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AMoL: To Require a Boon

Work in Progress



Rand wakes up, opens his tent flaps and sees Katerin guarding his tent. He asks her if his clerks have returned from Tear and when she responds that they have, he tells her to send word to the other rulers that he'll meet them in one hour. She then leaves to relay his command. There are still three other Maidens guarding his tent. He turns around to find Aviendha standing naked in the tent. He takes the nearby barrel of water and turns it into a warm, soapy shower for them both and then rinses them both off. She tells him that she will ask a boon of him today.


Egwene is walking around a pillar of glass in her dream, but cannot interpret what it means.[1] When she wakes, she realizes that she went to sleep in the small sleeping chamber in her study in the White Tower. She later finds Gawyn at Silviana's desk looking at a report about the latest new on Caemlyn. She then asks Gawyn about Leilwin and Domon. He says that he has them under guard and that Nynaeve vouches for them. Caemlyn is lost, and held the food supply for the Andoran army. She writes a note for Silviana telling her to send sisters capable of helping to Caemlyn to help with the refugees. Gawyn then tells her about the note at the bottom of the report, which says that Rand wants to meet all the rulers in a half-hour. Egwene makes a gateway back to her tent in the Field of Merrilor, steps outside and finds Silviana waiting. She gives the note to Silviana. She continues on until a groom brings her horse, Sifter. She then states that only Sitters can attend the meeting with her.

All of the armies are gathering, including the Aiel and the Sea Folk. Darlin and Gregorin come forward to greet Egwene. She tells them that Silviana has some words for each of them. Roedran approaches, but not too close. Egwene mentions that his rule is consolidating, which he acknowledges. She then tells him "You're welcome."


Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] See AMoL,Ch37

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