Category.Yellow Ajah Sisters

This is a set WikiCategory that is used to tag all 43 members of the Yellow Ajah.

  1. Amico Nagoyin
  2. Ananda
  3. Annharid
  4. Atuan Larisett
  5. Beldemaine
  6. Berenicia Morsad
  7. Bertain Gallenne
  8. Carniele
  9. Celestin
  10. Chesmal Emry
  11. Corele Hovian
  12. Dagdara Finchey
  13. Desandre
  14. Doesine Alwain
  15. Edesina Azzedin
  16. Ethenielle Cosaru Noramaga
  17. Farellien
  18. Gelarna
  19. Jimar Chubain
  20. Larissa Lyndel
  21. Ludice Daneen
  22. Magla Daronos
  23. Meramor
  24. Musarin
  25. Narenwin Barda
  26. Niere
  27. Nisao Dachen
  28. Nynaeve alMeara
  29. Pritalle Nerbaijan
  30. Romanda Cassin
  31. Rosil
  32. Ryma Galfrey
  33. Salita Toranes
  34. Samitsu Tamagowa
  35. Sedore Dajenna
  36. Shanelle
  37. Shemerin
  38. Suana Dragand
  39. Talva
  40. Therva Maresis
  41. Trom
  42. Yuan
  43. Zenare Ghodar