Season 1 - The Eye of the World

Work In Progress

Scenes are as identified by the TV series. The non-story scenes are listed first.

  • Scene 1 - Amazon Original
  • Scene 2 - Previously On
  • Scene 4 - Opening Credits
  • Scene 44 - End Credits


Scene 3 - 3,000 Years Ago#

Scene 5 - Young Men in Way Over Their Heads#

Moiraine and Rand are walking through the Blight when they encounter a rotting corpse. Moiraine explains that boys from the Borderlands like to test themselves against the Blight withour realizing how dangerous it is.

Scene 6 - We'll Always Be All Right#

Egwene is in her room packing as if to leave when Perrin comes in and reminds her that they don't know where Moiraine and Rand are and where they're going. They sit and she asks if they are alright and he replies that they'll always be alright.

Scene 7 - Seven Towers#

Moiraine and Rand are walking through the Blight when they see the remains of the Seven Towers of Malkier. Rand says that they look like they've been that way for 1,000 years, but Moiraine says forty at the most.[1] She adds that three years ago, the Blight was miles from Tarwin's Gap.

Scene 8 - Lioness#

Nynaeve tells Lan that after the attack on the Two Rivers, it was Moiraine that she tracked and not him. She tells him that Moiraine has a "tell" and that she's willing to teach him the tell if he brings Rand back. He tells her that "I will hate the man you choose, because he is not me. And I will love him, if he makes you smile. You are as beautiful as the sunrise. You are as fierce as a warrior. You are a lioness, Wisdom."

Scene 9 - What's Your Plan?#

Scene 10 - What's Our Plan?#

Scene 11 - A Scream#

Nynaeve is trying to listen to the wind, but finds that she cannot since the day that she channeled. She asks Egwene if she can hear anything. Egwene listens and says that if what they heard in Two Rivers was a whisper, this was a scream.

Scene 12 - Lashes of Air and Fire#

Moiraine and Rand are still walking through the Blight. He asks her if she can teach him to channel, but she says that she can't and that every time he touches the Source, the closer to madness he will get. She says that his adrenaline will cause him to embrace the Source when the time is right. She tells about the problem she had with embracing the Source and how it was solved by a strong, controlled, precise Aes Sedai[3] who came to her room every night and lashed her with Air and Fire until Moiraine embraced the Source to protect herself.

Scene 13 - They All Come True#

Scene 14 - He Knows We're Coming#

Scene 15 - The Gap Won't Hold#

Scene 16 - At The Eye#

Scene 17 - He Comes#

Scene 18 - My Armor#

Scene 19 - This Symbol#

Scene 20 - Joiya#

Scene 21 - To The Gap#

Scene 22 - The City That Has Never Fallen#

Scene 23 - Under a Throne#

Scene 24 - No One's But Our Own#

Scene 25 - Just Ask#

Scene 26 - Our Place#

Scene 27 - Grab a Pick#

Scene 28 - #

Scene 29 - More Simple Than You Can Imagine#

Scene 30 - Treachery#

Scene 31 - The Horn#

Scene 33 - The Peddler#

Scene 34 - #

Scene 35 - I Need More#

Scene 36 - Interrupted Digging#

Scene 37 - Make Her Yours#

Scene 38 - Lightning#

Scene 39 - What She Wants#

Scene 40 - Padan Fain#

Scene 41 - Feel The Whole World#

Scene 42 - The First Battle#

Scene 43 - The Far Western Shore#

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] Which puts Lan's age at around 40 as well.
[2] Straight out of the books from TEotW,Ch48.
[3] In the books, it is Elaida.

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