Iron disc
An iron disc three inches in diameter with spirals engraved on both sides. A ter'angreal. Channeling Spirit into it leads one into sleep, then into Tel'aran'rhiod.

References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Dragon Reborn
    1. TDR,Ch13 - The iron disc and several other ter'angreal are stolen from the White Tower by Liandrin and her Black Ajah cronies.
    2. TDR,Ch21 - Verin gives a list of the stolen ter'angreal to Egwene.
    3. TDR,Ch25 - It is an iron disc three inches in diameter with spirals engraved on both sides. Its use is unknown, but it was last studied by Corianin Nedeal.
    4. TDR,Ch55 - The iron disc and the amber plaque are recovered from Amico and Joiya respectively in the Stone of Tear.
  2. In The Shadow Rising
    1. TSR,Ch11 - Channeling Spirit into the iron disc leads one into sleep, then into Tel'aran'rhiod.
    2. TSR,Ch46 - In Tanchico, Nynaeve keeps the iron disc in a pocket in her skirt.
  3. In The Fires of Heaven
    1. TFoH,Ch9 - Elayne and Nynaeve bring the amber plaque and the iron disc with them when they leave Tanchico for Tar Valon.
    2. TFoH,Ch48 - As they prepare to leave, Nynaeve packs the twisted ring and the seal. Elayne takes the amber plaque and the iron disc.
    3. TFoH,Ch49 - Nynaeve and Elayne visit Tel'aran'rhiod together, Nynaeve using the twisted ring and Elayne alternating between the iron disc and the amber plaque. Elayne appears faint when using the iron disc or the amber plaque.
    4. TFoH,Ch50 - The Salidar Aes Sedai leaders confiscate the twisted ring, the amber plaque and the iron disc from Elayne and Nynaeve.
  4. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Ch7 - Elayne succeeds in making exact copies of the amber plaque and the iron disc. She makes copies of the twisted ring as well, but they are not exact and do not work quite as well.