Thu, July 21, 2022, the day before Comic-Con 2022, was big. There were these announcements:

  1. Behind the Scenes video of Season 2
  2. Rafe answering (some) WoT Season 2 questions
  3. Season 3 is green-lit
  4. New episodes of The Wheel of Time Origins coming in August

Still no release date for Season 2, though.

We're going to take a look at the first two and also how they affect our Season 2 Predictions.

Q & A with Rafe#


I didn't have any Forsaken in my predictions, but it's nice to know that there will be more than one.

Quarterstaff Fight#

Q: I have to ask. Gawyn (and I guess the lesser brother Galad) actually beat Mat in the warder training yard in the show right? Theres no way they lose on screen is there? A: This is an iconic scene from the book and we are building to a believable version of it in the show.  Hopefully.  Ha.

Confirmation that the quarterstaff fight is in season 2. I had that in there already, so no changes to the predictions.