AMoL: A Knack

Work In Progress



Perrin grins and realizes that Mat actually did rescue Moiraine and when he does so, sees an image of Mat riding on a dusty road tinkering with something in his hands.[1] Thom steps in next. Egwene, as the Amyrlin, welcomes Moiraine. The Borderlanders also welcome Moiraine. The other rulers, except for Darlin seem to not recognize her. Nynaeve gives a huge hug to Moiraine. Egwene tells Moiraine about Rand's plan with the Dragon's Peace and Moiraine responds by quoting different parts of the Karaethon Prophecies, stopping by each person who represents that part of the prophecy. A Brown notes that the Seanchan are excluded and Elayne notes that there's no way to settle disputes. Rand agrees to get the Seanchan to sign it or the document is void. Aviendha then requests her boon, which is to include the Aiel. Perrin comes up with the idea of making the Aiel the enforcers of the peace and mediators of disputes. Much discussion ensues, and Cadsuane smells extremely proud to Perrin.

The conversation turns to who will lead the battle, with Moiraine insisting it must not be Rand, and Rand insisting it must be him. Romanda suggests the White Tower, but Rand objects to the Amyrlin being the one. Darlin says that it must be one who is going to be in the fighting. Rand agrees, but says that everyone still needs to agree to all of his demands. Moiraine says that Rand will not break the seals, but instead Egwene, as Amyrlin, will, and she quotes the prophecies to prove it and asks Egwene about her dreams, which also prove it. Rand hands three seals to Egwene. All of the rulers begin to sign the document, with Elayne last. Rand suggests that they all agree on Elayne to lead the battle and the rulers agree. Rand agrees to visit the Seanchan after the document is signed. The Aiel will not fight them. Rand will hold the Seanchan to the lands that they currently have and they'll all deal with the captives later. Rand has a final request, which is to have all of them help Lan.



Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] What is it?

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