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Souran Maravaile#

Artur Hawkwing's greatest general. Husband to Ishara, first to sit on the Lion Throne.

Physical Description#

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

  • Ishara marries Artur Hawkwing's general, Souran Maravaile, and convinces him to give up his siege on Tar Valon. (LoC,Ch1, LoC,Ch26)
  • Souran dies when confronted by four swordsmen in the twenty-third year of the War of the Hundred Years. He kills all four. (LoC,Ch1)

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Ch1 - After Rand practices swords with five men, Elenia compares him with Souran Maravaile.
    2. LoC,Ch26 - None of Ishara's and Souran's sons lived past the age of twenty. Their daughter Alesinde succeeds Ishara.

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