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[Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] and [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] travel to an area just inside the north wall called the Deeps and arrive at an inn called [The Blue Rose]. The innkeeper [Racelle Arovni] is a friend of [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin]'s; he has been gone six years. At the inn is [Ryne Venamar]. He is [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran]'s best friend, five years older. He is also [Malkier], but dresses like an [Arafellin|Arafel]. He arrived yesterday, working as a merchant's guard out of [Shol Arbela], but the merchant who was known for his luck was killed last night.[1] The serving girl [Lira|lira] likes [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran]. [Ryne|Ryne Venamar] expected [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] to be in [Chachin] because of [Edeyn Arrel]. She has been from [Fal Moran] to [Maradon] raising support for the [Golden Crane|Malkier] to retake [Malkier] from the [Blight]. [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] is shaken and goes for a walk to the stable. She was his %%ot [carneira]%%, his first lover, in [Fal Moran]. He was fifteen and she was over thirty. [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] uses %%ot [ko'di]%%, a oneness or void, to focus his concentration.[2] Before [Malkier] was [Rhamdashar], before that, [Aramaelle]. [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] has four gifts from the cradle, a locket with his parents images, the ring of [Malkier] kings, his sword and an oath to defend [Malkier] to the death. [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] finds him in the stable and checks on [Sun Lance]. He tells [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] that [Ryne|Ryne Venamar] said many men, even [Nazar Kurenin] are willing to follow him. As they head back to the inn, six men attack to assassinate him. [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] kills them all.[3] [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] is suspicious that [Edeyn|Edeyn Arrel] sent them.[4] [Ryne|Ryne Venamar] does not want to face the merchant's widow, [Ceiline Noreman], so all three agree to go to [Chachin].
\\%%follow [Follow Lan|NS,Ch19]%%
It is early spring[1] as [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] and [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] arrive at the city of [Canluum] in [Kandor]. There are rumors of a man who can [channel|True Source].[2] [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran]'s horse is [Cat Dancer|../creatures/horses/cat_dancer]. Their %%ot [hadori]%% draw attention from passersby. [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] has thoughts only for [Blight] where he is headed. They have been in [Cairhien|Cairhien (City)], [Andor] and [Tear|Tear (City)] since the end of the [Aiel War]. The ruler of [Canluum] is Lord [Varan Marcasiev|../characters/uz/varan]; his banner is the Red Stag. At the city gate, a young guard[3] addresses [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] as ''[Tai'shar|../history/compleat.html#tai'shar] [Malkier]'', true blood of [Malkier], but [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] lights into him for cutting his hair wrong and swearing to a [Kandori|Kandor] lord. The other guards take notice of the altercation until an older guard, [Alin Seroku|../characters/a/alin_seroku] appears. He also addresses [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] formally as son of [el'Leanna|../characters/e/elleanna] and [al'Akir|../characters/a/alakir]. [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] backs down and swears to keep the peace. The old guard again addresses them formally as [Lan Mandragoran|../characters/l/lan] [Dai Shan|../history/old_tongue] and [Bukama Marenellin|../characters/b/bukama], hero of [Salmarna|../geography/other].[4] They ride into [Canluum] heading toward the Lord's castle on Stag's Stand, the highest peak in the city. [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] leads [Sun Lance|../creatures/horses/sun_lance] because of a bruised hoof. There are several [Aes Sedai] around, more than normal since the previous [Amyrlin|Aes Sedai] died.[5] They see another man from [Malkier], [Nazar Kurenin|../characters/n/nazar_kurenin] who now dresses in [Kandori|Kandor] style. [Malkier] women wear a %%ot [ki'sain]%%, a dot of paint on their forehead to show their marital status. Worried about [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin]'s reaction to all the displaced [Malkier], [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran] heads them to a quiet inn instead of the palace.
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[#1] Because of his luck, he likely was a victim of the [Black Ajah]. ([NS,Epilogue])
\\[#2] This sounds very much like the technique [Tam|Tam alThor] will teach [Rand|Rand alThor].
\\[#3] His survival is extremely lucky.
\\[#4] Most probably [Ryne|Ryne Venamar] orchestrated the attack on orders from %%blue [Merean|Merean Redhill]%% because of [Lan|al'Lan Mandragoran]'s reputation for luck. ([NS,Ch26], [NS,Epilogue])
[#1] Three months since [Moiraine|Moiraine Damodred] left [Tar Valon]. ([NS,Ch17])
\\[#2] Is this rumor somehow related to the [Black Ajah] hunt for the [Dragon Reborn|Rand alThor], not knowing how old he is?
\\[#3] His name is [Andere|andere]. ([ToM,Ch7])
\\[#4] There is no information on where [Salmarna|../geography/other] is or what [Bukama|Bukama Marenellin] did there to become a hero.
\\[#5] Interesting observation, as there is no indication that [Sierin Vayu] is actually sending them out. Are there that many [Black Ajah] at work?
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