Pronunciation: eye-EEL

Clans and Septs#

  1. Chareen
    1. Cosaida
    2. Jarra
    3. White Mountain
  2. Codarra
    1. Jaern Rift
  3. Daryne
    1. Bent Peak
    2. Shelan
  4. Goshien
    1. High Plain
    2. Jhirad
    3. Mosaada
    4. Red Water
    5. Stones River
  5. Miagoma
    1. Cold Peak
    2. Smoke Water
    3. Spine Ridge
  6. Nakai
    1. Black Cliffs
    2. Black Water
    3. Salt Flat
  7. Reyn
    1. Musara
    2. Two Spires
  8. Shaarad
    1. Black Rock
    2. Haido
    3. Imran
  9. Shaido
    1. Domai
    2. Green Salts
    3. Jonine
    4. Jumai
    5. Morai
    6. Moshaine
    7. White Cliff
  10. Shiande
    1. Neder
  11. Taardad
    1. Bitter Water
    2. Bloody Water
    3. Chumai
    4. Four Holes
    5. Four Stones
    6. Iron Mountain
    7. Jagged Spire
    8. Jindo
    9. Miadi
    10. Nine Valleys
  12. Tomanelle
    1. Jenda
    2. Serai
    3. Shorara
  13. (Jenn)

Warrior Societies#

Aiel Terminology#

  • cadin'sor - KAH-dihn-sohr - working clothes
  • da'tsang - "despised" in the Old Tongue. Those who have demonstrated that they have no honor. They are required to wear black and do only useless work until they are shamed into regaining their honor.
  • gai'shain - GYE-shain - Aiel taken prisoner during battle. They are required to wear white and serve their captors for a year and a day.
  • ji'e'toh - "honor and obligation" in the Old Tongue, the core of Aiel ethos.
  • Mera'din - "Brotherless" in the Old Tongue. Aiel who have left their own clans in desperation and joined with the Shaido.
  • oosquai - corn liquor
  • t'mat - tomato
  • zemai - maize, or corn

References (Possible Spoilers)#

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