AMoL: The Use of Dragons

Work In Progress


Perrin POV#

Perrin is riding Stayer with Elayne's light cavalry, including Mayeners, Whitecloaks, Ghealdanin and some of the Band. It's purposely a small force. There are Trollocs outside the Caemlyn walls, and the riders shoot arrows into them, causing many of the Trollocs to fall, but none started chasing Perrin's forces. Perrin vows to continue this tactic until the Trollocs give chase.

More Perrin POV

Elayne POV#

A messenger relays to Elayne that Perrin is continuing to harass the Trollocs. Elayne is disappointed that it takes too much work to relay information and tells Birgitte she wished that they could have made the ter'angreal work (one that lets you see over distance and one that lets you talk over distance). Elayne then quotes a Lini saying that "wish and want trip the feet." She tells Birgitte that she wants to see the battle herself and that she can defend herself, but Birgitte does not respond. Finally, Elayne says that she'll just go and see the Trollocs herself, but then Birgitte shows her her own copy of the Foxhead Medallion and tells her that she would carry Elayne back.

Elayne is carrying the Amyrlin Seat's (Egwene) reply regarding the Kin and Elayne's allowance of letting them work in Andor. (ToM,Ch17) She then sees Uno and stops Moonshadow so that she can talk with him. Uno tries not to swear, but Elayne tells him not to worry as Nynaeve is not around. He tells her that Kandor is in bad shape and that he wants to get back there soon as to not miss any of the fighting. He then heads towards the Travelling ground. Elayne feels Birgitte looking at him in a certain way as he's leaving and tells her that there's not time for that.

They arrive back at the command pavillion where Bashere, Abell Cauthon, Gallenne and Trom conferring.

More Elayne POV

Androl POV#


More Androl POV

Lan POV#


More Lan POV

Elayne POV#


More Elayne POV


Notes (Possible Spoilers)#