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Physical Description#

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Ch8 - Suddenly, Egwene feels a sharp stab of pain, then nothing. She makes an excuse to leave and goes to Marigan's tent finding it empty. Chesa enters, evidently having waited and followed her. Egwene tells her Marigan ran away .
    2. ACoS,Ch9 - Egwene sends Leane to tell Faolain and Theodrin to ask if anyone saw a strange man near Marigan's tent.
    3. ACoS,Ch11 - Theodrin and Faolain run into Tiana while asking about men near Marigan's tent. She tells them to go to bed.
    4. ACoS,Ch11 - Faolain and Theodrin report to Egwene that no one but Halima was seen near Marigan's tent.

Raw References#

  1. TFoH,Ch48
  2. TFoH,Ch49
  3. TFoH,Ch50
  4. LoC,Ch8
  5. LoC,Ch12
  6. LoC,Ch29
  7. LoC,Ch37
  8. ACoS,Ch8
  9. AranGar
  10. Areina Nermasiv
  11. Birgitte Trahelion
  12. Chesa
  13. Egwene alVere
  14. Elayne Trakand
  15. Faolain Orande
  16. Jaril
  17. Juilin Sandar
  18. Min Farshaw
  19. Nildra
  20. Nynaeve alMeara
  21. Ragan
  22. Seve
  23. Theodrin Dabei
  24. Thom Merrilin
  25. Tiana Noselle
  26. Uno Nomesta