Season 1 - The Dark Along the Ways

Work In Progress

Scenes are as identified by the TV series. The non-story scenes are listed first.

  • Scene 1 - Amazon Original
  • Scene 2 - Previously On
  • Scene 4 - Opening Credits
  • Scene 21 - End Credits


Scene 3 - Blood Snow#

On the slopes of Dragonmount, Tigraine, pregnant and in labor, defeats six Illian Companions[1] in battle, but not before being stabbed in the side. She grabs a cape and makes her way over to a boulder, puts the cape down, and prepares to give birth. As she is doing so, a seventh Companion[2], standing in front of her, points his heron-marked sword at her.

Scene 5 - The Ways#

The Two Rivers folk want Moiraine to re-open the Waygate so that Mat can get in, but she doesn't, saying that he made his choice. She remarks that they must continue on, and she and Lan start walking. Loial warns the Two Rivers folk against using the One Power because it will attract Machin Shin and then he leaves to catch up with Moiraine and Lan. The Two Rivers folk agree to find Mat when this is all over, and then they too continue onward.

Moiraine and Lan discuss the consequences of the Dragon Reborn being Mat and Moiraine says she would not allow him to get close to the Dark One.

As they walk along, Loial talks about the history of the Ways and how fruit trees once thrived on each of the "islands" and that the paths connecting the islands were once soft and verdant and covered in grass, but now, if someone were to fall off, they would fall forever.

Perrin tells everyone that he can see something ahead[3], but none of the others can see what he's talking about. They soon reach a guiding stone, but it has been marred as if someone or something tried to destroy it. Loial says he should be able to read it, but will need some time, so Moiraine says they should all get rest while they can. Lan tells Moiraine that something is following them. The Two Rivers folk eventually fall asleep.

Scene 6 - Machin Shin#

All are asleep, except for Lan. Egwene is awakened by a whistling sound. She wakes up Rand and then they both stand up. A flash of lightning shows a Trolloc jumping onto the island. With a instinctive channeling of the One Power, the Trolloc is sent back over the edge to plummet forever. Egwene apologizes for channeling[4]. Loial says that a Trolloc in the Ways is impossible and Lan says now they know how the Trollocs got to the Two Rivers. Moiraine adds that now they know what happened to the guiding stone. Perrin notices that it just got a lot colder. Loial says that Machin Shin translates to "Black Wind" and Moiraine tells everyone not to listen to what Machin Shin will say to them. Lan says that they won't make it to their intended Waygate and asks Loial how far it is to the Fal Dara one. Moiraine tells Loial to take them there. More lightning flashes.[5] They make it to the island with the Fal Dara Waygate when Machin Shin attacks.

Scene 7 - Fal Dara#

Scene 8 - Deliver a Message#

Padan Fain exits the Waygate.

Scene 9 - The Seer#

Scene 10 - We Leave at Dawn#

Scene 11 - The Only Woman I've Ever Loved#

Scene 12 - Purpose#

Moiraine worries that she's taken too much from Lan. Lan assures her that she has given him something to live and die for, which he did not have before. As he is leaving, she remarks that she likes Nynaeve.

Scene 13 - Family#

Lan makes his way through Fal Dara. He senses that Nynaeve is following him. He continues until he gets to a door and knocks on it. He enters and exchanges warm greetings with a family. Nynaeve moves closer so that she can see in through the windows. Lan and the family settle down for dinner. Lan senses that Nynaeve is still outside, so he leaves around back and sneaks up behind her, surprising her. He invited her inside to join him and she accepts.

Scene 14 - Should I Stay Or Should I Go#

After dinner, Lan and Nynaeve walk back together to his door. After a long silence, he bids her goodnight and goes into his room. About a minute later Nynaeve opens his door and enters. She asks him if he wants her to go and he kisses her in response. They then share an intimate moment.

Scene 15 - Hard-Won Experience#

Rand is practicing archery when Egwene approaches him, saying she waited an hour for him to come and apologize. He says he knows she will come to him when she's ready to talk. He apologizes for thinking that there was something between her and Perrin, but she says she's mad at him for thinking that she doesn't care about Mat. He encourages her to go to the White Tower for training and says that he'd be her Warder. She promises to stand by him if he's the Dragon Reborn.

Scene 16 - Dai Shin#

In Lan's room, he is asleep and Nynaeve is putting her braid back together. He wakes up and notices that she's preparing to leave. She asks him why he is called Dai Shin. He explains that it's the title for future kings of Malkier, but that doesn't matter anymore since Malkier was taken by the Blight when he was a child. He says that his family was killed and he was smuggled out the night the Blight took over. The family he visited last night were the ones who smuggled him out and brought him to Fal Dara. She says she now understands that he bonded with Moiraine for a sense of belonging. He tells her that Moiraine does not own her the same way the rest of the Two Rivers group does not own her. He then asks her to stay the rest of the night.

Scene 17 - The Dragon Reborn#

Rand and Egwene are in bed, with her asleep and him staring at the ceiling. He gets out of bed and heads towards the archery range. We start seeing flashbacks and other memories

By the end, he's hitting the bull's eye with every arrow.

Scene 18 - Something Impossible#

Rand walks into Min's tavern where she's closing up. He asks her to tell him that he's not the Dragon Reborn, which she does. She then says for him to look her in the eye and tell her that he wants to know what she has to say. She tell him about the first vision she ever had, which was a man in armor carrying Rand's heron-marked blade.

We switch back to the scene in the cold open, with Tam helping Tigraine give birth, and her dying soon afterwards. Min continues, saying she saw a baby born on the slopes of Dragonmount, with Tam raising this child in the Two Rivers and that the baby was "something impossible."

Rand asks Min what she sees now, and she answers "rainbows, carnivals and three beautiful women." He also asks her if he makes it back from the Eye of the World, but she doesn't answer and just grabs a bottle and stands up.

Scene 19 - It's Me#

It's morning and Egwene knocks on Nynaeve's door. When there's no answer, she goes inside and sees no one is in there and the bed is completely made. Nynaeve comes in shortly thereafter. Nynaeve apologizes to Nynaeve for stirring things up with the Two Rivers folk. Perrin enters next and closes the door behind him. Nynaeve asks them what they have decided to do and they both want to go to the Eye of the World. Egwene asks where Rand is and Perrin says he assumed he was with her.

Rand knocks on Moiraine's door. When she opens it, he tells her that he's the Dragon Reborn.

Lan knocks on Nynaeve's door. Nynaeve opens it and he comes in. He tells everyone that Moiraine has masked their bond. Egwene realizes that Moiraine and Rand have left together for the Blight.

Scene 20 - Into the Blight#

Rand and Moiraine enter the Blight in order to get to the Eye of the World.

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[1] We know that they are Illian Companions because of the seven bees on their breastplates.
[2] Tam
[3] Due to his connection with the wolves.
[4] It was actually Rand that did it.
[5] During one of those flashes, Padan Fain can be seen.

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