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WH: Offers

Faile POV#

Two Aiel women and a short gai'shain woman come up to Faile. From their conversation they are Therava and Someryn. They dismiss Rolan and the other Shaido spears.[1] Someryn laughs that they have more gai'shain for Sevanna, but Therava is stony and dominating.

Alliandre foolishly announces who she is and that her liege lady is also here. Sevanna rides up wearing wetlander clothes and asks if this is true. The gai'shain, Galina, met Alliandre when she was young and confirms her identity. Faile is certain that Sevanna is the one who was really responsible for Couladin and all the damage he did. Sevanna identifies Faile as the liege lady and Maighdin as her servant. At Sevanna's orders Galina Heals the captives. Faile is amazed the she is really Aes Sedai.

Sevanna then announces that a fifth sept, the Jonine, has joined them. Therava is not impressed, as there are still seventy-eight others. Sevanna rides off. It is clear to Faile that she and the Wise Ones hate each other. When Galina finishes with the Healing, the two Wise Ones leave and she follows. Other gai'shain bring food, white clothes and lots of jewelry that they are to wear.[2] Soon they are marching along with a column of Shaido. Faile, Alliandre and Maighdin become separated from Bain, Chiad, Lacile and Arrela.

After a while, several Wise Ones approach. Therava comes up to them and tells them they will be gai'shain until they are old unless they do what she says. They are to spy on Sevanna. If they learn something that pleases Therava she will see that they are left behind. A while later Galina joins them. She tells them she is on an important mission for the White Tower. She asks who Faile is and Faile tells her. Galina is keenly interested in Faile. She tells them that Sevanna has plans for Rand and would dearly like to have Perrin's wife as a hostage. Galina tells them she will keep their secret and help them escape if they retrieve a smooth white rod[3] from Therava's tent. After she leaves, Faile desperately tries to think of a plan of escape.

More Faile POV

Notes (Possible Spoilers)#

[#1] Including Manderic (KoD,Ch28) and Jhoradin. (KoD,Ch5)
[#2] One of the gai'shain is Aravine Carnel. (CoT,Ch9)
[#3] It is the binder.

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