A sister of the Gray Ajah and a Sitter in the Hall. She is one of the best Gray Ajah mediators. She is from Tarabon.
Physical Description#
She is a thin, birdlike little woman, outwardly timid despite Aes Sedai features. (TFoH,Prologue) She has light brown hair, average build and a Taraboner accent. (TPoD,Ch25)
Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#
- Andaya is one of Elaida's party that takes Siuan into custody. (TSR,Ch47)
- After the White Tower split, Serancha Colvine hand picks Andaya as the new Sitter for the Gray Ajah. (CoT,Prologue)
- Andaya meets as part of Elaida's Council. She asks if there is news of Elayne or Galad. (TFoH,Prologue)
- Andaya meets with Elaida and Sitters of the other Ajahs to discuss the Seanchan, the Salidar Aes Sedai, and Rand. (TPoD,Ch25)
- Elaida meets with over half the Sitters including Suana, Doesine, Ferane, Shevan, Andaya, Yukiri, Talene, Rubinde Acedone and Rina to discuss the rebel army. (CoT,Ch21)
- Andaya leads a delegation from the White Tower to offer the Amyrlin to Egwene. (TGS,Ch45)
- The eleven remaining Sitters in the White Tower Hall, Andaya, Doesine, Ferane, Juilaine, Rina, Rubinde Acedone, Saerin, Seaine, Shevan, Suana and Yukiri, raise Egwene to the Amyrlin. (TGS,Ch46)
- Egwene interrupts a partial meeting of the Hall. Saerin and Janya arrive late, Doesine and Yukiri even later. She coerces them into accepting command of the military but ceding her all negotiations with rulers including the Dragon Reborn. She also forces them to accept much stricter rules to reduce subterfuge. (ToM,Ch27)
Other References (Possible Spoilers)#