Luthair Paendrag Mondwin
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Pronunciation: LEW-thair PAY-ehn-DRAG MON-dwihn

Son of Artur Hawkwing, he commanded the armies Hawkwing sent across the Aryth Ocean. His banner was a golden, spread-winged hawk clutching lightning bolts.

Physical Description#

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Great Hunt
    1. TGH,Ch34 - The spread-winged hawk clutching lightning bolts was the sign of Luthair Paendrag.
    2. TGH,Ch40 - Deain collared one of her sisters and brought her to Luthair Paendrag.
    3. The Great Hunt,Glossary - His banner was a golden, spread-winged hawk clutching lightning bolts.
  2. In The Path of Daggers
    1. TPoD,Ch23 - Furyk Karede recalls a family story that one of his ancestors was a nobleman who accompanied Luthair Paendrag to Seanchan.
  3. In Crossroads of Twilight
    1. CoT,Ch4 - Karede can tell from Almurat Mor's last name that his ancestors came with Luthair Paendrag.
  4. In Knife of Dreams
    1. KoD,Prologue - Captain-General Lunal Galgan ranks high among the Blood. He traces his ancestry back to the first who swore fealty to Luthair Paendrag.
  5. In The Gathering Storm
    1. TGS,Prologue - Tylee thinks her ancestors might have come from this land with Luthair Paendrag.

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