An Ajah of the Aes Sedai. The Gray are mediators, seeking harmony and consensus. Serancha Colvine is the Head Clerk of the Gray Ajah.


References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Eye of the World
    1. The Eye of the World,Glossary - The glossary lists the colors of the seven Ajahs. This is the first mention of the Gray Ajah.
    2. The Eye of the World,Glossary - Gray Ajah sisters bond only one Warder at a time.
  2. In The Shadow Rising
    1. The Shadow Rising,Glossary - Gray Ajah sisters are mediators who seek harmony and consensus.
  3. In The Fires of Heaven
    1. TFoH,Prologue - All the Ajahs except White have networks of informants known as eyes and ears.
  4. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Prologue - A Gray Ajah agent in Ebou Dar reports to the White Tower.
    2. ACoS,Ch19 - After the Aiel War, the Gray Ajah attempted to hold together the coalition of nations formed to fight the Aiel, but it broke apart anyhow.
  5. In Crossroads of Twilight
    1. CoT,Prologue - The title of the head of the Gray Ajah is First Clerk.
    2. CoT,Ch12 - Birgitte reports to Elayne that two sisters, Green Ajah and Gray Ajah, arrived at The Silver Swan the same day that a Brown Ajah sister left heading east and a Yellow Ajah sister left heading south toward Far Madding.

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