Season 1 - A Place of Safety

Scenes are as identified by the TV series. The non-story scenes are listed first.

  • Scene 1 - Amazon Original
  • Scene 2 - Previously On
  • Scene 4 - Opening Credits
  • Scene 23 - End Credits
Work In Progress


Scene 3 - Knifed In The Pool#

Nynaeve is being dragged by her braid by a Trolloc. The Trolloc releases her and heads over to another Trolloc that is wounded. After a moment, the first Trolloc starts killing and eating the wounded Trolloc. Nynaeve gets up and runs away and the Trolloc pursues her. She makes it to the sacred pool and gets in the water. The Trolloc tries to find her and eventually enters the sacred pool. Nynaeve surfaces, takes the Trolloc's knife, and kills the Trolloc with it. She emerges from the pool with the knife, and flips her braid.

Scene 5 - You Actually Tried To Kill Me#

Switching back to outside Shadar Logoth, Nynaeve is holding the Trolloc knife to Lan's throat. She demands to know where her friends are and if they are alive. She accuses Moiraine of leaving them, but Lan says that was his choice. The confrontation continues until Nynaeve tries to kill Lan, but Lan disarms her and knocks her unconscious.

Scene 6 - Going Up#

Rand and Mat are climbing up a rocky mountain on the other side of the river from Shadar Logoth (seen in background). Rand is yelling out Egwene and Perrin's name in hopes that they'll hear him. Mat convinces Rand to stop yelling before something tries to kill them. Mat tries to convince Rand that they should head back to the Two Rivers, but Rand ends up convincing Mat that they should continue east to the White Tower because the Two Rivers would not be the same without the rest of their friends.

Scene 7 - In The Grass#

Perrin and Egwene are walking across the Caralain Grass during a strong wind. There are wolves howling not too far away and Egwene thinks they are following them. They find a small hollow and decide to stop there and make a fire to keep the wolves away. Perrin tries to start the fire with flint and knife, but struggles with it. He continues and then Egwene joins in, trying to start the fire with the One Power. The fire starts and both are unsure who started it. Perrin jokes that if it was her, could she also channel some water and food. They start wondering about the safety of the others. Egwene thinks that Rand will head back to the Two Rivers but Perrin tells her that Rand will be going wherever he thinks she is going.

Scene 8 - Tracking and Poultices#

Nynaeve is bound and gagged to a tree. Lan is tending to Moiraine, but she is not doing well. Lan approaches Nynaeve, ungags her and gives her some water to drink. Nynaeve convinces him to let he go so that she may help Moiraine. Nynaeve starts gathering ingredients for a poultice. She allows him to ask a question, and he asks how she tracked him from the Two Rivers. She declines to answer.[1] They return to Moiraine and Nynaeve prepares the poultice. Before she applies it, she warns Lan about it, referencing the Warder bond and how they can feel what the other feels.

Scene 9 - Nightmare At The Forge#

Perrin is having a nightmare. It's raining and thundering. He's back home in his bedroom. Laila is not in their bed.[2] He sees that the forge is lit, and goes into that room. He finds Laila's body leaning up against the forge, with a wolf eating her guts. Her head turns to him and she opens her white eyes and says "I know." He turns around and the man with the ember eyes[3] is right there. He immediately wakes up.

Scene 10 - Dodging Wolves#

Egwene wakes Perrin. The wolves are close. They take off running through some trees, trying to dodge the wolves. They emerge from the trees and the wolves stop at the treeline, but they keep running.

Scene 11 - Breen's Spring#

Scene 12 - Perrin & Egwene#

Scene 13 - Rand & Mat#

Scene 14 - Nynaeve, Lan, Moiraine#

Scene 15 - Tuatha'an#

Scene 16 - A Real Roof#

Scene 17 - Nynaeve, Lan, Moiraine#

Scene 18 - Aiel#

Scene 19 - Dana#

Scene 20 - Burial#

Scene 21 - Darkfriend#

Scene 22 - False Dragon#

Liandrin showing off that they captured Logain.

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] The answer is in Episode 108.
[2] Note the ember eyes outside the bedroom window.
[3] Ishamael

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