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Perrin POV#

In the wolf dream Perrin, as a wolf, searches for Faile. Hopper confronts him and tells him he is in the dream too strongly. He must leave or he will die. Faile is not here. Perrin tries to attack Hopper, then wakes.

He is in bed in Berelain's tent and is without clothes. She is the only other person there. She tells him that the missing people have not been found, but some of her scouts were found dead. Gallenne is trying to keep the camp secure, but Gerard Arganda is still sending out scouts despite his orders. When Nurelle returned with news of her scouts, Berelain went to look for Perrin. Lini took Tallanvor back to his tent, but Perrin was nearly frozen. Annoura Healed him, but he still felt cold as though he had no soul. Perrin asks why she sent for Annoura instead of Grady, Neald, Seonid or Masuri. Berelain innocently says that she did not think of them. Her maids Nana and Rosene cleaned his clothes. He demands food and Berelain leaves.

As he gets dressed, Perrin hopes that Gaul or Jondyn Barran finds Faile. Berelain returns and offers Perrin a truce. Perrin does not understand what she means and this angers her.[1] She tells him that the Prophet has arrived with three or four thousand men. She finally tells him that Masema was meeting with the Seanchan. She learned it from Faile's retainers. Perrin is startled to learn that Faile was using them as spies. She also tells him that her men were killed by crossbows and axes, not Aiel.[2] Just as Rosene enters with food, she tells him that he will be only the third man to share her bed. Rosene smiles as she leaves.

Perrin leaves to find Masema. Nearby, Rosene and Nana sit in front of their tent with the thief-catchers, Santes and Gendar. When they see Perrin, the maids giggle and the thief-catchers hurry away.[3] The maids tell him that Masema's men are to the southwest. As he walks away, Perrin notes that all the camps are packed and ready to move. Grady is by one of the fires. Perrin had planned to use the Wolfshead banner and Manetheren banner to disguise his mission, but with so many of the Prophet's men that is no longer possible. He knows there will be a large price to pay.

More Perrin POV

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[#1] She will now do anything she can to snag him.
[#2] Were they killed by the Prophet's men?
[#3] The rumors will spread through the camps like wildfire.

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