Season 1 - Blood Calls Blood

Work In Progress

Scenes are as identified by the TV series. The non-story scenes are listed first.

  • Scene 1 - Amazon Original
  • Scene 2 - Previously On
  • Scene 4 - Opening Credits
  • Scene 28 - End Credits


Scene 3 - Burials#

All of the dead combatants, from both sides, are buried in a field. Lan places the King of Ghealdan in a grave, along with his helmet. Stepin carries Kerene to her grave. He takes her ring and places it on a necklace. Moiraine places a lit candle atop Kerene's body.

Scene 5 - One Month Later (Moiraine, Lan)#

Everyone from the Aes Sedai camp is riding/walking to Tar Valon. Stepin is guiding Kerene's horse, which has boots backwards in the stirrups.[1] Logain is chained and sitting on a horse. Moiraine and Lan talk about what it's like to be back at the White Tower. Moiraine wonders if Nynaeve is ready for the White Tower. Lan tells her that Nynaeve is worried about Stepin. They all pass by a guiding stone.[2] Moiraine and Lan wonder if the other four Two Rivers folk are already here.

Scene 6 - I've Seen That Mountain#

Rand and Mat are walking with other people on a path to Tar Valon. A boy runs too close to Mat and he yells at the boy, who runs away. They pass a guiding stone.[3] Rand sees a mountain in the distance and says that he thinks he's seen it before. Mat follows him up a small hill and they have a better look at the mountain, plus now see Tar Valon and the White Tower.

A while later, they enter the city. Walking through the throng, Rand gets a sample of some food, which he likes, but Mat says he's not hungry. They head for an inn that Thom told Rand about, The Light's Blessing and get a room.[4] Rand is amazed how expensive the room is. Mat goes directly to a bed and lies down. Rand reassures Mat that he didn't kill any of the Grinwells and that it was the Fade that did it.

Scene 7 - Warders Quarters#

Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve enter the Warders' quarters in the White Tower. Moiraine starts talking about the Amyrlin Seat, but Nynaeve interrupts and wants to know where the other Two Rivers folk are. Moiraine warns her about Tower politics. Nynaeve responds that maybe the Aes Sedai should be afraid of her. Moiraine and Lan exchange looks and Lan leaves the room.

Scene 8 - It's All Right To Be Afraid#

Moiraine explains to Nynaeve that it's all right to be afraid, considering she's now touched the True Source and knows its size and also knows her power compared to others. It's a whole new world for her, just as it was for Moiraine when she first touched the True Source.

Scene 9 - Violence Is In Us All#

The Tinkers are getting closer to Tar Valon. They pass a guiding stone.[4] The Tinkers' dogs are eating some deer that they killed. Perrin wonders why they let the dogs kill when they preach nonviolence. Aram explains that the Way of the Leaf is about accepting, not denying, that violence is in us all.

Egwene joins them and shows them that they're within sight of the White Tower. The caravan comes to a halt and they discover that the Whitecloaks have stopped them. Eamon Valda is asking them about the false Dragon. Valda then spots Perrin and Egwene and tells his men to bring them to him. Ila and the rest of the Tinkers stop them by linking arms together. The Whitecloaks respond by pummeling the Tinkers.

Scene 10 - Run From The Whitecloaks#

Aram leads Perrin and Egwene away from the caravan and the Whitecloaks. A trio of Whitecloak horsemen knock Aram unconscious and surround Perrin and Egwene.

Scene 11 - A Library#

Rand is in a library. He pulls the Karaethon Prophecies off of a shelf. Loial stands up to greet him, but Rand pulls his sword on him. Loial then talks about how excitable humans are and how several of them chased him across town. He mentioned that he left a stedding and then Rand realizes that Loial is an Ogier. They then introduce themselves to each other. Loial remarks that it's exciting to meet an Aiel, but Rand denies that he is one. Rand then picks up a book named "The Travels of Jain Farstrider" and talks about how Egwene used to read it every day. He then hears bells outside. Loial explains that the Aes Sedai are parading Logain through the streets. Rand sees Mat walking on the street below and excuses himself to go catch up with Mat.

Scene 12 - Prisoner Parade#

Rand is walking down the street trying to spot Mat. He finally sees him on a balcony and goes up to join him. Mat is looking down on the street.[5] The parade passes by, with onlookers gasping when they see the riderless horse lead by Stepin. Logain is finally visible in a cage on a wagon. Alanna and Liandrin are sitting on seats on the wagon behind the cage. People are throwing food at Logain, who is slumped in his cage. Mat sees Logain looking up at him and laughing maniacally. Rand tries to get Mat's attention. Mat looks over at Rand and then back down at Logain, who is slumped in his cage.[6]

Scene 13 - A Deal#

While up on the balcony after Logain has passed by, Mat and Rand make a deal with each other that if either of them start to channel then the other one won't let him end up like Logain.

Scene 14 - How I Met My Aes Sedai#

Stepin is being helped into his ceremonial outfit for Kerene's ring by Ihvon and Maksim when Lan walks into the room. Stepin tells the story of how he became Kerene's warder. He kept picking fights, until he met Kerene, who laughed at him and then bought him a drink. They became friends, and when it was time for her to choose a Warder, she chose him. Maksim tells him that his dad tried to kill him when he was twelve and that the White Tower gave him the first real family he ever had. Lan mentions that Alanna is willing to bond him, but Stepin replies that Lan should wait until something similar happens to him before giving advice.[7] The three escort Stepin outside the room and through the Warders' hall, where other Warders are lining the way.

Scene 15 - Ring Ceremony#

Stepin walks out onto an open area high in the White Tower. He approaches an open furnace containing molten metal. He kisses Kerene's ring and then drops it in the furnace where it melts completely away.

Scene 16 - Silent Conversation#

Lan enters Moiraine's room where Moiraine is sitting in a chair. He kneels next to her and puts his arm atop her arm. They both stare at each other.

Scene 17 - Purification#

Inside a Whitecloak tent, several Whitecloaks are scrubbing Egwene. They undo her braid and comb it straight. They take off her regular clothes and put on a white robe. Eamon Valda is approaching the tent. They trim and clean her fingernails. On Valda's command, they put her in a chair and bind her hands, all the while Valda is eating a meal. They next bring Perrin in. His hands are bound and he is gagged.

Scene 18 - The Pain Will Never Go Away#

Scene 19 - Persimmons#

Scene 20 - A Distinct Rite of Passage#

Scene 21 - Breakbone Fever#

Scene 22 - This Is What I Deserve#

Scene 23 - Nynaeve's Novice#

Scene 24 - Warding Off The Forsaken#

Scene 25 - Out For Blood#

Scene 26 - Tea#

Scene 27 - Relieve Us Of Our Grief#

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] A riderless horse is an historic tradition.
[2] Not a portal. This has been translated. TODO
[3] Not a portal. This has been translated. TODO
[4] Padan Fain can be seen in passing in a doorway and you can also see the back of his cloak as the boys enter the inn.

[4] Not a portal. This has been translated. TODO
[5] Padan Fain is in the building across the street.
[6] A nod to a similar scene in the books. (TEotW,Ch39). Also, it appears that the laughing was all in Mat's head.
[7] Foreshadowing.

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