Knife Hands
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One of the twelve Aiel warrior societies. Sovin Nai in the Old Tongue.


References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Fires of Heaven
    1. TFoH,Ch54 - Members of every society including Knife Hands accompany Rand to Caemlyn.
    2. The Fires of Heaven,Glossary - Knife Hands are Sovin Nai in the Old Tongue.
  2. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Ch4 - Jheran was a Knife Hand before becoming clan chief.
    2. LoC,Ch10 - Bael was a Knife Hand before becoming clan chief.
  3. In A Crown of Swords
    1. ACoS,Prologue - At Dumai's Wells a young Sovin Nai reports to Sevanna that one of the Youngling patrol escaped, warning the Aes Sedai defenders and forcing her to hurry her attack.

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