Pronunciation: ih-SHAH-may-EHL

aka: Ba'alzamon, Betrayer of Hope, Elan Morin Tedronai
Pronunciation: bah-AHL-zah-mon

One of the Forsaken. His original name was Elan Morin Tedronai.

Image of actor in role here, if available.

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

  • Rand wakes from sleep and Moiraine asks him if he had a dream and he replies that the Dark One knows where they are. Ishamael, with ember eyes and mouth, stabs Moiraine through the back of her head and she falls dead. He is dressed in a similar fashion as Lews Therin in the cold open. Rand shoots him in the eye. Ishamael pushes the arrow through his eye, which takes his face with it, revealing that he had a mask on and had a normal face beneath it. Ishamael says that Rand looks nothing like Lews Therin, but he can still tell that Rand is him. Ishamael asks Rand what his plan is. He compares who Rand has with him now (Moiraine) versus what Lews Therin had with him then (99 companions). Rand draws his sword and Ishamael notices that it's a heron-marked blade. Ishamael asks where he got it from and Rand replies from his father. Ishamael is amused that Rand thinks that Tam is his father. (Episode 108)

References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In Season 1
    1. Episode 103 - Dana says Darkfriends still remember the last person, Ishamael, that brought the Dragon to the Dark One 3,000 years ago.
    2. Episode 105 - Stepin is trying to ward off Ishamael.

Book Character: Ishamael
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