So you've heard about this "Wheel of Time" TV series that is going to be (or, by now, is) on Amazon Prime and you got curious about it and did a web search and ended up here. This site is huge, and has information on everything in the books, but where do you start? Here's a guide to help you.

  1. Yes, the series is based on a set of "high fantasy" themed books. Fifteen of them, and each one is thick, with an average of 800 pages each and a total of about 4.4 million words. The covers of those books are on the main page of this site. Click on one and you can get to the chapter summaries of each book, which is NOT recommended unless you've already seen the TV series or read the books.
  2. The authors, Robert Jordan and then Brandon Sanderson after Jordan passed away in 2007, created a huge and very detailed world. You don't need to know about all, or any, of it beforehand to enjoy the TV series or books, but you probably won't remember everything, and that's where this site comes in handy.
  3. But if you'd like to learn more about the Wheel of Time setting, you should be able to browse this site safely, without spoilers, as long as you don't click on chapter summaries or anything labeled "Possible Spoilers".
  4. The TV series is an adaptation of the books, and therefore will not be exactly like the books.
  5. The Wheel of Time has an advantage over Game of Thrones in that all of the books have already been written.
  6. The plot of the series is the classic Good vs Evil on a global, apocalyptic, scale. The bad guy is the Dark One, Shaitan, and the good guy is the Dragon Reborn. We'll be watching both sides trying to win. Part of the trick for us viewers is determining who the good guys are and who the bad guys are.
  7. The setting is sort of a mix of Medieval/Renaissance time periods. It's tough to say exactly what it is because...
  8. This is not the first time this fight has been fought. There's the concept of a rotating "wheel of time", divided into seven spokes, with each spoke being an Age. The events in the books happen in the 3rd Age. Each Age comes around again in time and is bookended by some huge event. This fight has happened in many of the Ages.
  9. The series focuses mostly on a core group of characters, Egwene, Rand, Perrin, Mat and Nynaeve, (aka The Emond's Field Five) but they're not the only focus.
  10. The series starts in Emond's Field, where the main characters live. Visitors (Moiraine, Lan, Thom, Padan Fain) come to the village right around Bel Tine (an annual festival) and events explode soon after they arrive, thrusting the main characters into that overarching fight and forcing them to leave the only home they've ever known.
  11. Magic exists and plays a huge part in the plot and there's a system to how it works.
  12. Watch these videos:
    1. The Official Teaser Trailer
    2. The Winespring Inn Clip Breakdown
    3. Moiraine's Quest
    4. The Wheel of Time - Main Trailer 360 Experience
  13. Now, go read the Welcome page and enjoy.