Fluted black rod

A fluted rod of black stone a pace long. A ter'angreal. It produces balefires.

References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Dragon Reborn
    1. TDR,Ch13 - The fluted black rod and several other ter'angreal are stolen from the White Tower by Liandrin and her Black Ajah cronies.
    2. TDR,Ch21 - Verin gives a list of the stolen ter'angreal to Egwene.
    3. TDR,Ch25 - The fluted black rod produces balefires and is very difficult to control.
    4. TSR,Ch38 - While the Black Ajah sisters are on their way to Tanchico, Jeaine Caide tries out the fluted black rod and burns holes though both sides of their ship.
  2. In The Shadow Rising
    1. TSR,Ch38 - The Black Ajah sisters discuss what to do if they get caught up in dissention between Forsaken. Asne suggests using the fluted black rod but Jeaine Caide is reluctant because of her previous experience.
    2. TSR,Ch54 - Jeaine Caide tries to blast Nynaeve with the fluted black rod and winds up destroying much of the museum in the Panarchs Palace.
  3. In Winter's Heart
    1. WH,Ch10 - Moghedien hides the fluted black rod, but Asne Zeramene finds it and takes it with her to Caemlyn.
  4. In Knife of Dreams
    1. KoD,Ch32 - Asne uses the fluted black rod to balefire some of Charlz Guybon's army until she is killed.

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