Category.D Characters
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This is a WikiCategory that is used to tag the characters whose name starts with the letter D. It is used in Characters, Aliases & Nicknames.

  1. Aldecain Damodred
  2. Alind Dyfelle
  3. Bayle Domon
  4. Benji Dalfor
  5. Cetalia Delarme
  6. Dagdara Finchey
  7. Daigian Moseneillin
  8. Daise Congar
  9. Dalevien
  10. Damer Flinn
  11. Danelle
  12. Dannil Lewin
  13. Darlin Sisnera
  14. Dav Ayellin
  15. Davies
  16. Davram Bashere
  17. Delana Mosalaine
  18. Demandred
  19. Demira Eriff
  20. Dennel
  21. Derah din Selaan Rising Wave
  22. Derys Nermala
  23. Desala Nevanche
  24. Desandre
  25. Desartin
  26. Dhearic
  27. Dimana
  28. Dobser
  29. Doesine Alwain
  30. Doniella Alievin
  31. Doraise Mesianos
  32. Dorele
  33. Dorile din Eiran Long Feather
  34. Duhara Basaheen
  35. Durrent
  36. Elam Dowtry
  37. Galad Damodred
  38. Innina Darenhold
  39. Javindhra Doraille
  40. Jonneth Dowtry
  41. Kara Defane
  42. Kiril Drapaneos
  43. Laman Damodred
  44. Lirene Doirellin
  45. Ludice Daneen
  46. Magla Daronos
  47. Moiraine Damodred
  48. Nelavaire Demasiellin
  49. Nisao Dachen
  50. Norine Dovarna
  51. Rahien Demain
  52. Sedore Dajenna
  53. Suana Dragand
  54. Talmanes Delovinde
  55. Tervail Dura
  56. Theodrin Dabei
  57. Zerah Dacan