An Aes Sedai and First Weaver of the Yellow Ajah. She is a Sitter in the Hall.
Possible Spoilers#
She remains loyal to the White TowerPhysical Description#
She is a beefy woman with a square stone of a chin. (CoT,Ch21)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Suana Dragand serves as Sitter for the Yellow Ajah for forty years before stepping down. (CoT,Prologue)
- After the breaking of the White Tower, Suana chooses herself to become a Sitter again. (CoT,Prologue)
- Seaine notes Ferane Neheran talking with Suana Dragand and wonders why the Ajah heads are meeting in secret. (WH,Prologue)
- Elaida meets with over half the Sitters including Suana, Doesine, Ferane, Shevan, Andaya, Yukiri, Talene, Rubinde Acedone and Rina to discuss the rebel army. Suana, Ferane and Shevan support negotiations. (CoT,Ch21)
- Suana summons Egwene for a lesson. Suana practically offers her a place in the Yellow Ajah though she is not skilled in Healing. (TGS,Ch12)
- Jesse Bilal, Ferane, Serancha, Adelorna and Suana meet to discuss the next Amyrlin. They failed in their plans to control Elaida and to manage the rebellion by sending junior Sitters as moles. Their own choices of too young replacements backfired causing suspicion. They agree to choose an Amyrlin of strength, Egwene. (TGS,Ch43)
- The eleven remaining Sitters in the White Tower Hall, Andaya, Doesine, Ferane, Juilaine, Rina, Rubinde Acedone, Saerin, Seaine, Shevan, Suana and Yukiri, raise Egwene to the Amyrlin. (TGS,Ch46)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#
- In The Path of Daggers
- TPoD,Ch25 - According to Alviarin, Galina was the only Ajah head who was Black Ajah. Ergo, Suana is not Black Ajah.
- In Winters Heart
- WH,Prologue - Seaine thinks that she and Pevara would not have found the Black Ajah if she had not noticed the Ajah heads meeting in secret.
- In Crossroads of Twilight
- CoT,Prologue - Yukiri and Seaine discuss the oddness of the newly selected White Tower Sitters.
- CoT,Ch18 - While scouting the White Tower in Tel'aran'rhiod, Siuan finds a partial list of names of Sitters including Suana Dragand.
- CoT,Ch18 - Suana served an earlier term as Sitter.
- In The Gathering Storm
- TGS,Ch16 - Egwene is feeling good about her progress. Bennae offered her a place in the Brown Ajah and Suana offered her a place in the Yellow.