Barthanes Damodred
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Title: Lord Barthanes of House Damodred

Pronunciation: bahr-THAN-nehs DAH-moh-drehd

A Cairhienin lord, High Seat of House Damodred and cousin to Laman. He is second only to the king in power. His personal sign is the Charging Boar. The sign of House Damodred is the Crown and Tree. He is a Darkfriend.

Physical Description#

He is slim, handsome, and very tall for a Cairhienin. He has long, graying hair and black eyes. (TGH,Ch32)

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. Tor Website Q&A
    1. Barthanes was cousin to Laman.
  2. In The Great Hunt
    1. TGH,Ch30 - Barthanes is High Seat of House Damodred. The sign of House Damodred is the Crown and Tree. Barthanes' personal sign is the Charging Boar.
    2. TGH,Ch31 - Hurin tracks the stolen Horn to Lord Barthanes' manor.
    3. TGH,Ch34 - The men who kill Dena and attack Thom claim to be from Barthanes but are actually from Galldrian.
  3. In Lord of Chaos
    1. LoC,Ch18 - Rand establishes his School of Cairhien in Barthanes' abandoned palace a mile from the Sun Palace.

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