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Physical Description#


Other References#

  1. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Ch8 - Egwene makes an excuse to leave and goes to Marigan's tent finding it empty. Chesa enters, evidently having waited and followed her. Egwene tells her Marigan ran away .
    2. ACoS,Ch9 - Egwene sends Leane to tell Faolain and Theodrin to ask if anyone saw a strange man near Marigan's tent.
    3. ACoS,Ch11 - Theodrin and Faolain run into Tiana while asking about men near Marigan's tent. She tells them to go to bed.
    4. ACoS,Ch11 - Faolain and Theodrin report to Egwene that no one but Halima was seen near Marigan's tent.