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An Aiel who lived shortly after the Breaking and Rand's ancestor. He was greatfather to Rhodric. His father was Lewin.

Physical Description#

As an old man he has white hair. (TSR,Ch25)

Chronology (Possible Spoilers)#

  • After a raid, Jeordam takes several Jenn to his father's tent. Lewin tells them they have to fight if they stay. A woman named Morin accepts and Jeordam teaches her the spear. She tells him she saw his face in a dream. (TSR,Ch25)
  • Rhodric and Jeordam lead the Aiel that accompany the Jenn as they prepare to cross the Dragonwall. Garam gives them to draw water on his father's land. (TSR,Ch25)

Other References (Possible Spoilers)#

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