili Skane
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aka: Lady Shiaine Avarhin

A young woman who is also a Darkfriend assassin. Although she masquerades as Lady Shiaine, she is actually a saddler's daughter from a small village near Whitebridge.

Physical Description#

She is about the same age as Nynaeve. She is pretty, in a sharp-featured fashion. (TEotW,Ch33) She is about twenty-two. (ACoS,Ch15)

Points of View#

See Mili Skane's chapter points of view.

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Ch15 - Lady Shiaine is really Mili Skane, a saddler's daughter from a village near Whitebridge.

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