Lugard Road
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A major roadway in the Westlands that leads from Caemlyn to Lugard. Also, a major roadway that leads from Jehannah to Lugard. Also, a major roadway that leads from Ebou Dar to Lugard.

References (Possible Spoilers)#

  1. In The Dragon Reborn
    1. TDR,Ch33 - Moiraine, Lan, Perrin and Loial travel the Lugard Road to Remen and the Manetherendrelle River.
  2. In Winter's Heart
    1. WH,Ch9 - Elayne's estates at Danabar are some distance from the Lugard Road which will add to the cost of mining and transporting the alum deposits there.
  3. In Crossroads of Twilight
    1. CoT,Ch14 - Because the Black Tower is far from the Lugard Road, Elayne hopes that the Asha'man will not get involved with the Borderlands.
  4. In Knife of Dreams
    1. KoD,Ch27 - The major road from Ebou Dar to Lugard is known as the Lugard Road in northeast Altara.

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